Burt Reynolds: A look back at his most iconic roles

Burt Reynolds: A look back at his most iconic roles

From “Smokey and the Bandit” to “Boogie Nights,” Reynolds was a sex symbol of the 70s and 80s known for his high-octane movie and TV roles.


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45 thoughts on “Burt Reynolds: A look back at his most iconic roles

  1. I always loved Burt Reynolds…he was so funny, so cool and I felt he was so underrated for his acting ability when he was truly acting like in Deliverance and some of his other serious roles.. RIP Burt, you will be missed.

  2. Burt. Was smoking hot back in his prime, way sexier then these new male stars. He was different, he had a fun personality,he could be very funny. Loved his laugh. Handsome and sexy as hell.

  3. That joke told correctly:
    Two bulls are up on the hill staring down upon their herd. The young bull says to the old bull "Hey let's run down there real quick and f*** one of those cows!"

    The old bull says "Nah, lets walk down…….and f*** em all"

  4. Awhile back I read that Burt's father was the chief of police in Riviera, Florida. His father was very stern and a strong disciplinarian.
    Throughout his childhood Burt's father expected him to be obedient and respectful. He felt that Burt needed to be a real man.
    Not showing his emotions and being number one in sports. On one occasion Burt's father beat him with a strap and shoved him into a
    closet because he failed to get a touch down while playing football in high school. Burt's father continued to discipline him throughout his 20s.

  5. What is success, really? Is it possessing good looks, making movies, raking in lots of money, and having sex with as many women as possible? While I am not going to stand in final judgment on anyone, for the good Lord will do that, we all need to take a hard look at what it is that truly makes a life successful. Let me say this… If you live your life without God, against God, and in total defiance of His Word, will and principles, you will not be deemed successful by the one who gave you the very breath of life, and that's where it counts most. Jesus said, "He that will save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake, shall find it." True success involves a "not my will, but thine be done" attitude toward God and life. It makes sense that if God made us, our happiness and success depends on following his instruction manual.

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