Even with Bishop Richard Malones department, the Diocese of Buffalo remains under scrutiny from law enforcement.
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#Nightline #BishopScandal #ClergyAbuse
Bishop Malone was a scapegoat.
Wow, these dirtbags hiding in plain site. Perverts. Simple.
Fucking retarded religious people. Why do we put up with their bullshit?
Satan is siting in the churches ruling, controlling these puppets, pulling the strings.
Satan's religion!
WATCH https://youtu.be/wTxja-J-LK8
Wtf there's no end for this nightmare.
Pedophilia! One of the oldest and strongest demons who governor the Roman Catholic Church!
Throughout the centuries there was never a Pope or a bishop who effectively could eliminate this ugly and horrible disease!
Its just the sort of world we live in, why not instead investigate into the allegations, when it is convenient to someone’s interest everyone goes all the way, but in cases like this people look to act “civilâ€ÂÂ.
More and more we can see what many people coming forward out of Washington DC were saying in the 70’s and 80’s , there is a pedofilia cult within the government that moves strong and has too many ties. It’s being used to black mail politicians male and female. It is just sheer madness. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Catholic Church has grip on this business. Time to burn some churches.
The current administration is just a disastrous example of this corruption; look at how Trump talked about his own daughter, then if you think that innocent look at the people he surrounds himself with.
Giuliani alone is rumored (not much of a rumor when the cases were filed and put on lock) before he became a prominent public figure, when he was in the law circuit; he presided over a case (a pedophilia case like no other ever heard of) involving a ring of child rape and torture, the figure was in the thousands, and it involved the children of soldiers stationed in American bases that were being offered free daycare and were being used in a ring of pedophilia.
Once people caught on what was happening and filed a lawsuit, Giuliani was the one called for to make it all go away. And so he did and from then on Giuliano’s career took off. Interesting eh?? And what a sad story as well, this is how this corrupt politicians betray even the soldiers that keep them in power.
The whole world is set up to show consequences for doing wrong. All have lied and stolen and looked with lust. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and his perfect standard. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. We are saved by grace through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works so no one can boast. And that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. We must be willing to turn from sin and self to receive Jesus forgiveness. And to know and live out his teachings. Fall in love with the Word of God. KJV, NKJV, NASB.
It is past time for U.N. security forces to raid the Vatican and all catholic churches. Sieze all documents and all the assets. Lock up all these pedos and solve world hunger with the proceeds.
They not only molest but ritualistically sacrifice children to their god Baal.
Problem solved:
He’s getting buffaloed
Hands off
I am confused, why is priest Rdyer still working at the church? Shouldn't he be in jail?
He should have been relieved from power in real time imprisoned until death
Hey Stephanopoulos explain your relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, you dirtbag!!!
Idc what anyone says, if I ever get close to him I am finna bend him over in the confessional booth. That old ass fine af 😘
Even these Priests know that their religion is BS, that's why they do whatever they want with no remorse.
Yet another POS cleric that thinks he's above the law.
Charlatans. Tax them all.