The 41-year-old actor lost his 90-day battle with coronavirus Sunday. ABC’s Mona Kosar Abdi reports.
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Very sad some think Covid is no diff then the Flu tell that to over 300.000 family's
لوتسب 0079672701955 whatapps📲
يمكنك العثور اعظم الاوÙÂÂÂرات المتخصصة علاجات المشاكل التيتواجه الرجال مع الدكتور طلØÂÂÂت ✨✨ تكبير الغضيب وتاخير الكب وزيادة قوة الانتصاب ✨✨
مناجل التواصل عنطريق واتس منخلال الرقم0079672701955
الـــواتساب 0079672701955 whatapps📲
يمكنك العثور اØÂÂÂسنالاوÙÂÂÂرات الخاصة ادوية المشااااكل الØÂÂÂنسية عند الخبير طلØÂÂÂÙ‡ ✨✨تطويل العضوالزكريوتوخير القذ٠وتقوية الانتصاب ✨✨
مناجل التواصل منخلال واتس اب على الرقم0079672701955
الواتســـاب 0079672701955 whatapps📲
يمكنلك تØÂÂÂصيل على اÙÂÂÂضل عروض المخصوصصة ادويه المشاكل الخاصه بغر٠النوم مع الخبير طلØÂÂÂت ✨✨اطالة القضيب وتطويل مدة الجماع وزيادة قوة الانتصاب ✨✨
مناجل التواصل عنطريق تطبيق واتس اب على الرقم0079672701955
الـواتـس اب 0079672701955 whatapps📲
بامكانك ايجاد اØÂÂÂسنعروض المتخصصة ادويه المشااااكل اليتواجه الرجال عند الخبير طلØÂÂÂت ✨✨زيادة ØÂÂÂجم العضوالزكريوتاخير القذ٠وزيادة قوة الانتصاب ✨✨
مناجل الاستÙÂÂÂسار عبر واتس اب عنطريق الرقم0079672701955
They look like the couple from king kong.
RIP. So very sad😢😢😢
So very sad to lose him. He will be missed. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.
In March 2020, Cordero was diagnosed with COVID-19 and was admitted to hospital on March 30.[17] His wife reported that he was in critical condition, on a ventilator, and being treated with dialysis and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).[18] On April 18, 2020, his right leg was amputated as a result of complications from his illness.[19]
As of May 1, 2020, he had major lung damage and had not regained consciousness after being taken off sedation.[20][21][22] By May 13, 2020, Cordero had regained consciousness.[17]
On July 5, 2020, after 95 days in the hospital, Cordero died at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. He was 41 years old.
Two legends we lost that rockcountry music and stunned the stage as we react by Stars the sudden loss of Nick Cordero of coronavirus at 41 over the past 90 days following that battle and we remember Charlie Daniels. As I told Carrie Underwood and the gang starting from Lady Antebellum to Little Big Town and other country music band members, I was shocked and sadden about The Devil Went Down To Geogia singer and fiddler. The Charlie Daniels Band mourn their loss at 99. Tough week so sad to be seeing them gone.
Speaking of someone dying today that people actually have heard of the great Charlie Daniel's died today.
Rip sir 😥
2020 go away !!!!
Prayers and thoughts, Hugs and Love to the Cordero Family!
Very sad. A man with so much to look forward to. Forty one and died horribly of complications from co19. Think hard about that anybody who feels safe because of their youth.
how many died from cancer today no news for that
he did not died from covid 19 he died from someing else
RIP nick Cordero😥😰😪ðŸ˜ÂÂÂ😇
I’m so sorry. May he Rest In Peace ðŸ˜â€ÂÂ