Brittney Griner set to appear in Russian court l GMA

Brittney Griner set to appear in Russian court l GMA

The WNBA All-Star has been held in Moscow on drug charges since mid-February.

#ABCNews #BritneyGriner #Russia #WNBA


44 thoughts on “Brittney Griner set to appear in Russian court l GMA

  1. Dumb jackass stupid ignorant moron fck, how anybody decides to go overseas and test other countries laws!!! STAY THERE DUMBASS LEARN A VALUABLE LESSON IN LIFE!!

  2. Enough of this nonsense! Send over Antifa to bust her out of the Pokie'ski! 🤣

  3. The comments are harsh but true. She whined about being oppressed here in the good ol USA and complained about the anthem and people are racist yada yada… Maybe now she realizes white privilege doesnt exist here in America. We all have privilege because we were all lucky enough to be born here. Sorry Brittany…. Not really

  4. 49 plus decades ago, there was a commercial that scared me. It advertised how getting caught with drugs whether exporting or importing outside the USA is a very serious offense, with possible death. Better to get caught inside the USA then outside of the USA with drugs. And when I seen the 1978 movie, ' Midnight express.' It convinced me. Don't mean I didn't use drugs, I messed up my life and my dear ones. Yet, I am going on 35+ years of recovery, for today; as well as redeeming myself with my children. They are so worth it. 🥰
    Pray for her, she's gonna need it.

    Doesn't matter how many people are watching Robin Roberts I know you'll stay on top of this grave Injustice!! I think it's ridiculous that she hasn't been home already.
    She is Blk.
    Professional Athlete.
    Gay Woman.
    The latter doesn't matter to me but over in that country it certainly does. I have a bigger question with our government Like she should have been home.
    We both know if it was any other individual "quote on quote".
    President Biden would be doing a press conference at the airport. He won't get my vote. Nor will I give my vote to any stinking Republican. But clearly Republican or Democrat you can clearly see this is this grave Injustice being done here to this young lady and she deserves to be home.!!!!!!
    Bureaucratic BS being done during the Ukraine war putting her life and her freedom in harms way for what?????
    Surely the US government. Can get her home.
    Second of all I
    Personally being the US citizen and all my damn descendants I wouldn't travel to that country for nothing in the world especially during a damn War. She needs to be home and I find it appalling that there's so many Americans talking so much crap which they'll probably first generation babbling can barely say their ABCs you know go to hell or go back to your country but this woman deserves to be free. And back home.

  6. Stop supporting Wrong I don't give a darn who you are. He's not above the Law. USA don't owe Britney do do. She's Broke the Law Let him take his lick I did my time for weed. That's her dope head butt. She know Russia don't play with USA just Trump Only. She was wtong. She could have got all the dope she wanted in Houston Texas she's really addicted on drugs if she attempt to bring drugs from Russia This dude Wasn't thinking She need mental treatment And a good as whipping

  7. Isn’t this the person that walks off the court whenever the national anthem is sung? Leave her there, I am sure that she / he (whatever it is) is strong, independent, doesn’t need any help and happier there.

  8. Is that a tyranny in women's sport and bringing drugs into another country. 🤔 Some countries don't want the depraved American way.

  9. Don’t break laws when you are not in America.

  10. I hope they send her to the gulag, you won't be treated like no affirmation action kween there! 😆

  11. Some,some of these athletes have an elitist attitude. You go to a foreign country,DON'T take anything that could jeopardize your stay. How many times we have heard of horror stories from Americans detained for less than that.

  12. For all those saying she broke their laws so she should face their punishment… don’t forget she is being tried by a Kangaroo court in a Country that uses LE to oppress the population and kill political opponents. We have no idea if she had vapes or not

  13. She knew the rules over there don’t feel a bit sorry for her 😂

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