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Briefing Room: New immigration rules, Trump’s latest comments | ABC News

What about the mental health problem not the guns as a problems . Will not give my 2nd constitution rights . You can work on the 14th amendment birth rights
Dear ms. Gomez mass shootings are not normaly done with leagle guns and there is no loophole in background checks fact is crooks dont buy their guns from gun shops they buy off the street thats part of what makes background checks futile also it is cruel and unusual to strip a person of constitutionaly protected rights forever ,when a person has paid their debt to society their rights should be restored in full ! Also all gun control laws are unconstitutional as there shall be no laws that limit a persons rights under the constitution the supreme law . Lets punish criminals not gun owners say add 50 to 100 years to the sentence for the use of a gun on top of the time for the crime itself doing so will surely drop gun crime and not infringe on the rights of the peaple win win situation !
Immigration blah blah blah meanwhile the Amazon burns and Trump has said NOTHING about and done NOTHING, is just playing golf. You guys realize that we die without oxygen right? Let's follow the right-wing agenda and burn down all the forests on the whole planet in the name of not caring about the environment and just die from lack of oxygen.. There's really nothing you can say this time Trump idiots, your president is a pathetic waste..
People crossing our borders illeagally are not refugees. Cindy has practiced her comments and parsed her words like a true politician. The incivility is coming from the left, but she accuses the right because she hates Trump. If she were sincere, she would help him to clean a very corrupt swamp. But she isn't, is she. All she has done is criticize. This after Trump was gracious enough to give her husband a Presidential send off when he passed. She is vindictive, ungrateful & possibly working with the swamp. God will be her judge, just as He is her husbands.
Call their families back home, then send them there. Problem solved.
Legal human trafficing and abusing children under the law is wrong
What they need to do is not to have gun sales in stores and they need better rules like only the police department should be able to have them and only military
Is Trump the Anti Christ ?
I had to check that this was actually an ABC News production , some of the sound and video quality was low DIY. Beyond 45's rediculous "chopper talk" noise the mayor interview could have been done by high school students.
ya have to get better bodgy I.D, that’s about all,back round checks will achieve. People escape from jail on motorbikes, how hard is it to get around that crap, wake up Mr Trumpet 🎺
Trumps doing good. ðŸ’ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ¾â€ÂÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂÂðŸ’ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ¼â€ÂÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
Brown, Black, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, Jews! Who's next? Catholics, Christians? Irish, Italians? Hates insatiable appetite will never be satisfied!
Detain children?!? Who really cares? Playground for abuse!
Mr. Trump, you say is dividing American Jews? You guys Shure can sling it.
About the democrat thing. You can vote for sharia law if you want. Americans are going to elect Mr. Trump to protect our constitution from you.
It's only called detention until you deport. If you want to remain in jail, that is your choice.
ganga are hazardous to your health. I don't even think there is a law against a crime with a stolen weapon. I live in California, everything here is legal and free.
Who is law abiding
Your not listening to the millions of people who want to protect our 2nd amendment rights. Why are your hundreds of thousands more important than our millions.
Automatic voting… does that mean non citizens as well? If so, forget about it.
POTUS is right. We do have I'd checks, et all, but there are people who want to eliminate gun ownership. They are chipping away at it all the time. They use these shootings to scare people, and as an excuse. Cities and states w/the most restrictive gun laws, have the highest crime rates. Criminals know homeowners and tenants won't be able to defend themselves. More people are murdered by knife than guns. Maybe, the NRA should have a curriculum in all high schools. They do an outstanding job of educating. Biden said himself, "even poor kids can learn". Are U calling him a liar? A Chinese General said, he won't invade the U.S. directly because there is a gun behind every bush. You all are pushing to disarm Americans, but you all can afford private security. Non gun owners are joining the NRA, just to afford them the ability to protect our Constitutional rights.
Wouldn't you know he changed his mind….bull shit this guy is corrupt to the max..families of the murdered should be in h.up roar, he is a liar mean while people keep on dying left and right, vote him out
trump asserts "hate has no place in this country". It sure has a place at trump rallies! It sure has a place in immigration policy espoused by trump's senior advisor Steven Miller who is the instigator of the cruel travesty on the south border .
I think Agent Orange in the WH should put his son Baron in jail/detention for 20 days.
Democrats and Leftist support open borders.
Common Sense people support border security.
Half the population owns over a billion guns while the other half dont know which bathroom to go to!!
"This is a human issue." 45 should be protecting the people, not the NRA. If they say guns are for protection, it only means the government is not doing its job in protecting and serving the people.
More guns, more money for NRA.
We in the rest of the world (who have different problems) looks at the US in disbelief with the gun laws and NRA power. This is all about the amendments set by the forefathers who lived 2 centuries ago??
The best way to reduce gun violence is to train every citizen how to use handguns. Sweden have zero shootings because the government make EVERYONE hold ammo, receive training and nothing stops a bad guy with a gun better than a good guy with a gun. If you rely on government to protect you by taking away guns, YOU WILL become a target for government. Look at history, with every disarmed public, it is followed by a culling of population. FACT!
The democrats are behind the shootings. We the people are not behind any Gun control
We already have the strong background checks
First-timer here I like what I see I like the panel I like the discussion concerns about our people across the board and thank you for reporting this means a lot to all of us
The only public health emergency here is the mental state of politicians who think they're going to take guns from law abiding citizens. They need to get their pea brains together and try to figure out how to get and keep guns from criminals, not the rest of us.
Our government needs to get their shit together ! And us as the people to actually make moves and educate ourselves !!
Are all these shootings done by legal, law abiding gun owners ?