Briefing Room: Impeachment inquiry latest, time running out on cease fire in Syria, opioid crisis

Briefing Room: Impeachment inquiry latest, time running out on cease fire in Syria, opioid crisis

#Trump #TrumpImpeachment #SyriaCeasefire #ABCNews

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37 thoughts on “Briefing Room: Impeachment inquiry latest, time running out on cease fire in Syria, opioid crisis

  1. Again taken out of context Any blood shed since he said bring them home. If shed before as claimed then he is saving american lives. Typical bias. for information I am not an american but your media is pathetically biased.

  2. I would love you to research what the hell Obama was talking about about a civilian security Force. I think should find out who these people who developed what these objectives were . It might be relevant today. It could have been the objectives was the turn us over into a communist government.

    Who created Obama's national security objectives?

    Months before Election Day Obama made the following frightening proclamation: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've gotta have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

    Seeing how our government is focusing on home-schoolers, people with gardens, gun owners and Christians, I demand to know who "We've" is and what were those goals? Do you think Congress, if they are not already in lock step in creating a police state, might demand to know who shaped these objectives and what they are, under oath?

    We are running out of time folks regarding what the Hell Obama was really talking about. Hell he sold us a bill of goods on ObamaCare. I want to know why the government is running drills on conditioning our military and police to fire on civilians while we fund Al Qaeda in Middle East!
    Could this explain the purge of our most experienced high ranking military officers? Hello! Ask your senators and congressman for answers to these questions! But then again, maybe they already sold us out!


    Joseph DuPont

  3. What are you talking about did your script say rant? I watched it he did not rant telling Americans what's going on is not a rant. Msm how do you know what's going on with the SECRET hearings with Schiff is he leaking you info that's Illegal. The transcripts are not public. Secret meetings are facists tactics why are you not reporting that.

  4. Of course he's losing money… Its what he does… He's paid for his place in society with his parent's money and now our tax money… This is all so stupid and self serving…he really does only care about himself…

  5. Oh, come, Trump! The taxpayers were to pay for that summit and then we all know you would have pocketed the money you asked of your guests to pay for 10 rooms per person like you did in the past. This was to supplement the hotel that was financially doing poorly.

  6. It may be boring but what's more important..boredom or transparency??
    Typical bad comments here from alphabet media lovers who just follow these partisan hacks comments and can't think for themselves.

  7. Trump is having a challenge in focusing on the relevant. Insisting Doral was a great idea. Still cannot address emollients, & has not turned over taxes. Said no blood spilled in Syria, but that is far from exact.

  8. So there’s no commitment to support and save Lives, but there’s a huge commitment to support and save Oil Money!
    The lives of allies doesn’t count, but oil money does… GOD really has turned to Gold, Oil Money…

  9. Show America that you have done it for free then! Any word coming out from his mouth is 99.99% a liar ! Impeach and remove this clown! He is the worst embarrassment for America!

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