Briefing Room: Hunter Biden interview, Ohio Democratic Debate, Trump impeachment latest | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

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50 thoughts on “Briefing Room: Hunter Biden interview, Ohio Democratic Debate, Trump impeachment latest | ABC News”
  1. Not a single mention of China in the debate. What exactly Trump did to be called "criminal" ? Not a single specifics all just insult and name calling. Also what about Bidens corruption in the Ukrine and China where he used his power to get a business deal for his son. HYPOCRITE!

  2. unbelievable if its not north korea its this forget world peace no one wants it .
    this we can all agree on . it's all self serving and truth is just a word by now !!

  3. All these jobs he mentions would be available to him unless he were Joes Son. Both the Amtrac and the World such and such are Gov run. He got the position due to influence. When the Ukraine pros was getting to close to this corruption Joe had him fired. 125 million n small donors says it all. Trump 2020. N and out of rehab 70 times. SO that's where he learned to lie so well.

  4. Hunter should run as VP and Joe could be President I can’t wait for my make Biden’s even richer hat

  5. These democrat sociopathic liars are in control of many of our government positions and they have zero sense of right and wrong. Let that sink in. Frightening.

  6. Drop the IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY or face CIVIL WAR!!!🇺🇸😡🖕🗡🛡🏹⚔⚒

  7. Rudy Giuliani stupid if he stone wall the congress or local law enforcement. That’s is automatic GUILTY and will go to prison for sure.

  8. You slack jaw Communist are part of a coup attempt against a sitting president… what's the matter you turned off comments on your stream… wusses.. Hunter Biden got a Dishonorable Discharge from the Navy at the age of 45 for Cocaine use and then gets billions … hes a coke head

  9. ? ? – Democrats Add God Back to Platform After Booing, Voting Three

    – Democrats' Efforts To Reinsert 'God' And 'Jerusalem' Into Platform Met

    – 2012 DNC Convention Erupts Over Gd, Israel Being in Platform

    – Convention floor erupts as Dems restore references to God, Jerusalem

  10. The opening remarks in this video, The fact that EW's healthcare views are scary to some goes to show the power of misinformation and quite frankly , lies, about universal health care and why Americans DESERVE it
    Why should we be any different from Canada, England, most of Europe and Australia?
    Why should our health coverage be tied to our employers !?

  11. Hunter, name your actual experience to warrant these large amounts of 83,000 per month Ukraine lobby money and extreme large amount of Chinese funds for Military aviation technology and Gas sector investment 1.8 billion trust from the Chinese Govt… bet you cant liar….

  12. United States Senate Financial Committee findings on Joe Biden and his son hunter while Joe was Vice President, and Hunter was on the board of Rosemont Seneca
    Full Senate Committee findings and allegations to sales of Military Aviation Technology By Hunter Biden To the Chinese using Vice President Joe Biden as intermediary.
    Also findings on Biden's investigation of involvement of sale of Uranium through State Department Sale of Uranium One to Russian leadership with help of Robert Muller (then FBI Director) who hand delivered the Uranium and authorized by Obama and Clinton to a Russian air strip tarmac meeting in Russia with Vladimir Putin by hand in Person
    Full Senate Documents:.
    Filed Charles E. Grassley – Chairman Senate Committee on Finance


  14. ABC news is a joke! Its obvious Trump did not withhold aid to the Ukrainian government. Hunter Biden got a job because of his daddy and that prosecutor was investigating Joe Biden as well as Hillary. I guess the fake news are just ignoring the tapes coming out of Ukraine stating that they were investigating Joe and that they were asked to help Hillary dig up dirt on Trump. It would be funny if it wasn't so abhorrent. Also, ABC putting out a video of a target practice put on in Kentucky and claiming it was Turkey attacking the Kurds. Shame on these biast horrible people!

  15. This media bias makes me want to puke. Millions of dollars later, lawyers made a shit ton of money, and no laws were broken. Dems now want to find another issue to impeach on but it backfired.

    Trump called Ukraine to investigate Biden Jr.

    An alcoholic, drug addict with no energy sector experience who was making $50,000.00 a MONTH in the Ukraine, and sat on the board of a Chinese company while his dad runs for office., to secure more nepotism based contracts.

    While they waste money chasing an election they lost
    While they give favors to families and friends
    While every Democratic based inner city crumbles with crime

    I want one, sane, educated DEM to change my mind on this bs.

    Help me understand your unwavering loyalty to the lies of the Democratic Party.

    Help me.


  16. Trump wants other countries to investigate Biden's son. Exactly what crime is he supposed to have done? If you can't name a crime then it's just a fishing expedition. Bad precedent to start.

    Why is Trump asking other countries to investigate? He has the FBI and CIA at his disposal. Probably because they need real crimes to investigate, not made up political spin.

    If we are going to start investigating the kids of politicians, then let's look at Ivanka. She has gone to China and other countries and got dozens of trademarks for her company. She got a security clearance when she couldn't qualify for one. I bet if we investigate Trump's kids we'll find a lot of bad stuff.

    Remember when "The buck stops here" meant you took responsibility? Now it seems to mean that Trump's family gets to line their pockets and make a profit.

  17. I thought ABC was for the truth ! Now im hearing ABC news is showing pictures of a gun range in ky and its actual war footage in Syria against the curds ? Dear Lord Trump is telling the truth about fake media . WTF

  18. Why is he to do whatever he wants and get away with it ? because 60% of Americans like the ungodly did you ever think about that

  19. #45 lies at a far greater rate than “Pinocchio” ,however no offense against “Pinocchio” because he is a “beloved fictional character”….go figure……Full Stop 🛑

  20. Remember when Trump said he will not sell his business nor place his assets in a blind trust while serving as president? Instead, Trump’s company will NOT enter into new foreign deals and will appoint an ethics adviser who must approve any new domestic deals in writing, according to the ethics arrangement the president-elect laid. The lawyers also promised that Trump’s businesses and assets will be put into a trust for the duration of the presidency and added he will have “no involvement whatsoever” in the businesses. Trump had terminated “all pending deals” and would impose “severe new restrictions” on new deals in the United States. Trump’s foreign interests in the countries: Argentina | Azerbaijan | Bermuda | Brazil | Canada | China | Dominican Republic | Georgia | India | Indonesia | Ireland | Israel | Mexico | Panama | Philippines | Qatar | Russia | Saudi Arabia | Scotland | South Korea | St. Martin | St. Vincent | Turkey | United Arab Emirates | Uruguay | Trump’s sprawling web of foreign properties and investments, which includes some projects completed during his presidency or still under development, reveals a litany of apparent efforts by foreign business leaders and governments to gain influence with the leader of the free world. Some of the developers behind Trump-branded projects are under scrutiny for exploitative business practices. In many of these countries, developers work in close proximity to political power and wealthy businessmen have outsized influence with the government. In addition to foreign-based business interests, Trump properties in the U.S. have also raked in considerable sums from foreign clientele. Foreign actors looking to influence U.S. policy in several cases have coupled foreign influence efforts with visits to Trump properties. The Trump Organization pledged to contribute all profits from foreign governments to the U.S. Treasury. In February, the company announced it had contributed $191,538 in foreign profits to the U.S. Treasury. Details of how that number is calculated have been kept under wraps and the comparably small sum donated to the Treasury raise questions about what is and isn’t included in that number. For example, Saudi Arabia’s government alone spent more at Trump International Hotel in the four months after Trump won the presidency than the entire Trump Organization donated to cover foreign profits either year. Qatar’s mission to the United Nations bought an apartment valued at $6.5 million in New York’s Trump World Tower on Jan. 17, one month after a judge ruled that President Donald Trump was not violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution when receiving Qatari rent, The Guardian reports. Before the sale, the Qatari government owned three other units in Trump World Tower, bringing the total of its purchases in the building to $16.5 million. In an email, Qatari spokespeople said the units house diplomatic staff that work at the U.N. headquarters, which is just across the street from the Trump building. “These apartments, plus the recent unit, were all purchased due to their location, nothing more,” they wrote. According to a watchdog group, the governments of Afghanistan, India, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia were already paying in excess of $225,000 a month in charges in the building.

  21. If you can’t make it through life without drugs you the Jesus Christ the one who is the giver of life. He can change your life!

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