#TrumpImpeachment #Vote2020 #TrumpFlorida #ABCNews
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If Americans are truly divided, it's because of "your lies" ABC.
I'd like to know what makes the guy in the middle think we don't want him impeached and removed. Could it be media like the guy in the middle? Despite consistent transcripts from public servants saying there was quid pro quo?
Trump wins that state
Fake news putting out a poll???
Yes, I don't care how, just do it. He should not have been elected. He has not shown a good reason to reelecte him. Bafoon
If ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS reported the truth, the question would not even have come up. More titillation reporting for the sake of ratings and profits
America’s high ideals still an essential contribution to world peace and justice✌ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
🇺🇸 Is encouraging search of peace ☮ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
You are all being setup for another spectacular failure just like the Mueller investigation…. Senate will vote no to impeachment and then legally its over. All the while giving Trump a massive platform to rally his base and slander democrats. Trump is going to win by a landslide 2020… I am Canadian and even I can see this coming…
So you think taxes pay for air force 1 ? As long as its someone eles like greta's not gona hereafter anyways. Your right
New bullshit it's only your opinion. We should be questioning you news people and your bosses.
I am fed up with news people saying what they think. How about the rest of us you dam liars.
What happened to real news? This is a one sided joke.
Yeah let’s give the IRS more power! Fools….they already armed the IRS why does the IRS need guns?
Fake news fake poll
You can take your pole and you know where you can put it!! Liars!! The American people can clearly see the Democratic demon party!! President Trump will be re-elected Hallelujah!!!!
Quid pro quo : NOUN
[a favor or advantage granted or expected in return for something] .
And furthermore what about the ongoing violations of the “emoluments clause†by the current administration.
When a U.S. President publicly states that he or she would like a foreign entity to interfere in the U.S. elections system, that should be an open and shut case against that sitting President
“Follow the money “💰…… Full Stop 🛑
POLLS are just a snap shot, they mean Nothing!!! The main stream media are they only ones stating that the country is divided on impeachment. They truly believe that Americans are stupid enough to really believe that they are telling us the truth! Have you ever been contacted to poll your opinion?? I haven’t. 😂
much rather live in Florida then new York warm weather and sunshine yes please.
“Americans divided†is all that need be said to describe the problems with our country.
The jurisdiction where the infraction is committed does not change even if "U " move the moon. "U " really shouldn't pay lawyers for bad advice that's basic knowledge even on TV.
government shutdown from the orange incoming
Will the side that im on believes in guns, fuck the Democrats
🎼 Nah nah nah nah …Nah nah nah nah… Hey hey GOOOOOOD BYEEE!!!!! …Rock on baby rock on ! 🙋ðŸÂ¾â€ÂÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
We are now in the age of another CIVIL WAR against TRUMP-HATERS!!!🇺🇸😡ðŸâ€â€Â¡🛡âšâ€ÂÂÂðŸÂ¹⚒💣💥
Who cares
Trum needs to go
People that talk shit about Trump seem to have amnesia. Since he's been in office, the Korean war ended, Afganistan, Iraq, & Syria plus Yemen including Ukraine wars have stopped. I live in L.A. & been living here since 2011. From 2011 to 2016, construction was at an all time low in this city, but since 2017, construction has been booming in every part of L.A. when you come visit L.A., just hop on the Expo metro train & you will notice the construction is everywhere. There were 2 casinos in Vegas that stopped construction during the 1 year I was living their from June 2015 – September 2016, but after I left & moved to L.A., 3 yrs after I left I went back to Vegas to visit & was surprised to see there are at least 3 new casinos being built.
I know for a fact Seattle construction is booming, plus in New York City they're building I think 2 scyscrapers on Billionaires Row.
Obama, Bush, Clinton administration's didnt have nothing like what's happening now during the Trump administration, so all you baby boomers can you please shut the fuck up with your ignorant remarks about this man. Thank you.
Well it doesn't matter now that they want to impeach him. He already served 3 years of his term, if anything they should have impeached him within the first week of his term why they gave him 3 years and to do it before elections?
Warren and so many Dems want this. Have ALWAYS wanted it. Nothing new.
BUT… it never happens.
The media is biased and people who don’t take the time to fact check are completely misinformed. Media only caters to the extreme left so that’s the only narrative that Americans hears. Disgusting!
Totally a bs – even two dems said no lol
The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors
I wonder why ANBODY has asked Questions about how someone named James Biden (yes you guessed it younger brother of Joe Biden) recieved 1.5 BILLION dollar contract from Iraq for overseeing construction contract. The funny (I am not talking about funny haha) but rather really suspicious is that James Biden has absolutely no experience in construction, NONE. Sounds familiar, yes me too.
The only thing happening to trump is his re-election in 2020