Bridge collapse, fallen heroes, rugby-playing duchess: Week in Photos

Bridge collapse, fallen heroes, rugby-playing duchess: Week in Photos

A look at the week’s top photos from around the globe.


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17 thoughts on “Bridge collapse, fallen heroes, rugby-playing duchess: Week in Photos

  1. The PEOPLE that came to the AID of those in the collapse in the first few minutes are the real Hero's even if they only think they were doing the right thing…. Their are fewer and fewer of us that step forward and risk it to do the RIGHT THING… As WE USED TOO… BLESS YOU ALL. AND THANK YOU for Showing the WORLD THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO WEAR A UNIFORM OR BE ASKED YOU JUST STEP UP AS PEOPLE ALWAYS USED TOO.

  2. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you."
             Psalm  50 :15

  3. The PEOPLE that came to the AID of those in the collapse in the first few minutes are the real Hero's even if they only think they were doing the right thing…. Their are fewer and fewer of us that step forward and risk it to do the RIGHT THING… As WE USED TOO… BLESS YOU ALL. AND THANK YOU for Showing the WORLD THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO WEAR A UNIFORM OR BE ASKED YOU JUST STEP UP AS PEOPLE ALWAYS USED TOO.

  4. To all libs… Go love yourself and let’s go Brandon, I agree!!!

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