Breaking down Tiger Woods’ stunning career comeback to win Masters at 43

Breaking down Tiger Woods’ stunning career comeback to win Masters at 43

The pro-golfer won his first major title in 11 years after being plagued by a series of professional and personal setbacks including treatment for sex addiction and chronic back injuries.


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39 thoughts on “Breaking down Tiger Woods’ stunning career comeback to win Masters at 43

  1. He’s human like the rest of us with triumphs and shame. Without question though, he is the greatest golfer to ever play the game and he is on the Mount Rushmore of most iconic athletes in history!

  2. Hmmmm…somehow they failed to mention the spinal fusion surgery that allowed him to make this comeback. The guy could barely walk and sit down because his back was so fucked, let alone play golf.

    Good journalism until that point, but thats a ridiculous oversight.

  3. The reason people love Tiger is because he does all those things the insane media criticise him for. Why? Because that's how EVERYONE lives. Except a few saints, who the media say all sports people should be.


  5. did you just listen to yourself that tiger is not great do you want him dead to be great because only after your death they proclaim you great how much greater to you want him to be before you take him as THE greatest guy, i know you did'nt mean that you were on the air but let me tell you you will never have another great like tiger never NEVER IN HISTORY AND NOW IN 2019 HE PROVED IT BIGGER THAN EVER AGAIN THAT THAT TO THE BANK dont ever let that word not great ever comes out of your mouth again and i wish you read my comment ps-have you ever seen changes to sport avenue just becuse of one man that alone spell greatness and thank god tennis will never change course

  6. The personal scandal was his fault, of course, but it doesn't mean he's a terrible person. He was raised as a very odd child, not like most. He was raised to basically be superhuman. He had no "common" childhood or young adulthood. In his early 30s he decided to be wild and have the type of "fun" he never had. Never ok, but we've all dealt with personal struggles…his caused him to be blind to the fact that he was living a lie of an intimate life for years. But when it all came out, he owned up to it, confronted his mistakes head on, and began working to better himself. The back injury was devastating and no one who hasn't had back problems can ever truly know what kind of pain he went through. Not being able to sit or stand or do anything, for months and years. His mistake in 2017 at 3am was the product of an extremely depressed man turning to a mix of prescription drugs and THC to temporarily block out the misery. Many of us have felt those lows in our lives as well. We're human, and sometimes we just reach our breaking point. Thank goodness he didn't decide to take it further…to physical self harm…which many do. Yet, through all this, as a huge Tiger fan all these years, I never stopped believing he could win majors again. If the back problem never got fixed, he was done…we all knew that. If you can't swing a club, it doesn't matter how talented you are, it's physically not possible to play well again. But as soon as he had that fusion surgery and could swing a club and hit full shots again just a handful of months later, the game was back on. I knew he could do it, if he went out there and just relied on his natural talent to guide him. And he did. He went back to using technique of his early days, based on feel and natural talent. Eliminated the overly-mechanical stuff. Went from over 1,000 in the world to now #6 in just a little over a year. When he contended at the British last year I knew he was capable of winning every major played again; he just had to have everything click in the same week and hope nobody else pulled away from the field. These guys of today are so incredible talented. Koepka, Rory, DJ, JT, all of em. The most difficult competition Tiger has ever faced. But he stayed focused. He prepared to perfection going into this tournament. He just plugged along the first three days and put himself in excellent shape on Sunday. He didn't make any big mistakes on Sunday because again, he was back to relying on his natural feels and talent, which is still by far the best in the world. And then when other guys made back-9 mistakes, he put the throttle down and made clutch birdies to jump into the lead. I knew he'd win #15. The feeling is so hard to describe because it's been so long. 11 years. Just think about that. The last time he won a major was before he had that reconstructive knee surgery! It feels like an eternity ago. Yet, through of all these obstacles, I can't say I'm surprised one bit that he has broken through with his 15th major. He's always had other-worldly talent. As long as his body allowed him to, he was always going to find a way back to the top, however long it took and however difficult it was. The silencing of all the hateful bigots who only attacked and criticized him for years and years after the 2009 scandal feels amazing. All they said was he'd never win another tournament, let alone another major. They were convinced Tiger the man, the mind, was broken for good. He wasn't. He never was. He just lost sight of what made him whole, and he had to find it again. And man did he find it again. Amazing story.

  7. These ABC people doing the commentary are such idiots. We and everyone else loves Tiger regardless of what he does off the course. Everyone wants him to wi. Always. Period. No matter the circumstances.

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