Breaking down how the Iowa caucuses work l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The Iowa caucuses, which have been the first nominating contest in the country since 1972, mark the official start of the presidential election season.

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By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “Breaking down how the Iowa caucuses work l ABC News”
  1. So, there are almost 1,700 precincts but only 41 delegates, so how are delegates awarded? Since the delegates are not awarded based on statewide vote percentages (e.g. popular vote), then it stands to reason that each delegate must represent a number of precincts. This seems like a very convoluted process that is wide open to manipulation.

  2. This is Coming to all of America if these Dangerous Left Wing Anti-American Commies get Power in 2020 or Beyond…among all of these cities it would be rare to find one or more led by republican officials. what excuses do the democrats offer for these consistent failures? they control the school systems, law enforcement, city government, public services and local tax rates. the only thing they don’t control is the weather. at what point do the citizens of these cities realize that continuing to elect liberal democrats will lead to more failures? electing democrats proves einstein’s theory that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. poverty, crime, lawlessness, homelessness, rats, diseases, garbage, & human feces, is it just a coincidence that many of the greatest cities in america became poverty-infested hellholes once the democrats took charge of things? detroit, baltimore, chicago, nyc, st. louis, san francisco, philadelphia, los angeles, oakland and memphis ect…. were all once great cities. but after an extended period of control by the democratic party each one of them has become a festering crisis that never seems to end. if we could just convince liberal democrats and the rino republicans to self-deport. i suspect that our crime rates, poverty, homelessness, rats, diseases, garbage, & human feces would significantly decrease in an evening or two…. one can only dream.

  3. Iowa Democratic caucuses was found by white wealthy elite, just look all the participants: 65% women, 99% participates are all white, to have Democratic Party telling us how much they care value diversities, then to let these small elite group of wealthy people to tell rest of country how to vote in general election is joke.

  4. Some people have suggested we need voting cards with thumbprint matching detection. Perfect resolution, no, but sad to say with so much corruption that may be the closest thing to an honest voting system we are going to get these days. Demand the peoples vote has at least the security of passports!

  5. Trump sent his entire family to the state while it is doing the democratic caucus so that as many people as possible couldn’t get out to vote because:
    —-they couldn’t use a mode of travel as usual because the PRESIDENT”S family was in town,
    — half the state had to go work for the Trump family being there because it requires so many people to be there when he’s there
    —-they became so frustrated. I would have.
    TRUMP COULD SEND HIS family (in addition to all of the republican’s that had to be there or broken arm/legs for you) 365 days a year to IOWA to tell them how important they were, but he picked the one day that he knew would disrupt everything. When he came to NC, the entire state of NC,SC and half of VA was a clustermuck. Way to go buddy! If you can’t participate and if these people are not kissing your ROYAL arse by even participating, then do what you do best which is screw it up for everyone!!

  6. Are you a billionaire like Bloomberg? Just buy your way to the election, the elite Democrats don’t care about your vote anyways.

  7. This caucus system is rigged beyond believe..Nobody understands how it works even the anchors don't.

  8. You republic mf show paying attention to who coming to kick this bastard out of office if HE DON'T CHEAT AGAIN foh STUPID bastards.. I'm sick of all this dumb shit..

  9. Couple hundred people shows up and you think this means anything worthy of talking about? In Iowa? Seriously. Love that this has more dislikes than likes. HAHAHAHA!

  10. My Dream Ticket for beating Trump:
    Bloomberg & Stacey Abrams 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸

    We would get the following VOTES…Independents/MeToo/African Americans/LGBT/Students 4 Gun Control/Silicon Valley Billionaires & Start-Up Employees

  11. Now if only the actual elections had a "second alignment" phase like the caucus… if you're not supporting one of the top candidates then your vote means nothing.

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