Brazil’s air force deployed tankers to drop water on the Amazon as it burns

Brazil’s air force deployed tankers to drop water on the Amazon as it burns

Villagers in the area are helping to stop the fire by dousing hotspots with buckets.


33 thoughts on “Brazil’s air force deployed tankers to drop water on the Amazon as it burns

  1. I am so happy that I don't live in Brazil 😭😭💔💘🔥

  2. The president of brazil doesnt want help because he has sold the amazon forest to big companies..and he has been found gone too far!!he only wants to make money and use the resources of the amazons and terminate the tribes …as he has said so clearly…he said he wants to increase the usage of the forest for more products to sell…hes another mad,crazy president…hes evil…he shouldnt be in power..


  4. 80,000 fires? That’s 219 a day…it’s so obvious they’re being set on purpose, probably from greedy farmers like the vid said. Wait till theirs no more oxygen left on earth and then see how important the farms are

  5. Dear Humanity,

    The earth is more important than you, me, everybody. To the farmers, it is your DUTY to sacrifice yourselves by jumping into those flames so that the 90% of water your bodies consist of can help extinguish the fires you caused. Yes, the Amazon is WAAAAAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU!


  6. Devastating blazes ‘linked to a tribe’s successful lawsuit against big oil’

    The Waorani people of Pastaza are an indigenous tribe from the Ecuadorian Amazon and have lived in the Rainforest for generation on generation. Although the Amazon fires currently burning away are in Paraguay, thousands of miles away from Ecuador, many are linking a burgeoning trend that may well end up in more forestry being destroyed across the nine countries that the Amazon spans. According to Reuters, the tribe had been battling an on-going court case concerning the selling of sacred Amazonian lands to oil companies. The lands were originally auctioned off and approved to do so by the Ecuadorian government, much to the dismay of the indigenous tribe.

    A court decision ruled that the 2,000 strong tribe had not been properly consulted before the lands were sold off.

    The government appealed the decision, but ultimately lost when the three-judge panel of the Pastas provincial Court upheld the ruling that the tribe had not been properly consulted, ending the years-long legal battle over the land.

    The decision, made in July, saw half a million acres of ancestral land protected from being mined for oil drilling by oil corporations.

    The victory set a precedent for the protection of the Amazon Rainforest, yet, many are arguing that the fires that have been burning for more than two weeks are the beginning of something more sinister, with one Twitter user seeming to link the lawsuit and the fires, tweeting: "A little fiery conspiracy for this cold morning…" What do you think….?

  7. Brazil’s president is so dumb. Like you are treating these fires your self? Not only are you being dumb enough in this situation, you lead your country into a Great Depression.

  8. The Brazilian government shouldn't of encouraged deforestation in the first place. They're ignorant , not thinking about all the wild life in the Amazon and not to mention the trees that were over a thousand years old home to many animals. 😢

  9. Lol we’re all going to die they can’t stop this fire it will take them very very long to get rid of the fire which will cost billions

  10. The end of the video, talks about the rejection of help by Bolsonaro. Never says anything about Macron. Why is that? Investigate other mídias. Very said, INSTEAD OF SERIOUSLY TRYING TO DIPLOMATICALLY SOLVING THIS VERY SERIOUS ISSUE, it THROWS DIRY POLITICS AND $, AS ALWAYS, BEHIND THIS WHOLE MATTER. That’s the world we live in. It’s all about a scientist saying: how much do you pay me to say want you need and want to hear?


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