Ticket sales have taken a big hit with the sharpest drop in five years.
#ABCNews #BoxOffice #Movies #Cats #StarWars
Ticket sales have taken a big hit with the sharpest drop in five years.
#ABCNews #BoxOffice #Movies #Cats #StarWars
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I’ll wait till AVATAR 2
The fact that the "people" in the comments section, are convinced that movie theaters will somehow become extinct….proves that they don't actually leave the house. I've been going to movies since I was 12, every weekend is a packed house, during the week….cause, ya know, JOBS, not so much, but still cooking, so to speak. And when something big comes out, MAD HOUSE. That will never stop. And just because….what, 10 people say " no thanks, I'll wait for streaming", 10 more people WILL show up to buy or, nowadays, pick up their tickets. And, for the record, assigned seating is best thing to happen to theaters, what the hell are y'all smoking?
The reason why Starwar rise of skywalker became huge is starwar made Darth Revan canon. It's about time.
CUT TICKET PRICES then more people will go see more movies in the theaters.
For every Avatar = The Last Air Bender, that's why.
What's behind the declines? WOKENEST" BTW, Disney owns ABC News so their opinion or fakes news don't count.
So I guess this means we're not going to be getting Vestara Keai lol. She was Ben Skywalker's wife and one of the few Sith that turned to the light. Killing Ben was so stupid as it is literally running so many story arcs here.
We could have gotten Mara Jade. Who was actually Ben's mother not Layla. So if Disney was wanting a strong female character.
They seriously didn't look hard enough. It's hugely disappointing considering we could have also had a Dark Jedi Saga here possibly.
This is a far more interesting story arc as it would have brought into focus the creation of the Sith Empire & the hundred-year darkness.
Then we could have added in Darth Zannah. A female Sith Lord which could almost be Luke Skywalker's evil twin. Why couldn't Star Wars have a Kevin Fergie instead of a Kathleen Kennedy good grief lol.
It's exspensive and there were lots of remakes. Oh and streaming online
Movies suck now. All the extreme femisist PC shit isn't appealing.
Family and friends to the movies….hahaha…. my wife and I saw Star Wars Rise of Skywalker…. using our senior discount during the morning… cost us just under $20 for two and then $17 more for popcorn and a large coke…. who can afford that if they are taking a family?
It costs too much and there’s not enough good original material out there.
Kennedy trashed it all. The moron could have made these movies so awesome from endless canon material and original characters but instead she chose to push some stupid earthly SJW regressive BS into a legacy far far away. It lacked continuity and was terribly written.
I don’t know why people are not interested in Godzilla and Shazam
The reasons why people didn’t see the rise of skywalker was because of the last Jedi
That was bad
Because of my physical limitations, my husband and I go to the movies often. From July to October, we didn’t go at all because the movies released were not attractive to us.
Never understood why people like this star wars.seems stupid as shit to me.just saying
Greed killed Hollywood
The top six were the only movies I've watched this year. Sorry. 😅
It's simple. Make a good movie free of sjw trash and get money.
Or go woke and go broke.
That damn cat movie is retarded
Lmao. Of course ABC would air this.
Dont go watch there trash movie with sjw.
I am gonna write a screenplay for a movie that will star Nicolas Cage and Arnold Schwarzenegger. It will have the best one-liners…just wait everyone.
1:17: Warner Bros. made "Cats"???
Yess its because of streamservice… not the fact that all your freaking movies SUCK and basically only rehashes of old movies. Right? It’s not because political correctness came in the way of creativity, right?
2:15 Suuuuuuure it will
That's because audiences are getting critical of the worst written movies in our history. Second rate movies for second rate prices.
Probably cuz of the price too it was 3.50 when I was a kid
Stop remaking shit
Popcorn and a coke is 45-50 bucks.
The cost of a movie ticket along with a tiny box of popcorn is just too freaking high!😒
"12.5 Billion Daughters"
seems like a perfect metric for Disney movies
Oh, no. 4%. Lol. Dramatic as fuck. Shut up.
fuck the movies where idiots talk on their phones, sticky floors and seats, sick people coughing, over priced gmo popcorn and soda? WHY? Movies at home are better, project it on the wall and no intermission or commercials.
Movie theaters are too expensive. You can own the whole movie for just double what you pay for a movie theater ticket
The perfect seat. My movie theater gives us arranged seats.
Nobody wants to get shot.