Botham Jeans brother reacts to courtroom hug response l ABC News

Botham Jeans brother reacts to courtroom hug response l ABC News

Brandt Jean speaks live on Good Morning America about his forgiving speech to Amber Guyger, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison for killing his brother.

#ABCNews #BothamJean #AmberGuyger #BrandtJean #GuygerTrial


28 thoughts on “Botham Jeans brother reacts to courtroom hug response l ABC News

  1. I just watched the whole story of Botham on the TV, I can say I could not hold my tears. God bless your heart Brandt Jean
    ! You are now our hero we should honor. Stay safe and May Our Lord give His Mercy to your brother. Amen

  2. She killed YOUR brother, we have no obligation to forgive anyone. You should've forgiven her in private; not put on this show. That slave minded rhetoric that "we must forgive so we can be free from our pain" is blatant indoctrination. Disgusting!


  4. I would wonder if his brother had something to do with it. Does not want her to go to jail for the murder of his brother. Seems like he wanted his brother killed. And the judge hugging her. Seems like this girl is a little more powerful and these people know about it and prob would end up killed just like the witness. I bet she was told that they would kill him since she was going to jail. This is the rogue syndicate that is in America and they are doing so pretty messed up things with the American people.

  5. 1. It’s not anyone’s place at all to judge or condemn another person for how he forgives someone who killed his family member. You don’t have to agree with him, but that’s his decision, not yours.
    2. I low key hate this woman, and I think she is slightly vile but I truly do believe that she made a horrible mistake. This wasn’t a first-degree murder and even if she got off with ZERO consequence, I truly believe she would’ve of course still taken this moment back if she could’ve. Not just because she got jail time. Her life as she knew it is destroyed, people don’t realize how dark and miserable her life already is and always will be forever even after she gets out. She has a long, dark road ahead we can’t even begin to imagine.
    3. Side note: Botham’s brother is cute as shiiiit LOL

  6. What an exceptionally kind, mature & compassionate young man, Bothams brother Brandon is. If only the world had more people like him, it would be a much better place. He's been brought up so well. Bless him & his family and take care of Amber whilst she is in prison.

  7. Amber never apologized from her heart ❤️ she never even pled guilty.

  8. Why didn’t they drug test the cop and why after he was dead they made him look bad by saying he had weed in the apartment she killed him on purpose she shot him twice she’s a killer!!!!!The time given to this lady was too little time she showed no remorse ….

  9. This young man has been touched by the spirit of God. The only job we have is to forgive to set our souls free. I learned this from him. I'm nearly 3 times his age and this 18 year old taught me the most valuable lesson in life. He set his soul free from hate and a lifetime of destruction due to it. I commend his obedience to the word of God. Vengeance is mine says the lord. May his family be comforted and may his dearly beloved brother Rest In Paradise…

  10. Naw I'm straight,I will not be hugging up my enemy he got that"Massa is we sick"spirit he needs to come out that slave mentality.🙄

  11. Actually for those Christians that like to misrepresent my God in front of the unlearned, and making the unbelievers depise him because they think he is not fair: : Acquitting the guilty and condemning the righteous–both are detestable to Yehovah Proverbs 17v15 Modern English this basically means God hates it when evil people get away with crimes but innocent people severely punished for no good reason. Also you may think God is obligated to intervene but he does not because he respect boundaries of governments in general.He can do whatever he wants but he acts with discretion all the time. He is great in wisdom and in fairness. Death to the wicked.

  12. Everyone is missing the point. The ignorance in this comment section. Race has nothing to do with THIS. He is forgiving her for himself so he doesnt have to live with the anger and hate. So he can heal and focus on his family and remembering his brother who was also forgiving. He not condoning what she did.

  13. Why all the negative comments?? This young man is so incredibly kind & wise. I wouldn't be able to forgive someone who killed my loved one. He's a lot better person than me! God Bless you Brandt ❤

  14. The Haitian cop that shot a white woman only got 12 years! Where’s that story?

  15. Would like to know what he thinks about the murder of Joshua Brown. I watched the whole trial and I’m disgusted

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