On “This Week,” George Stephanopoulos interviews White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.
Border crisis ‘can’t be denied or ignored anymore’: WH press secretary Sarah Sanders

On “This Week,” George Stephanopoulos interviews White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.
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Or frequently starting with "Again…" which means either spin or a lie is about to occur.
Instead of inviting idiots and liars to raise your ratings, you should just get some mentally ill people and ask them the same questions. I bet the ratings will be much higher. And you get more conspiracy theories.
GS interviews of DJT administration are the weakest tea known to modern television. Cream puff, paddy cake, week after week — pap. No difference btwn WH and those covering (up for) them. Every time I hear him say "smoke out the spin," I think of swamp-maker DJT leading chants of "Drain the Swamp." Then, I have to brush my teeth. I don't think I've ever seen him even aim at getting the truth, challenging adversarially. When he was young, so promising… really cared? Pathetic.
This interview cost her job, oh well, let's say farewell to the mouthpiece of fascism.
Sarah Savage Sanders!!!! Love it!! Keep up the excellent work girl!!!! #MAGA
Will someone PLEASE put a bullet in this LYING CUNTS mouth.
Democrats, RINOs & leftist media have all called the situation on the south border a “manufactured crisis†while America is losing her sovereignty.
Wow Sarah is looking different. What is it: weight loss, face lift, darker makeup, tan???
Why do the Sunday shows put her and Kelly ann on tv. Lyin cunts!!
Damn those hormone shots only worked on his voice. And hair.
Why does she look like Channing Tatum after a face to bumper wreck.
"Uh, look.." I want to smack that wonkyeyed smug look on her face every time she says that. Also, you cretin (Sarah), according to your commander in pig, Obama was the one who started cages for immigrants and now you are saying "even Obama is acknowledging the problem." So which is it? That Obama is barely now acknowledging the immigration problem, or he was the one who started the harsh "cage" immigrant policies? Can't get your lies straight?
Lying cock eyed woman
stop lying u ðŸÂ·
I listened for 20 seconds and just wanted to comment on how ugly she is. Thanks for reading my comment.
I would have divorce u if u were my wife. Like for real. She lies like satan
Close and secure the borders. Stop the invasion!
This woman can act a horror movie without a mask
He likes it because it's illegal…
Democrats are for open borders. 99% illegals invading the borders will be on welfare. Only Trump cares for Working Americans.
Nothing quite like good old-fashioned "blame-shifting".
Massive influx. Crisis that we have. And, of course…keep blaming Democrats..3x in this dialogue. BTW Ms. Sanders, despite her heft, still looks weary and haggard. Working for this WH must be the absolute worst for any 45 staffers' overall health. I don't envy them. This is just a bouquet of toxins, no matter how you look at it.
You can put lipstick on a PIG but its still a PIG!
She’s so far in over her head. Not sure if she’s capable of original thought. What a nightmare of a human being. Democrats have NOT come out for open borders, of course the truth doesn’t matter to her.
George Stephanopoulos; I don't know how you can even be a reporter being that you were involved in a hit and run back during the Bill Clinton administration. So how can you talk about anything legal.
The deflection. Let's ignore what trump said and blame democrats again. He tweeted her saying one thing without the rest of her speech. That's fake news
Let's trust the president who's lied over 9,800 times since his inauguration 😂😂😂. It's an unprecedented account that trump lies, you lie, all his cabinet members have lied.
Someone in the secret service…SS…needs to go rogue!!!!
I trust cnn over fox news opionated journalist.
Republicans held all three branches of government and didn't get shit done but yep let's blame the dems who been in power for 4.5 months
She just can't stop lying. Not one single democrat said they want open borders. Not on video, not in a tweet, not in an interview. Not once. They just don't want to spend tens of billions of dollars on a wall that won't work and that Mexico was supposed to pay for
It was never a problem, Trump is the problem, he makes problems & blames others, he is an dumb & Sarah your dumber. Lol
Seriously, how stupid are you! I'll make it real simple for you. First you come in and you steal the land from the Indians and the Mexican. And now you want to kick everybody out, that is not of your color? I repeat, how stupid are you? This is not your land! You are only the visitors!
Sarah is fine ass moma ! I'd get with her in a minute
Was not a emergency till after the gop lost control of congress as mitch and paul said there was not gonna be any voting on immigration stuff till after the mid terms.