Boeing told to redesign engine covers on 737 planes after fatal incident l ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

After a broken fan blade caused the left engine to explode and pierce the jet’s skin on a Southwest flight last April, the NTSB urged all 6,800 Boeing 737 planes in service to redesign the covers.

#GMA #Boeing #Boeing737 #SouthwestAirlines #NTSB #FAA


By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “Boeing told to redesign engine covers on 737 planes after fatal incident l ABC News”
  1. The A380 engine cover failed on AF66 too. If WN1380 means that the 737NG nacelle is unsafe, then AF66 means that the A380 is just as dangerous.

  2. Pretty unfair for Boeing to be told to redesign the cowling when an A380 nacelle faced very similar destruction and Airbus was not told to redesign the nacelle.

  3. Everyone at Boeing know every flaw on every airplane and every failure will surface at the expense of passengers.

  4. Boeing = 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🛬🛬🛬🔥🔥🔥

  5. Boeing is reaping the seeds of years of cost cutting at the expense of safety. Also, add years of conservative push for deregulation by the FAA, and we now have a perfect storm. Why is Airbus, a supposedly government-run aircraft manufacturer, not having safety problems at the scale and scope of Boeing? Simply put, Airbus does not prioritize profit and corporate greed over the safety of the travelling public. Boeing is a poster child of how dangerous unbridled capitalism can be for public safety. I just hope that the current corrupt regime in the White House does not bail out Boeing with tax dollars. Let them feel the pain and pay the price, evening if it means downsizing and running a distant second to Airbus. It is also striking to see how Boeing treats crashes of its planes when compared to Airbus. Boeing reflexively makes it a PR strategy to absolve themselves of any blame. They are the epitome of American corporate greed, which has reached epic proportions over the last 3 years.

  6. Sometimes it’s boeing fault or some maintenance guy that screwed up, few crashes happen because of cheap maintenance

  7. & people wonder why i dont like 2 fly on certain type of plane's cause i dont trust other engineer's.. cause some rush something into product be 4 running tests on all system
    & by the way if i was 2 fly i would always where my seat belt pretty much at all time while in something. At that speed & in the air..unless they say u can take it off in flight but then i still keep it on. Only time i would take it off is if i needed 2 use the bathroom. That being said. I keep my seat belts on. Even if some says it safe 2 take it off cause they might not know if its safe 2 cause they know nothing about that AIRCRAFT.. they also not up 2 date. & have not been train proper about it.. just like i always when i drive my own passion ride's or ride in one. Till it safe 2 take it off.. REMEMBER The first passion ride movie TOP GUN.. i learned a very long time ago. How VERY IMPORTANT 2 wear ur seat belts when i was a baby boy . cause if u need 2 do something. & or something happens & u need 2 take action behind the wheel & other controls 2 regain & or take control or have 2 bail out. Ur not gonna be able 2 cause ur are not able 2 reach the controls react.2 operated & or hang on 4 dear life..

  8. Capitalism at its best! Profit trumps everything! Even lives of innocent people. But "corporations" create "jobs" for the American people so they're vital to the economy.

  9. Good job Washington Senator Patty Murray. She has worked for over 20 years doing what ever it took to subsidize Boeing. This is Neolibral capitalism at its finest. Crappy planes failing.

  10. Take one death in US to make a change; why it took 350 deaths overseas to ground the 737max ?

    As for the old 737, years after South West, Boeing still does not have a fix for several months and then it needs FAA approval (finally FAA is kinda working for public), then maybe another month or longer to get all 8000 planes fixed. Boeing ought to be dismantled and its CEO jailed.

  11. Thats pretty bad when designs are so bad they're deadly and have to be mandated by the government to be safe. OMG a woman was half sucked out a window??

  12. Just make more cuts on regulations and give more tax cuts for corporations, because clearly that is what works best. Profit over people will fix itself. Capitalism is the American way.

  13. I don't think I'd want to get on any of these planes at the moment considering they're saying the cover is defective and they can't replace them for several months.

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