Body camera video of Adam Toledo fatal police shooting fuels more demands for justice | Nightline

Body camera video of Adam Toledo fatal police shooting fuels more demands for justice | Nightline

Chicago police killed Adam, 13, last month. The videos release comes days after an officer shot Daunte Wright dead in Minnesota and as Derek Chauvin stands trial for the murder of George Floyd.



#Nightline #Chicago #AdamToledo #BodyCamera #Shooting


29 thoughts on “Body camera video of Adam Toledo fatal police shooting fuels more demands for justice | Nightline

  1. That’s big fucking kid for being only 13. He had a gun on him, it doesn’t matter if he threw the gun alway, it wouldn’t change the fact that he had it on him a second ago. I can’t really blame the cop for shooting. I can’t imagine the emotions that he went through. He gave aid to the kid after the shot being fired, he tried to save him. He did what was best for his well being.
    A lot is being left out, thanks to the media.

  2. There was no gun in his hand. Why are they releasing video that is edited with voice overs from news media? They won't even show the whole video of when the officer killed the boy on his body cam video because they know it was wrong. The video keeps stopping right before the murder and moving to a different video. This is not right.

  3. Well Ruben Roman should be held responsible as well for this child’s death.🤷🏽‍♀️

  4. Rip adam🤧💔🕊

  5. “assassination” like what

  6. If u in fear for your life you don’t run after them ijs

  7. So “unarmed” is a straight up lie then. He was carrying a handgun and pulled it out, throwing it over the fence just a second before being shot YET you all expect the cop to have been cool?

    I’m glad you all are able to solve these issues with flowers and nice words but that’s not how police work

  8. This “kid” was a known murderer. His nickname was “Little Devil”.. he was going to get killed regardless. why are people acting all sad for a 13 year old murderer? The hypocrisy is shameful. There many other innocent kids like Tyshawn Lee. Jaslyn Adams was just killed in a drive by this past weekend.. she was 7 years old hit with 6 bullets in the back of her fathers car. Why aren’t you talking about the innocent kids who have been murdered?

  9. guntherbumpass
    The Geneva Convention calls "killing a combatant who, having laid down his arms or having no longer means of defence, has surrendered at discretion" a war crime. The Chicago Police Union head calls actions like that "justified and actually heroic"

  10. People saying he was unarmed? He literally is throwing the gun behind the fence. A gun on your body isn’t unarmed. I feel bad but the kid is in the wrong

  11. The attorney Ortiz continually refers to Adam as a "child", personally I do not know any "children" that run from the police carrying a semi-auto pistol down a dark alley. The parents should have raised him better and he would still be here.

  12. Search any chief keef , fbg duck , king Louie , lil durk video in 2012 and you will quickly realize that it’s normal for carrying a pistol at 13… and using it. RIP to the man but there’s a root problem of gang culture that is influencing this specific instance .. ABC isn’t tapped in nor most of the world

  13. I guess I can go shoot up a school now, throw my weapon behind something and then get shot and it’s all the officers fault right

  14. For once we see that the someone listened and responded to the Officers commands! There is no way the Officer saw the gun, but whats more important is the Officer shot the kid, after he put his hands up. If you watch the whole video at the end they say turn off the body cam mics. Then we see the report and it all makes sense! The culture of not having integrity in the Law Enforcement community!!!!!!!!

  15. It's time to not only hold officers accountable but also the parents.
    Charges should go both ways in case where kids were involved in criminal activity involve danger to life.
    I've had several instances were if it wasn't for my rational thinking I would probably be in jail for hurting someone's unruly child only for the parents to act like there bad * child didn't deserve it but they're committing violent criminal activities.
    Yes new laws should be pass for the police and society.
    Especially when parents know there kids are involved in criminal activity at night.
    There are signs.
    Pay attention to you kids.
    I bet you at the time the parents or guardian was on facebook or some bs

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