BLM Protest, Social Distancing, Juneteenth: This Week In Pictures – Car Mod Pros Portal

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47 thoughts on “BLM Protest, Social Distancing, Juneteenth: This Week In Pictures”
  1. Indiana nurse: Killed For saying All Lives Matter

    CNN center: bombed by fireworks

    BLM supporter: kneeled on a two year old

    CHAZ: teen shootings

    Still Peaceful?

  2. Please stop the fighting look at Martin Luther king he didn’t want war he wanted peace

  3. Oh look! A single cop does a racist act! Let’s go burn down buildings and assume every other cop is racist and target them too all during a world wide pandemic. Makes sense right?

  4. Blm protestors need to stop. What else do they want from us? They’ve been protesting for weeks, and have only been causing trouble

  5. blm needs to be given a fuckn choice LEAVE THE UNITED STATES PEACEFULY OR FORCEFULY not sure why you wouldnt choose peace fuly Ya know why cause ya fuckin free fuckin terrorist rid the world ofem so tge cant infest any other place again

  6. Remember: marching with thousands of people won't spread the virus. But hanging out with a few friends and celebrating the 4th, well, that will kill everyone by spreading the virus.

    Don't believe the prog media. They're nothing but propaganda merchants.

  7. Although I favor the concept of BLM since I want equality for all, I'm not on board with the organization itself since they changed for the worse over the years. They are hypocrites and their leaders advocate civil unrest and even said they have Marxist tendencies

  8. According to FBI statistics, 13 unarmed black men were shot and killed by police in 2019. In that same year, 45 police officers were killed by felonious acts. In 2020 so far, 3 unarmed black men were killed by police, 9 police officers killed and 500+ injured during the 3 week span of riots. What are y'all fighting for? There have been more unarmed black men killed in 3 days in "CHOP" than by police in the last 6 months…I don't even want to mention black-on-black killings. Just look up Chicago

  9. BLM is a terrorist organisation that has infected the world with its bullshit about how people of color are being mistreated, all the while they ignore innocent people such as Horace Lorenzo Andersen Jr. (LIL RENZ) was murdered and BLM didn't even comment or shed a tear about this young man who lost his life. Please!!! This is a terrorist organization with heartless intent! God bless LIL RENZ for his loss of life and God bless the children of this still great country!!!

  10. The correct title is SBLM (Some Black Lives Matter). Does not include black police officers or black civilians caught up in black on black gunfire.

  11. Ladies and gentleman I give u RACIST HATEFUL group of the 21st century BLM 💯👏🏼🙄

  12. I was told by a member of the BLM movement that latinos try to be and act like whites… Just because as a community we are far more successful than african americans it doesnt mean we want to be or act like white people. Success has nothing to do with race or color but most of us came here with empty pockets, we had to learn the English language yet we have surpassed people that were naturally born here in any possible way! Wake up people, this is truly the land of the opportunities!

  13. I used to look forward to GMA every morning, but I've lost faith in your reporting. It (GMA) has become an entertainment entity…..lots of "Pop News", celebrity worship and trivial deals for our consumption. The only time you have been reporting some kind of relevant news is when it involves Trump bashing…..I've lost my respect for your reporting .

  14. BLM has to take down all the statues of Martin Luther King and all the streets named Martin Luther King as he was extremely racist against gay people if you are for this we need to make this go viral he must be taken down he did not care for gay marriage look it up

  15. Is ISIS behind stirring America up with BLM and the Confederate flag debacle??? They know “United we stand and divided we fall”. Are they playing us? One way or the other it’s working!!

  16. Come on black lives matter a 3 year old baby murdered y dont his life matter because he wasnt killed by a black boy step ur game up lames

  17. Aight so I came here to tell y’all this aight so I live in Missouri In a very very small town where 3 cops run it well there was a cold case about idk 20 years ago of a black guy who got shot and died and the cops apparently didn’t take it to serious ig and well today there is gonna be a huge riot saying there gonna tear down the court house and light the whole town on fire and stuff like that well those 3 cops got the state and let the whole town know well now everyone and there mom is walking around drunk as can be with AK-47 driving around on fourwheeler sand confederate flags waiting for the riot I’m just sitting at my house Play COD and everyone is running around with AR’S this is America 🤦🏻‍♂️😭😭😭😭😂😂😂

  18. Mind Blown : How Christopher Dorner tried to save George Floyd. The following information has ruined several lives and ended a few. The media made Christopher Dorner out to be a problem cop who lost it and turned cop killer. If Christopher Dorner hadn't been executed by police officers, he would have blown the whistle on dozens of bad cops involved in everything for minor misconduct all the way up to 1st degree murder. Every officer on Dorn's hit list had been or was currently under investigation for racist misconduct. Let's take a look at the number of times Dorn went out of his way (while on the run) to not kill an innocent when clearly from a tactical standpoint, it would have been in his best interest to do so. He didn't kill innocent cops. He executed crooked cops whom the system failed to hold accountable, and their colegues murdered him before he could blow the whistle on a program that has been broken from the start. How many lives could have been saved including George Floyd's had somebody listened to Dorner years ago. At the very least this story needs to be rekindled to clear Cris Dorner's name so that generations to come may learn about the brave rogue cop bet went all in, bet his life to expose the immoral and unethical practices of law enforcement. …and LOST. Only years later does the circumstancial evidence fall into place. Unfortunately far too late for George Floyd and dozens of others who have needlessly met their end at the hands of a system who we've been brainwashed to believe is supposed to serve and protect us. Dorner tried, he had the information needed to shut down this machine. Unfortunately, he underestimated just how far the reach of this vile machine can and will extend until every man, woman, and child stands up and takes back our government and revokes the authority of every police officer. Until then it's only a matter of time until we have another George Floyd.

  19. The African President did say all black american to come home. So if black people don’t like America then you should listen to your african President and go home. Go Built your Own Government!

  20. Historical oppression involves the government killing everyone who disagrees with their narrative. This is far from what’s been happening for 20 years.

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