Blinken says action against Ukraine will prompt ‘swift, severe’ response – Car Mod Pros Portal

During a press conference, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said any action against Ukraine by Russia will be met by “a swift, severe, united response” from the U.S. and its allies.


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Blinken says action against Ukraine will prompt ‘swift, severe’ response”
  1. Why would the CIA director sneak into the Ukraine days before Blinken trying to drum up European support for military aggression after a failed coup attempt in Kazakhstan? Yeah that's not shady. The average American can't easily find Ukraine on a map, but the US government has decided that they will choose who governs the Ukraine and are threatening military violence if that decision is challenged. Shamefully arrogant and hostile behavior.

    The USA only makes the world a more dangerous place trying to dominate every other country when they should be taking care of their own problems at home.

  2. Лжец! Геббельса начитался!

  3. Russia just wants to defend the Donbass Region for independence. they have suffered for 10 years the nationalists. We have to stop pretending to understand. if you know a bit there is also the ODESSA Region which will revolt.

  4. "What are Republicans for?" I can answer that for you:
    – More tax cuts for the rich
    – Endless war
    – Rampant corruption
    – Voter suppression
    – Cuts to the already miniscule social safety net (by developed standards)
    – Wall Street deregulation and bailouts
    – Hindering unionization efforts
    – Nonstop distractions about culture war garbage (Critical Race Theory, transgender bathrooms)
    – No substantive material improvements in the lives of ordinary Americans
    – Privatized everything
    – Defenestration of separation of church and state
    – Government overreach into your personal business (regulating your sex life, your anatomy, your intake of certain substances, etc.)

    In other words: Everything that would objectively make the lives of ordinary working-class Americans worse.

  5. Antony, you need to blink, now! It appears that Putin has intelligence that Ukraine plans to attack and subdue the Donbas ethnic Russian enclave that has declared independence. Putin will defend those 'brethren' of his with his own last breath. To prevent a slaughter and save their country, Ukraine needs to back off and give the Donbas its freedom.

  6. Blinken speech is punctuated by so many aaah, aaah, aaahs, a sign of hesitance. It could mean he is telling us untruths or revealing insincerity in what he's saying.

  7. Watch ships in south, if focus is just on Russia,. America will be defenseless from the South Atlantic. Russia unified with China, N. Korea and now Iran.

  8. Yourself invading Ukrain, you can't deployed your military force on Ukrain soil and fight against Russia,all what you are doing is not for Ukrain's benefit,its for yourself.Ukrain is not your country.Our world has lost its peace because of the corrupt politics of the US.The world knows what you are doing to the people of Ethiopia.Down with United States of America

  9. ⭐️🇺🇸⭐️ BIDEN2020 ⭐️🇺🇸⭐️
    🏆 #46 🏆
    ⭐️🇺🇸⭐️ BIDEN2024 ⭐️🇺🇸⭐️

  10. Why don’t we already have guys down there we should already have done that Joe Biden don’t care about anyone

  11. With Biden committed to shutting down our domestic oil production and green-lighting the russian pipeline. Is Biden the agent of Russia Adam Schiff has been looking for?

  12. Sanctions don't mean anything when Russia already trades heavily with China for most of her resources. European and countries like China and N Korea are so quick for Massive Bloodshed. This World 🌎 doesn't have much Humanity or Time left.the Planet Herself is fighting back from her most serious Virus the Human Being..

  13. 0:45 "Russian playbook?" What about the "Western playbook." Everybody knows that the Bank of England rules the world from London and New York with its interest-bearing fiat money (pounds and dollars) and has done so since 1694 when the bank was formed from the Cromwell English Revolution. Ukraine is just a satrap in the Central Banking Global Empire and that the bankers, still infuriated from what Russia did to them in 1815 and 2016 want to financially subjugate it – just like what they did to Czarist Russia in 1917 and what they did to free-money America in 1775, 1812, 1861 and 1913, to Germany in 1871, 1914 and 1939, to the diamond-laden Union of South Africa in 1899 and to Napoleonic France in 1803.

  14. Do I want Ukraine to be invaded? No i do not. However, throwing us into this fight is an incredibly stupid decision. These clowns are going to plunge us all into WW3. The US needs to sit this one out or the consequences may outweigh brandon's need to "look tough" for his base.

  15. Ukraine is under the Minsk Agreements of WW II of USSR/Russia… they are signed by NATO America/England/ France/ Germany/ Spain/Italy!!!

    If any NATO Troops occupy or attempt too occupy any Satellites of the former Eastern Bloc of USSR/Russia – Then it is ,and will be met as a WWIII 1st Strike !!!

  16. 0:17 "Swift, severe, united response from the U.S. and its allies?" Hey, Tony! What don't you make a public promise that NATO will not resort to NUKES??????? If NATO nukes Russian troops…it will be World War Three!

  17. swift action would already have started. Telegraph your blows much Mr. Flinchin’ i mean blinkin’

  18. You are SAVED by BELIEVING in JESUS CHRIST who DIED for ALL sin to SAVE ALL who BELIEVE in HIM. PROMISED ETERNAL LIFE by BELIEVING in HIM. He DID ascend to Heaven on the third day. HE IS at the right hand of God. He is preparing a place for ALL who BELIEVE. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is for all. Know the truth. Know who IS your Savior. Know that he suffered for ALL. To SAVE ALL. This life is clearly temporary and when you know why then it will confirm the truth even more! SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH. FEAR GOD. NOT MAN. PREACH THE GOSPEL. ITS WHAT JESUS DID! All Glory to God. Look at the world! WATCH 💝

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