Birds swarm parking lot in Texas

Birds swarm parking lot in Texas

A parking lot in Texas turned into a scene from a certain Hitchcockian horror as birds swarmed cars and circled above.


26 thoughts on “Birds swarm parking lot in Texas

  1. Amazing. . . . Mother Nature ♧

  2. I'm sorry,But if I would've seen that I wouldn't get out.Ill be to affraid my eyes would get plucked out🤦🏿‍♀️🤣

  3. MATTHEW 24;47
    THE PARABLE OF THE FIG TREE 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺 🎺
    PASLM 51
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    REVELATION 22;15 🎺 ❤ 🔥 ✍ 🎺
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  4. Alfred Hitchcock's the birds they're coming for you lol 😅

  5. These birds have magnetite in their beaks and the Earth's magnetism is changing and confusing them. This is why years ago they were falling out of the sky out of exhaustion. Their beaks are lying to them constantly telling them to change direction until they're lost and exhausted

  6. Maybe it's the warmth of the cars🤔

  7. Do you guys remember the “birds are not real” movement?? Those ain’t birds, they are dRoNeSs!!

  8. It’s not the first time and I’m sure it’s not the last

  9. The grackles reached critical mass in DFW in the early 80's. The biggest numbers are in the fall/early winter. As an early teen, at dusk I would watch for nearly an hour as a river of birds in the sky would fly over on their way to North Hills Mall & other parking lots. Lawns are the perfect habitat for all species of grackles & parking lots with a few trees are the perfect roosts.

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