Bill Barr talks to house committee investigating Jan. 6 insurrection

Bill Barr talks to house committee investigating Jan. 6 insurrection

The former attorney general resigned in December 2020 after publicly rebuking former President Donald Trumps false claims.



#WorldNewsTonight #BillBarr #Politics #Insurrection


33 thoughts on “Bill Barr talks to house committee investigating Jan. 6 insurrection

  1. God bless president Joe Biden, God bless kamala Harris and God bless America. Joe Biden best president since the Great obama. Biden2024, vote blue guys!!!!!!

  2. why did Bill Barr give up on integrity????? >>After leaving the FBI, Baker became a member of the National Task Force on Election Crisis, a group of individuals whose purpose to date appears to be stopping any 2020 Election audits or investigations from taking place.

  3. The 2020 election theft protestors were setup, tricked & trapped into trespassing on Capital grounds, egged on by FBI informant/agent instigators (as months before in the FBI instigated the Michigan Whitmer kidnapping plot entrapment), the barriers were dropped, the unarmed protestors waved in & led in to where Ashli was ambushed & murdered by Capitol police laying in wait firing without warning from behind cover. The Biden Democrat DOJ/FBI & media are the enemy of the American people & truth.

  4. Hunter biden have all the evidence but I don’t see any investigation???? Evidence is there

  5. BLM Portland courthouse riots burning a building BLM Maxine Waters not January 6th BLM Portland courthouse riots burning buildings breaking windows we got black people that will testify to that while you promote hatred division and the killing of police officers you are the reason cops are being killed you are the reason the propaganda keeps floating in this country and division keeps happening what is wrong with you people and in case you didn't notice you are a white man or a white woman you are promoting your own hatred how strange is that BLM Portland courthouse burning a buildings BLM burned down half of America BLM and I don't see anybody held accountable where's Epps apps apps apps apps

  6. Why do they continue to call this an Insurrection. No one has been charged with that crime. They were let inside by capitol police. No attempt was made to overthrow government or authorities.

  7. great now all we have to do is investigate the fundamental change of the American republic and get the bidens under oath about working for china. Yeah I am like matlock and mcguveir all in one

  8. Bill Barr disgraced America….big time.

  9. Good Morning. May God bless you comforting you from all sadness and angels help you. Job 42:5: "Before I knew you by hearing, but now I see you with my own eyes.' Jesus wants to reveal himself to you. To give you experiences with his love and compassion. His death on the cross is proof of this immense love. But He is risen. He is the way, the Truth and the life. Seek Him with all your heart and will find him. You are precious to God. Pray. Always read the bible. Jesus Christ will return. Greetings from Brazil.🙋🙏🌺🌺🌷🌷🌹🌹🌺🌺🌷🌷🌹🌹

  10. The public does not care. They just want low gas prices. The GOP knows this. These traitors know the "long game" very well. They have a corrupt DoJ and a well armed militia ready to kill on demand. This is what makes them such brazen and successful bullies. Authoritarianism is around the corner. The 'Big Lie' is democracy and justice for all in the US.

  11. Tell the truth Bill – we are sure you did alot if nasties for the ex disgraced one term twice impeached compulsive liar in chief …

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  13. There should not be any members of that committee talking to the public.The Election claims are not false.However the Riot on the capital was.Nancy should be prosecuted.Along with Barr helping to cover it up.PROSECUTE THEM NOW

  14. GET EM GOD 🐁🤾

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