Biggest asset Joe Biden has is Donald Trump: Matthew Dowd

Biggest asset Joe Biden has is Donald Trump: Matthew Dowd

Martha Raddatz talks Trumps Fourth of July celebration, the 2020 presidential race and the rest of the weeks politics with the powerhouse roundtable on This Week.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Trump #SaluteToAmerica #Biden


31 thoughts on “Biggest asset Joe Biden has is Donald Trump: Matthew Dowd

  1. No law enforcement officer will hide their identity while in uniform. Mercenaries (contract security and/or paramilitary) always do.

    Hiding a police officer’s identity is the complete opposite of the principles of Sir Robert Peel founder of modern policing when he created the Metropolitan Police Service (Scotland Yard).

  2. Kills me that people think Trump is doing a good job. The only job he is doing is stroking his supporters and playing them for fools. The man is a nightmare for this country and we will be cleaning up his mess for decades. Wake the hell up and stop with all the "fake polls" bullshit. Unamerican POS's. He is costing all of us a lot of money on top of every other f'd up thing he is doing.

  3. The coastal elites and their media still won't talk about: The decline of blue collar jobs or wages, Opiod Crisis or how America is still paying for too many foreign wars and/or protecting other governments.

  4. Yeah, how many more apologies and oops do people wish to receive from good ole uncle joe. He needs help, not the position of POTUS. He is far less popular than Hillary Clinton.

  5. So if Biden runs – Trump will lose is what your saying then? Job approval isn’t the correct way to describe it, I think anyone who doesn’t like him will always say they disapprove.

  6. Creepy Joe & Dumb Donald aren't that different when it comes to policies. In fact Biden has already promised that with him as president nothing would really change, i.e. rob the poor to give to the rich.

  7. Biden V Trump. THATS the best you GOT? It will be a comedy show. Biden is so out of touch – but his ppl don't even see that. How dumb do you have to be? Cumala or Poca – I used to be an Indian – hontus would have a much better chance. NO chance – but better than sleepy Joe.

  8. Really 😒

  9. You people in the MSM are pictured next to Alex Jones on the fake news in America list on Wikipedia. What's that feel like? Hahaha hahaha 😂

  10. after what Joe Biden has said from some articles he should not be able to run he said that equality should have no place in the government as it is a christian view and that christian should not be allowed to influence the constitution. but the constitution is christian. like thou shall not kill thy fellow man and thou shall not steal or the freedom of speech and the fact that "in god we trust" has been the motto of the united states sense July 4th 1776. if every christian this mean every one will lose there rights. this mean you can got to jell even if you didn't do anything wrong the police and military can drag you out of you out of your home and shoot you in front of god and everyone. people open your eyes and realize that Biden is not good for america trump is the only hope if people want to live and not have to worry everyday you might be toke from your home and killed. when need to remove these useless democrats from office and allow trump to do his work and he will give use a mighty and extremely powerful nation. if Biden gets in hes going to cause world war 3 because he has shown himself to be very unstable and mentally unfit to be president. hes would anger Russia and undo the progress trump has made with north Korea and get us nuked.

  11. So many polls! Have the American pollsters ever done a poll on what the rest of the world think about Trump? And what the rest of the world think about your country, in general, with or without Trump? About yor History of racism and slavery?.. Try it, it will be very educational.

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