Biden visits Texas following cold weather disaster | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were greeted by Gov. Greg Abbott in Texas, and they visited a Houston Food Bank.




#WorldNewsTonight #PresidentJoeBiden #Texas


By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Biden visits Texas following cold weather disaster | WNT”
  1. It is a proof that their is no right time. Time is always now. If you know how to manage your money, you will be the winner in this game. Knowing how to take advantage of the crisis is what will you rich!

  2. The dumbest and worst president in US history. He is just a puppet and can't answer questions on live TV cause his own administration knows he is too dumb to answer them. Even Al Bundy can be president. He also opens up the border during covid19 times that way illegal children can be brought in by coyotes and then placed in cages. How pathetic he is.

  3. I don’t think there is a single human in existence that’s ever gotten so many thumbs down than Biden.

  4. Well, it shows how pathetic Republicans are because we all see what they did with the pandemic and now we also see how they handle a state they control.

  5. Truth is we stopped wearing masks when left without safe drinking water and when left out in the freeze to die, so honestly, no masks have been required in Texas, not really, by any business for the last month and a couple of weeks that numbers have been steadily dropping for covid infection. Seriously!

  6. Biden's past activities:

    In June 2014, Vice President Joe Biden announced the launch of the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative (CESI). The program called for increasing access to financing for Caribbean energy projects that he strongly supported. American taxpayer dollars were dedicated to facilitating deals that matched U.S. government financing with local energy projects in Caribbean countries, including Jamaica. In January 2015, Biden hosted CESI in Washington, D.C., bringing together leaders from across the region to discuss energy issues and in particular, renewable energy. One primary focus of the conference was local and international dealmakers needing help to bring renewable energy projects to the Caribbean region. USAID announced that it would be spending $10 million to boost renewable energy projects in Jamaica over the next five years. After Joe Biden brought together leaders for CESI, brother Frank’s firm Sun Fund Americas announced that it was “engaged in projects and is in negotiations with governments of other countries in the [Caribbean] region for both its Solar and Waste to Energy development services. As if to push the idea along, the Obama administration’s OPIC provided a $47.5 million loan to support the construction of a 20-megawatt solar facility in Clarendon, Jamaica. When the deal was announced, U.S. ambassador to Jamaica Luis G. Moreno noted that the project “wouldn’t be possible without OPIC financing. Frank Biden’s Sun Fund Americas later announced that it had signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) to build a 20-megawatt solar facility in Jamaica.

    Hunter Biden was involved in two billion-dollar deals with Chinese government–connected firms in a twenty-month period while his dad was vice president of the United States. Hunter was apparently eager to strike other deals with the Chinese—business implicitly leveraged on who his father was. Consider the case of Patrick Ho, who was arrested in late 2017 by federal agents in New York for money laundering and violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Ho was an assistant to Chinese oil tycoon Ye Jianming, who ran the energy company CEFC. The company has strong ties to the Chinese military. Ho was also the secretary-general of the China Energy Fund Committee, which is a Chinese government-directed entity. CEFC officials had met multiple times with Hunter Biden beginning back in 2015. In May 2017, Hunter met with Ho in Miami, where they reportedly discussed joint energy and infrastructure deals in the United States.

    Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca Partners finalized a deal with the Chinese government worth a whopping $1 billion. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. It is important to note that this deal was with the Chinese government—not with a Chinese company, which means that the Chinese government and the son of the vice president were now business partners. They created was a joint venture called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). The name reflected who was involved: the “RS” was a reference to Rosemont Seneca; the “T” was the Thornton Group, a small U.S. investment firm that did business in China. It was a very unusual arrangement: the most powerful financial institution in China, the Bank of China, was setting up a joint venture with Rosemont Seneca Partners. When the Chinese government’s BHR was established, Hunter Biden was given a slot on the board of directors. BHR, with Hunter Biden on the board of directors, engaged in a series of financial deals that served the strategic interests of Beijing. In one of their first deals, the firm took an ownership stake in China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN), a nuclear energy company. The company was charged in 2016 with espionage against the United States. BHR was the first of a series of business relationships that Hunter Biden established with the Chinese government or Chinese government–connected entities.

    Just about a year after the massive deal with the Chinese government’s Bohai Harvest, another Hunter Biden firm, Rosemont Realty, struck a pact with another Chinese government–linked firm called Gemini Investments. This deal involved a multibillion-dollar investment in Rosemont. Gemini Investments’ director and honorary chairman is Li Ming. His corporate and political ties in Beijing go to the highest levels of the Communist Party. By December 2014, Gemini Investments inked the new partnership with Rosemont Realty, under which they would acquire an interest in the company and its underlying properties. Eight months later, the newly christened Gemini-Rosemont announced its plans for $3 billion worth of new acquisitions.

    Consider the case of something called mbloom, a joint venture that Hunter Biden set up in Hawaii. Mbloom was a “public-private partnership” in which Hunter’s firm invested $5 million and the other half came from the Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation (HSDC). But where did HSDC get its money for mbloom? It came from a program back in Washington, D.C., called the Treasury Department State Small Business Credit Initiative. Three million dollars of the HSDC money came from the program, which was run by a longtime Biden aide named Don Graves. It is hard to find someone tighter in the Biden orbit than Graves. Over the course of his career, he has served as counselor to Vice President Biden, his domestic and economic policy director, and as his traveling chief of staff. After Joe Biden left the White House, he appointed Graves to the policy advisory board of the Biden Institute.

    Hunter was also deeply involved with a troubling entity called Burnham Financial Group. Two Chinese companies also became involved with Burnham. Kirin Global Enterprise Limited, a mysterious investment vehicle run by Xiangyao (or Yaojun) “Larry” Liu and Guo Jianfeng, was one that invested in Biden’s company. Another firm, Harvest Global Investors, a Chinese investment firm linked to the government in Beijing. Burnham Asset Management became the center of a federal investigation involving a $60 million fraud scheme against one of the poorest Indian tribes in America, the Oglala Sioux.

    After reading this do you understand the Biden family? Do you think that Biden destroying the US energy sector and our energy independence has anything to do with him setting up deals through his family members' connections to Chinese energy companies to replace our production of our own energy and that there's a reason Beijing Biden is giving China access to our energy grid? He's setting up deals through which his family will profit at the expense of US energy workers and us through our tax dollars going towards these Biden family deals with China. 

    “Come on, man,” Biden said. “They’re not bad folks, folks, but guess what. They’re not competition for us.”


  7. Lying biden💩🚽👎🖕

  8. Beta liar. Biden hasn’t the slightest as to his location, purpose, or message. You are all soulless LIARS.

  9. He is anything but a president, now the laughing stock of the world. He probably thought he was in Canada with the cold weather. Retirement Joe.

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