Biden Unveils National Strategy For Covid-19 Vaccinations | NBC News

Biden Unveils National Strategy For Covid-19 Vaccinations | NBC News

President Biden announced a national strategy and executive orders for Covid-19 vaccinations and response. He warned that “things are going to continue to get worse before they get better” but assured Americans that “help is on the way.”
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Biden Unveils National Strategy For Covid-19 Vaccinations | NBC News


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24 thoughts on “Biden Unveils National Strategy For Covid-19 Vaccinations | NBC News

  1. Just a thought but what if we used A.I to analyze who's had covid who hasn't had covid what's your cohorts are you work relations and use that data to come up with a strategic list of the people who haven't had covid so we can get them vaccinated and stay ahead of this it seems to me that in a lot of countries around the world there seems a consistently one or 2 step behind covid virus moving thru the populations. And it would seem to me that the the people who were first infected in the first wave and second wave some of those folks are no longer carrying proper immunity anymore and now we're seeing the variants move into fill that space. I could be wrong just some thoughts

  2. Let us make something completely clear. The CDC, FDA, Pharma and Bill Gates, do not have our respect. We know their history ! Get educated…..stop acting like a defunct dictator……We may not want any nano particles floating around in our cells……not when we can safely take Ivermectin. It works and it is cheap and safe…..these vaccines are not going to be and neither are they going to be effective. Learn something, before your puppet behavior makes you look bad.

  3. You cannot be very clear as the vaccines are NOT the solution. Just mass produce Ivermectin !!!! that would help a lot. You do not need to act like a dictator. We will not have it. You are sounding way worse than Trump…….What's with that ? The NWO order ??????? Not buying it……. dude………Get real…….

  4. When the money went? Former President Trump paid the vaccinations with the stimulus check? The vaccinations weren't ready just needed to be approved. Congress passed the stimulus check. 5 companies got money. Ask congress, after impeachment the money disappeared. Ask congress how the money was used?

  5. Biden is a joke. He told the country when Trump wa in office that he would guide us and get vaccines out quickly. Hasn’t happened …..he’s clueless

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