Biden to keep Fauci as top medical adviser l GMA

Biden to keep Fauci as top medical adviser l GMA

President-elect Joe Biden also said he will call on all Americans to wear face masks for the first 100 days of his presidency to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Biden’s been eyeing Democratic governors for Health and Human Services secretary:

#ABCNews #Biden #Fauci #COVID19 #Pandemic


23 thoughts on “Biden to keep Fauci as top medical adviser l GMA

  1. Faici was in on making the virus. Of course he wants him to stay. When is fauci going to admit the virus was a MAN made flu by dems and china together! Funny how such a huge pandemic is here and still not quite sure where the virus came from. Fauci and the dems are allll in on it.

  2. Why do we need a vaccine for a virus that goes away on it's own? The Dr's don't give patients meds. Why aren't the numbers going down even though ppl no longer test positive? I'm not trusting these demons. I won't be getting vaccinated

  3. [Dec 10] \\ Contradict Me, If You Can, by OTHER, MORE VERIFIED NUMBERS-DATA [SEE SOURCES BELOW], not by one liners reading not more than one line //// COV-19 DEATHS in % FATALITIES OF THOSE DIAGNOSED in ~100 nations: [Nov 2] vs [Dec 4] vs [Dec 9]: <>Germany 1.97;1.61;1.67 <>NL 2.11;1.78;1.71 <>Finland 2.20;1.54;1.51 <> U.S.2.51;1.95;1.88 <>Brazil 2.89;2.71;2.66 <>France 2.69;2.40;2.44 <>Spain 2.89;2.72;2.72 <> AU 3.28;3.25;3.24 <>Canada 4.30;3.15;2.98 <>UK 4.51;3.59;3.54 <>Sweden 4.78;2.57;2.39 <>China 5.39;5.35;5.35 <> Iran 5.69;4.92;4.75 <>Italy 5.47;3.49; 3.49 <>Mexico 9.92;9.49;9.26 <> U.S EARLIER: 2.75 [Oct 22]; 1.95 [Dec 4], 1.88 [Dec 9]. Forget what the media is posting pre and post the Nov 3 election (to scare Americans away from the regime, deleting the facts that big numbers reflect U.S. BIGY POP, inflated hospital Numbers paid per .., improved detection tech/methods, people trust more to declare and real ''waves'' as we see here in the EU. THESE ARE VERIFIED GLOBAL NUMBERS REPORTED BY THOUSANDS OF DEDICATED DOCTORS, NURSES AND WORKERS IN ~ 100 NATIONS, collected from Johns Hopkins University, WHO, etc., PUBLISHED by RealClearPolitics, re-ordered historically here for 15 of ~100 Countries//

  4. This jackass doctor who served for decades did not do his job. Being a propagandist for the Dems and glorifying his own worthless position on TV seem more his occupation than actually doing anything regarding pandemic. This is the MF that said mask was not need, and to go enjoy the Superbowl. Anyone that listens to him is just as stupid, clueless, and most likely just as vain.

  5. Wait so Biden is using a "Different" plan from Trump as in a corona task force with Fauci to stay at the head for top medical adviser hahahaha wow you have to be dumb to think this slow.

  6. The democratic constitutional state is vulnerable, always and everywhere No democracy is immune to 'authoritarian temptation'! There will always be Trump who try to control the rule of law.

    Trump has now lost and it is time for him to leave! He will no longer be inviolable by 2021!

    So the lawsuits can begin! Lawsuits are coming over: a rape case in the 90s, a sexual assault in the 20s of the 21 century, a case that Trump still has to pay back 15 million to one person! There are also some smaller lawsuits so we get to see and hear enough about the ex-president Trump!!

  7. Can the divided and chaotic democracy survive in the face of a powerful, aggressive, expansive and ruthless authoritarian dictatorship like communist China ? Look at the corruption followed by intimidation from CCP unfolding right now in Australia, the answer is clear.

  8. Lord was Biden asleep when Kamala was speaking? 😂😂😂 Between him Trump the world is doomed to hell!!! 🙄😂

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