Biden to impose new travel bans as alarm of new COVID-19 variants grow l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

The U.S. will begin restricting travel from South Africa, as well as reinstating the travel rules for Brazil, the U.K., Ireland and 26 European countries to mitigate the spread of the virus.

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#ABCNews #COVID19 #Travelban #Biden


By carmodpros


50 thoughts on “Biden to impose new travel bans as alarm of new COVID-19 variants grow l GMA”
  1. What a joke Biden and his administration arehe’s letting thousands in at the border then banning travel to uk,Europe.come on Americans awake from this woke your in or is it all a joke

  2. A wall will not stop the coronavirus.

    Banning all travel from Europe — or any other part of the world — will not stop it.

    This disease could impact every nation and any person on the planet — and we need a plan to combat it. Biden 2020

  3. Fauci will love this documentary if he loves the true. Well, you might not like it but watch for UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE full documentary, it is the only true solution we have and is more reliable than any vaccine.

  4. Poor people. the governy has made all this trash for corruption of politics in health etc. This is not first illness on earth, and this one need a zombievaccine hm.

  5. Research high dose Vitamin D3, zinc, querectin and Vitamin C to help boost your immune system and help your body fight any virus. Zinc prevents the lost of taste and smell and stops the replication of the virus.

    If you can't get quercetin(opens cells up so zinc can enter) and zinc right now then look into tonic water with quinine( I mixed with green tea cause tonic water has a lot of sugar) and high zinc foods. Cut the sugar and carbs. Look up anti inflammatory diet. Bone broth, ginger, broccoli and lean protein. Probiatics or fermemted foods. Pink Himalayan salt in water. Drink as much water as you can.

    If you get a fever then let it run its course so yoir body can know tp fight the virus. If its over 103 then you can take a pain reliver. Hot baths, but careful of fainting.

    Sleep enough, but don't sleep all day. Stay active while you quarantine. Look into N.A.C vitamin too. Could prevent blood clots. Pray for no pneumonia.

    Go in your back yard for a light execercise with no mask to get oxygen and hopefully sun. Focus on breathing exercises. If your high risk then try to talk to a doctor about ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine/zinc or budesonide. Look up Dr. BERG covid, med cram What to do when you get covid. Dr. Eric Nepute covid.

    The sooner you help your bodg fight the less symtpoms and faster recovery.

    Prayers for healing!

  6. \ YOUR LIFE DILEMMA TODAY? Feb 8, #7 //// May escape corona-variants, say, by Simple-Diet-in-Stand-Alone-House-Garden, or by Health-Tourism/Immigration to Simple-Diet-GROUP-A-Nation characterized by drastically low CORONA-PANDEMIC, some grand islands-places \\ 2 scientific methods, reported by 2 groups of nations listed below, indicate high CORONA-CONTROL in GROUP A, which, unlike Group B, is characterized by simple diet ///// Method 1) \\ COVID Deaths/1M Jan 26 v Feb 8 \\ Blg1,822-1,869 UK1570-1,686 Itl1,421-1,506 Hng1,231-1,340 SP1,280-1,314 Fr1,097-1,176 Sws1,097-1,129 Prtg1,043-1,377 //// Method 2) \\ % Fatalities of diagnosed in GROUP B reported on Feb 8 by //// NL1.43 Fin1.44 U.S.1.72 Sws1.81 Swd2.06 Sp2.07 Fr2.38 Brz2.43 Cnd2.58 Grmn2.71 UK2.85 AU3.15 Itl3.47 Grc3.64 Irn3.99 Cn5.17 Mxc8.61 \ US EARLIER/// Oct 22 2.75; MID JAN 1.67; Feb 8 1.72 \\ GROUP A //// Sngp0.05 Mng.10 Btn.12 FarId.15 Qatr.16 StVnc.25 Dbai.28 StBrt.28 Mldv.33 Bhrn.35 Tlnd.34 Mlas.36 Sysc.40 Curc.46 Icln.48 CyId.49 SrLn.51 Kwt.57 Cyp.67 Mrtn.69 Cub.72 Bora-Bora.73 Isr.74 Npl.75 Uzb.79 Arba.86 BrtIl.88 Vnz.94 StMr.97 Twn.97 //// We r what we eat, differing by DNA-DIET \\ daily reported by listed nations to JHU, WHO, etc. ['in',10M+REFRS.Google, Supermaneuverability, Wkpd/U-tube]////

  7. Well you can't do that biden and that's racist and xenophobic. Everybody these guys are racist President Biden is a racist xenophobe who's also a fucking hypocrite

  8. Racist, xenophobic actions by this non-president show his hypocrisy because he was screaming how bad the real President Trump was when he declared a travel ban at the start of the covid-19 breakout.

  9. A loving admonishment.


    Dr. Carrie Madej – Human 2.0 A Wake Up Call To The World

    This war is Spiritual.
    Covid 19 is real, but the impact is HUGELY EXAGERATED to place fear in the mass, to usher in the next step of the NWO with economic reset, and transhumanism.

    ALL PLANNED IN ADVANCE………………………………….

    Confess with your mouth, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you WILL BE SAVED.

    What is coming few will survive.

    Jesus is your ONLY hope.

    God said Jesus will return in MY LIFE TIME.

    God will make his presence known to you.

    Seek Jesus Christ with all your heart.

  10. This is very racist and ignorant smh, i cant believe we have another racist president in office. Thank goodness that abc remains honest and unbias when reporting the news 👌

  11. \\ HI Germans, Open letter #2, to drastically reduce corona deaths per capita updates your graphs and change diet as in GROUP A COUNTRIES – WELL, FIRST CAREFULLY STUDY OUR STATS AS REPORTED FROM GROUP A NATIONS VS. YOURS IN GROUP B //// 2 scientific methods, reported from 2 groups of nations listed below, indicate relatively high COVID-19 CONTROL in GROUP A, which, unlike Group B, is characterized by simple diet: Method (1): % Fatalities of those diagnosed in GROUP A reported on Jan 29/21 by: >Sngpr 0.05 >Bhutn 0.12 >Mnglia 0.12 >Qatr 0.13 >Brund 0.13 >Sychl 0.26 >Dbai 0.28 >Mldv 0.33 >Ertr 0.34 >Mlsia 0.36 >Bhrn 0.37 >Curc 0.44 >Tlnd 0.47 >Sri-ln 0.49 >Npl 0.75 >ISRL 0.74 >TWN 0.78 >Arba 0.86 >>GROUP B: >[Germ] 2.66 >[NL] 1.43 >[U.S.] 1.68 >[Brazil] 2.45 >[Fran] 2.45 >[Spn] 2.07 >[AU] 3.16 >[Cnd] 2.57 >[UK] 2.75 >[Swdn] 2.04 >Sws 1.79 >Grc 3.71 >[Chin] 5.19 >[Irn] 4.14 >[Itl] 3.47 >[Mxc] 8.50 >US EARLIER: >Oct 22: 2.75, Jan 29: 1.68 \\ Method (2): COVID Deaths PER 1M-POP [JAN 26 v. 27]: >Belg 1,822-1,837 >Itl 1,421-1,446 >Hung 1,231-1,267 >SPAIN 1,2O3-1,237 >Frnc 1,097-1,117 >Swis 1,074-1,097 >Portgl 1,043-1,129 \\ The Data are daily reported from the listed nations to JHU, WHO, etc. ['in', U-Tube, 10M PLUS LIST OF REFERENCES at google.].\\ HI Ge
    How America Bungled the Plague | NYT Opinion///

  12. WHY ARE WE SURPRISED BY THIS?? Do we not remember when you had to be vaccinated before going to another country?? But I guess those rules are out the window since it's in every country. Let's also point out that it's summer in Brazil. Look how well that variant survives and spreads in warm weather. Thanks for bringing a smarter virus variant souvenir back for us all.

  13. We need to ban every country from coming into the .U.S.A .The variant is spreading faster then the first covid .It's already in 20 plus states in the U.S.

  14. Republic of Ireland had 1,300 new cases today, Mexico 18,000 yet Ireland is on the travel ban list and Mexico is not? Hmmmmmmm

  15. These large facilities are created to make it look like everyone wants this experimental vaccine. The parking area will never will be filled with people. At least 55 people have died in America after taking the Covid vaccination including a well known doctor in Miami.

  16. So if I'm right here… lots of people in America believe Covid19 is a con, not dangerous? And lots of Americans won't wear masks and also believe that the vaccine is dangerous and part of a conspiracy to implant chips into us? Yes? And they just said every 30 seconds someone in the US dies of Covid….did l hear right? …. and?

  17. here is your answer .. your pandemic is a lie.. you can cure covid=19 with–> Hydroxychloroquine , Ivermectin has cured so many of this virus and much more.. but now America has decided it is no longer safe to use after we have been using for many years now without any problems .. even children have taken it with no side affects.. its because it works and they don't want you to know that , they want you to take their stupid no good vaccine .. do your own research on this .. shame on you for all for trying to Kill Americans

  18. Early in 2020 Biden criticized President Trump's decision to halt air
    travel from China, calling it "hysterical xenophobia." He later changed
    his position as he has on so many other issues. Could this have had
    anything to do with son Hunter Biden's lucrative business deals in

  19. GOOD! Duh! That’s how it got here in the first place. Trump closed travel from China…of course, it went to Europe and he just left the door wide open…Dummy!

  20. It’s the rule of the iron men, eventually we’ll arrive at the golden men but for now we can do nothing …..

  21. slowly we see complaints from chinese citizens with the downplayed covid19 in 2020 by the chinese government and WHO is falling for it

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