Biden Stresses Need To ‘Build The Infrastructure Of Today’ At Meeting On Semi-Conductor Shortage

Biden Stresses Need To ‘Build The Infrastructure Of Today’ At Meeting On Semi-Conductor Shortage

President Biden held a virtual meeting with CEOs to discuss his focus on building “the infrastructure of today” and address a semi-conductor shortage in the country.
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#JoeBiden #SemiConductor #NBCNews

Biden Stresses Need To ‘Build The Infrastructure Of Today’ At Meeting On Semi-Conductor Shortage


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50 thoughts on “Biden Stresses Need To ‘Build The Infrastructure Of Today’ At Meeting On Semi-Conductor Shortage

  1. 반도체 강국인 한국은 미국이 일본의 방사능 오염 물질 방류를 그만 방관할 때까지 협력하지 않습니다.

    Korea will NOT cooperate with USA until USA stops supporting Japan throwing away its Fukushima nuclear waste in Paicific Ocean

  2. Biden support Clean Energy Bill but he also support Japan dumping Fukushima radioactive water into Pacific which FDA banned fishery product from Fukushima area and all countries are against it. Biden is fcked up in his head.

  3. I can't make a living because biden won't help the legal American citizen. He makes it impossible for me to succeed in my own country. Soon, Russia and China will be giving orders to biden. Biden is a TRAITOR to the American people…

  4. Seriously, in June 2020, President Trump, signed executive order, filed.
    Black people who voted for Democrats. Whatcha think of this…

    "We can no longer share our human rights expertise, provide evidence of human rights atrocities to the court, or represent victims in proceedings before the court. 

    I had hoped that the Biden administration would quickly rescind the executive order. After all, the administration has promised that “America is back” and ready to work closely with its allies to meet shared challenges. The ICC is a critical part of the international legal order — the 123 states parties to the court include many close allies of the United States. Unfortunately, although the Biden administration has rejoined the Paris Agreement, the World Health Organization, and the U.N. Human Rights Council, it has not yet rescinded Trump’s order and my co-plaintiffs and I continue to experience harm. Last night, we asked the court in our case to issue a preliminary injunction against the effects of the sanctions regime so our constitutional rights are protected while our lawsuit is pending."

    Read the part about no time to help because of no time to stop for the annual researches…lol

    The nerve right! It came to a HALT and every black democratic voter should be ashamed!
    I can't wait to hear the blah,blah, blah responses! Every law was broken against Black America! To the black voter and the democratic leadership, how dare you show your face…

    Forever Independent!

  5. Think freaking God I think every gamer can speak with me on this one people can now get graphics cards soon hopefully and also PlayStation 5's hopefully I really hope this puts an end to the shortage it might it might not

  6. What a great president not like the pig before him!🇺🇸🇺🇸

  7. The bank just repossessed my car because of covid. Let's focus on the issues at hand. How about you start telling the banks they can't repo our cars, so we can all actually go to work first!

  8. Weve fallen behind biden said. Whats caused this is that campaign finance racketeering system where corps use campaign money to stop competition and progress. When fox news says its not bipartisan support when the republicans in the populace support biden where congressional republicans do not what theyre telling us they dont believe in democracy and republicans are more in bed with those dirty corporations and their campaign money than with the american people.

  9. Like m down there is talking about. We need to keep up with china. Fox news wants us to move toward a soviet economy. Days of brezhnev. Not one of those on fox can define the word capitalism. The capitalist system is designed to accelerate thru several catalysts technological advancement ratio of exports to imports strength on the intl market. And realistic prices that become asymtotical to an economically viable line. Competition is the main catalyst. Ocasio sanders and biden get it. Trump didnt. Michael moore missed it too. What he missed even if the competition is not real environmentally sound it still does all the things i just mentioned because it creates competition. Which would save the china trade balance without a trade war which screwed the farmer. The more the capitalist system accelerates these things the more of a diamond you have on the intl market. Campaign finance racketeering corruption sliws down this capitalist economic tornado the way the cuban mountains slowed down the hurricaine that hit west florida. Republicans are in bed with their campaign donors.

  10. Donate for BLM Foundation:

    BTC: 1GyKrB1m7586Wy4kqjhG7ZEAhBa5jUyuY6

    ETH: 0x2455e0f68d2c8de2d8f89ffcf578248e82658eb0

    BCH: bitcoincash:qz7acyxuhj7l3pqvxc972gd9e2z8dd2fhqzzfcvy8v

    LTC: LhojfiPg8jmDgt9DqBM6UE9pzURea1TM7p

    XMR: 8AP6f3V29i696QBhrPAtBY8QuKadaV4s1cemjN5GA48dht7qNGX69s1hHtnu2jFTwJPqp3ZiQ3R8g9ktc3y6sXacFbCtD16

    XRP: rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh Tag: 104111617

    ZEC: t1YBmWtvED5cGbxR3FvRkDFAU6uT5RehjvF

  11. Corporatism = FACISM
    "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."
    Benito Mussolini

    Where are the anti-fascists when you need them?

  12. President Joe Biden said he is “prepared to negotiate” the size of his infrastructure plan and how to pay for it.
    He had a Fake meeting with no Republican support trying to show media bi partisan support. Purely staged fake meeting

  13. Its clear after years of Trump and McConnell is that republicans don't care about working people. Biden's Infrastructure bill is popular with republicans as its designed to help everyone, not just the 1%. Also, it closes tax loopholes so that all American corporations pay at least something.

  14. Sir, that's not a semiconductor! That's your dogs chew toy/frisbee 🙄

  15. Remove yourself from office and save American lives .Uou are the cause of the chaos in our country because we are all at unrest because we know you cheated to sit in that seat.

  16. So Glad this man took the cheeto out of office!! MY HERO 🙌🏼

  17. 正在出现了严重的泄漏,在美国佛州也将马纳提县。美国媒体为何完全不报道?为何队美国公众隐瞒?

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