The executive orders include making climate change a national security priority, conserving 30 percent of all federal land and water by 2030 and having the federal government buy zero emission vehicles.
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#Biden #ClimateChange #NBCNews
Biden Signs Executive Orders On Climate Change | NBC Nightly News
Feb 15, 2021. We are having a winter ice storm and It is sub freezing in Texas. The power has been shut off for most of the state. The problem is the Wind Generators and Solar being offline. The wind generators froze, and without them, Texas cannot deliver the megawatts required, while at the same time, demand has increased due to most homes utilizing electric heat. Getting off fossil fuels put the state in a bind. People requiring electricity for medical devices will die. We cannot rely on Solar when there is no sun and the wind generators freeze in ice storm. We are having to burn wood for heat.
Joe Biden the Tyrant
Carbon taxes are folly. Deforestation is the problem. Reforestation or land set aside the solution. I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes.
Born and bred in Africa I witnessed much of the climate change in Zimbabwe as forests were cut down for grain and tobacco cultivation and 80% of the land changed to grassland and semi-desert. The EU land set aside restores nature’s powers over the climate, fixing carbon dioxide and stabilising temperatures and rainfall. Why else is earth’s atmospheric carbon dioxide just 0.04% when it straddles between Venus and Mars orbits each with atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in excess of 90%? Carbon dioxide is not the demon, it is plant food and plants work for us providing us with food and controlling our climate to be most favourable for life. Carbon dioxide and fossil fuels are just side actors, just like police cars and ambulances are to accident scenes. Just because police cars and ambulances are present at every accident scene does not mean that they caused them. The same with carbon dioxide and fossil fuels, they were mere agents of deforestation but deforestation was the cause of environmental changes.
So the solution to gaining control over our environment is strengthening nature.
The first method can be used by you personally to indirectly alter the climate for the better. Change to a keto or paleo diet and minimise your carbohydrate intake. This will not only improve your health and eliminate T2D, but more importantly it will incentivise farmers to plant trees which bind soils and provide nuts and seeds for your keto diet. If you choose a high carbohydrate diet, farmers will respond by cutting down forests to grow grain for your food. So by altering your food intake to a keto or paleo diet, you alter the food chain and thus ultimately the climate.
See the best keto diet here
The second (macro) solution can bring about climate improvement is as follows.
1) Build plant factories to feed 7.8 billion people and liberate land and water for forests
See examples of working plant factories
2) Use cattle herds to revitalise soil
3) Use goats to reduce fire dangers in forests
4) Use agrivoltaics to turn deserts into meadows with solar panels
5) Use marine cloud seeding to moisten and seed ocean air for clouds and rain
6) Use minerals to assist salmon populations
Don’t be misanthropic with the debunked carbon dioxide nonsense. Be positive. Be useful. Help flora and fauna control climate and don’t demonise plant food.
I want a $55 an hour job cleaning solar panels.
No need to learn to code, to solar, or to learn Chinese.
Learn to code, Learn Chinese, now it's learn to solar. Wake up people, learn to vote them OUT.
Criminal Biden is not the President of anything. His fake inauguration made him the CEO of a defunct corporation (Washington DC) and he has NO power over the United States. DC was under the Act of 1871 and was under British rule until our Great Legitimate President Trump restored our constitution to 1776! It’s true! He’ll be back soon! Research the truth:
How does killing 11000 jobs then buying oil from Saudi Arabia and shipping in fuel guzzeling super tankers save our climate? By the way,John Kerrys private jet spewed 160 metric tons of carbon last year!!!!!!!! Can you say hypocrite?
"10 % for the big guy." Impeach corrupt Chinese Joe
New Mexico may finally realize these Democrats hate them.
We are now becoming dependent on the Middle East again for oil
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Biden says death toll from pandemic likely will top 500,000 next month, says it will take months ‘for us to turn things around’ epic fail so far, ðŸ˜ÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂðŸ˜ÂÂÂ💉💉💉💸💸💸
We won’t ban fracking. We are baning fracking and killing jobs. Also joe it’ll make jobs. Also also Biden ugh why is nobody working??
The United States may be deceived by China because China is a robber country.'………………………………………….molton..Magmaaaaaaaaaaa….Effectively..burning..everyone..and..evereeeeeeeething………….to..a..crisp……………………..For..which..I..will..reeeeequire..EACH..and..EVERY……………ONE-MILLION-DAAAHHHHHHLEEEEERS!!!!!……Boooo-wah!-ha-ha-ha!!!!!
This is TOTAL BS. There is NO scientific consensus that we are close to a climate crisis. Man cannot control the Earth's temp – there are natural forces that have WAY more influence over global temps than anything that Man can ever cause. Plus, the lunatic Left consistently conflate the environment with Climate. On the environment, there is consensus: yes, we ALL want clean air and clean water – and US already does a great job at that.
– What the Climate organization or UN did over the last Four years?!
Just spending money for staff and unnecessary trips?
– The New York Post s factually correct on one point: The Biden Cancer Initiative funded no research. That’s because, again, it was never intended to. What happened to collect 1.8 billion $ ?!
Consequence of Biden daily orders:
losing more jobs, more deficit for USA and more taxes for American, damaging oil industry, more refugees after opening the borders, removing  tariffs  to import more from China and destroy USA agriculture and industry factories, removing sanctions and paying billions of $ to the terrorist Iran regime to launch  missiles and destroy peace in middle east…….
biden is a dictator! More executive orders than the last 6 Presidents combined.
Biden is the president of the media, not the American people.
Didn’t think Biden would be this bad, but wow I was wrong…
Bye bye american jobs
Biden's dems —— playing games while America burns // just like Nero —– totally disconnected from reality
People NEED their JOBS!
😫 would you get out of office already U are !NOT! the Legitimate President! … GOD! 😩😫😒…..💀💀💀💀💀👎ðŸÂ»👎ðŸÂ»👎ðŸÂ»👎ðŸÂ»👎ðŸÂ»👎ðŸÂ»👎ðŸÂ»👎ðŸÂ»
Que vergüenza tiene este paÃÂÂÂs tener un comunista y globalistas satanico gobernarbando que con su biologÃÂÂÂa quieren convertir esta nación en sodoma y gomora este va aser un paÃÂÂÂs sin ningún futuro para los jóvenes y niños no habra moral
Now you amelicans will know Xi luns the show!!!
“The fact is there’s no such thing as Man-Made ‘Climate Change’â€ÂÂÂ!
“Climate change†is tax subversion! Biden was always the lowest scoring student in his classes! #DESPOTISM
2 days to impeach a guy who is no longer relevant. Gov. On climate change. Ahh lets make a 50 year plan to maybe do something.
He is the president of dickheads
If we don't get rid of the cia like jfk wanted nothing ganna change
In b4 this is somehow the fault of anyone leaning slightly right when this fails.
Finally… I hated paying $2 for a gallon of gas
Climate hoax
Biden is a joke .Criminal Obama is behind the government
Platitudes, Pandering, and Plagiarism. Decades in Congress created this obscene display that is Biden
Governor Ron DeSantis stated he would not allow local governments to implement their own lockdowns or fine people for not following mandates people need to make a living and feed their families!!!!🇺🇸
When will loser trump admit he lost.
When the gop pull their head from his butt?