Biden sidesteps questions about son’s foreign work

Biden sidesteps questions about son’s foreign work

More than once, after Joe Biden engaged in diplomacy on behalf of the United States, his son, Hunter Biden, conducted business in the same country. READ MORE:

#ABCNews #JoeBiden #HunterBiden #Ukraine #China


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20 thoughts on “Biden sidesteps questions about son’s foreign work

  1. It's a known fact that Hunter is a recovering drug addict. Wouldn't it be expected for a father to ask his son how he's making so much money? Wouldn't a concerning father ask his son what he's doing for work and who he's associating with? Obviously, the answers are yes. Any loving father would just simply ask. So…either Pres Biden is lying through his teeth OR he's a horrible Dad, right?

  2. You are both very blessed to have each other. I can only imagine how much joy Vida brings to your life and it’s obvious that she is over the moon in love with her Mon!
    May our God and Lord and Savior Christ Jesus continue to bless you and protect your loving relationship.

  3. Communist China has taken over our elections and set up a puppet Joe Biden government designed to bankrupt our American values and Country. Several overseas locations altered our election process which had been manipulated by numerous foreign countries (China Russia Iran) all designed to steal, alter, our election results. Our State voting laws were broken, in several key States, knowing the voting laws were deliberately altered , they broke many laws to assist in this process. This all could have been stopped but key Democrat, Socialist, players are now within our government for money, power position, became players in this game of cyber election attacks to alter voter results. The Biden's have been well paid pawns of the Chinese Communist Party, two hundred million plus and still counting , ask Hunter for confirmation, the virus was designed for the beginning of plans to disrupt our election process. Those political powers who were involved are traitors, to our Union, remember our oath taken by all, to protect, defend our country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, Look no further then Kerry's recent selling out Israel as well as his own Country. What is this great love for a country sworn to destroy us and Israel? Look at Biden using the DOJ and FBI as a political arm of government throwing our constitutional rights in the trash can.

  4. 3:52 "… because of the current political climate, he's decided to not renew."

    Yeah. People are sick of these bastards ripping off people, companies, and nations with their political connections.

  5. Biden the puppet CCP China, Communism China Moves Uyghur Muslims Into ‘Forced Labor’ Factories modern slavery, the media nothing to see here.

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