Biden says there could be enough vaccine supply for every adult by end of May

Biden says there could be enough vaccine supply for every adult by end of May

News comes as Texas’ governor announces his plan to reopen the state and drop the mask mandate.

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20 thoughts on “Biden says there could be enough vaccine supply for every adult by end of May

  1. Biden taking credit for Trump's work.
    Nevertheless, I'm not taking the vaccine. It's just a whole money making propaganda. "Oh let's make a disease that will spread easily to others. Doctors make mega money for every person that dies with it and to top it all off, we'll have to make a vaccine. Money Money Money."
    Yeah, no thanks! I'm not supporting y'all. I don't care if Dems or Reps are behind it.
    Y'all better go vaccinate yourselves first.

  2. Removing mask wearing is the most stupid thing Texans could do.

    The US Covid death toll is currently 531,652 while New Zealand's is 26.

    It was funny taking the piss out of Americans last year but the US refuses to learn it's lesson.

    Abbott needs to be held responsible for the death toll increase next month and for any Texans that exported their stupidity out of state.

  3. Covid deaths US 531,652 Mexico 188,044 UK 123,783 Canada 22,105 China 4,636 Australia 909 NZ 26 Taiwan 9.

    Two thirds of the Covid variants originate from the US making Covid the US virus.

    There are 15 Covid variants, 10 from the US, 2 from the UK and 1 each from South Africa, Brazil and China.

    Traitor Trump's "Do nothing" pandemic strategy will be written into the history books as America's biggest-ever failure.

  4. It has taken only one 21 year old New Zealander to place New Zealand back into lock down.

    He is old enough to know better but young enough to still be stupid.

    The daily US Covid death toll average is 2,000. That is 80 times New Zealand's 12 month total of 26.

    MAGATs, Anti-maskers, Anti-vaxers and QANON are killing Americans. Some may be young but all are stupid..

  5. China has exported vaccines to 53 developing countries with plans to help another 19 African countries.

    US have finally approved the Johnson & Johnson vaccine that will not be donated but sold for billions in profit.

    Traitor Trump took a vaccine in January before Biden's inauguration and yet he kept it secret from the MAGATs.

    US Warp speed has finally caught up with Belgium, China, Russia, UK and India to be the 6th vaccine to market.

  6. Facial recognition proves who was responsible for Jan.6th. in D.C. They were not T supporters. It was preplanned just like the speeches afterwards. The mainstream media is the mouth of the anti christ. Pray for them for they will suffer only pain & torments in hell for eternity. We are being played again by both sides controlled by satan. This is spiritual warfare. Their god is lucifer. God is always in control; sometimes He allows evil to prevail for reasons that are above our understanding. NO FEAR!!! God will heal our land if we Repent & Pray. Do you worship I.A.; The" I Am" ? or A.I.?

    Believe and Trust in the bl o o d that was shed by J e s u s C h r i s t for your sins; being born again/saved. Humble yourself before the LORD and S A V I O U R J e s u s C h r i s t and pray. Pray by lying prostrate on the floor with your face to the ground. The ultimate humility before Jesus Christ is you on your face. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Watch; "Coronavirus and Vaccination crime… . " Watch B i b l e teacher R o b e r t B r e a k e r's videos, "Understanding The Times." & "Can You See in 2020?", . Watch, testimony of people who went to hell; You can make a difference! We can't lose with J e s u s C h r i s t. Give Him your heart today and serve Him!

  7. Fix your focus loved ones. Whatever we allow to roll around in our thoughts & minds, directly affects what goes on in our brains & bodies. Let the redeemed say so, the rest will follow.

  8. President Trump ordered enough vaccinations for all Americans over 16 to be vaccinated! These are still being manufactured and are in the pipeline for distribution and the shots given.

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