Biden Says He Will Focus On Needs Of Black Community Amid Covid | NBC News NOW

Biden Says He Will Focus On Needs Of Black Community Amid Covid | NBC News NOW

President Joe Biden met with a group of Black essential workers to discuss how he plans to help African American communities struggling economically and boost vaccinations.
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#PresidentJoeBiden #BlackCommunity #NBCNews

Biden Says He Will Focus On Needs Of Black Community Amid Covid | NBC News NOW


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31 thoughts on “Biden Says He Will Focus On Needs Of Black Community Amid Covid | NBC News NOW

  1. Biden is making blacks to be totally dependent on him he wants them to think they aren't capable of making it without him they are just as capable physically and men r ally hes tryin to drag them backwards

  2. So what happened to coming to the table with Ice Cube and ADOS about Black Americans reparations? Didn't you PROMISE you had an agenda for Black America and our reparations, so what happened to that agenda?

  3. The LEAST popular "most" popular "president" ever.
    The MOST racist "least" racist "president" ever.
    He bettah help black people….they can't even get on the interwebs according to Joe Beijden.

  4. “We’re gonna put y’all back in chains!” “If you gotta problem figuring out if your for me or trump, then you ain’t black!” “Poor kids are just as smart as white kids!” “Unlike the black community, the Hispanic community is incredibly diverse in thinking!”-Joe Biden, aka Mr potato head 🥔

  5. Focusing on the needs of the Black community? Uh oh… Trump and his cuIt of Karen's aren't going to like this lol. 😅

  6. If you STUPID POLITICIANS want to do something immediately to help, start treating this like the mass casualty situation it is. Around 20,000 Americans are dying of Covid-19 related causes every week, and most of those deaths are at home and in homes where the families can't afford to have anybody even come and pick up the body. Funeral homes around epicenters are overwhelmed. The Federal Government needs to step in to handle corpse retrieval and mass burials. STOP POSTURING, AND DO SOMETHING!

  7. Why concentrate on a group just because of their skin color? Isn't that being racist? I mean Just think if Trump said he was going to focus on getting White people something important first. People would go bezerk.This is how you create divides. Making it OK for one side but not the other.

  8. I thought he said was going to be different than most Democrats, and unify the country? But no, he has to go the Obama route. Couldn't he say "American communities struggling economically and boost vaccinations".

  9. Thanks God!! Finally a president that takes steps to show people he is trying to acknowledge them and help. More then our past presidents have done. Biden President of the Common Man. You know the real Americans. Lol.

  10. #1 Are the kids ever going back to school. So we will have a GAP in our children's education and we will never catch up . Don't believe for one second the CCP didn't know .

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