Biden, Sanders and Warren lead 2020 candidates in poll | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

The top 2020 Democratic candidates are preparing to debate on one stage for the first time as a new Washington Post poll shows support for Elizabeth Warren rising.

#ABCNews #2020PresidentialRace #DemocraticCandidates #NewPoll #JoeBiden #BernieSanders #ElizabethWarren #Debate


By carmodpros


40 thoughts on “Biden, Sanders and Warren lead 2020 candidates in poll | ABC News”
  1. What a joke these are not candidates , all morons at best ! Biden’s stop or else , Pocahontas lies to get special admittance to college, Sanders wants to give it all away ? Ya nobody will have to work anymore everything is free !

  2. Biden is not the answer, he is part of the problem and why Trump is president.
    People didn't vote for Trump cause they liked him they voted for him cause they were sick of governments that decimated the middle class, did nothing for the average American but did a lot for the rich and corporate American. Biden was part of all those governments.

    A change will come only from agents of change Biden is agent of going back to the corrupt governments serving the establishments and big money.

  3. Biden : Equality Platitude! Honesty Platitude! American Platitude!
    Warren : We must fight something HARD!
    Bernie : How about Medicare 4 all? What about a proper Wealth Tax? What about a Green New Deal? And Free College?

  4. To Trump
    voter most of which are Union people. 
    Why do you think it’s OK to sell out the electric car industry to China
    because that is what Trump is doing just to keep the money rolling into the Oil
    Companies?  Then he is undermining the
    semiconductor industry by using them as leverage in his tariff war.  Just what do you think the Chinese will do in
    response?  I would think they are putting
    their multitude of engineers working to develop their own semiconductors.  China has a pocket full of money and looking
    for a supply of crops to feed their people. 
    So you have South America burning down the rain forest to grow crops
    that Trump has interfered with.  Then you
    have the Democrats encouraging the Union to go on strike to solve their
    problems.  They are using them for their
    own benefit that is not in the best interest of Unions.  Unions should be supporting Andrew Yang.  Andrew is taking advantage of other Democrats
    sellout of the middle class with NAFTA. 
    40 years of only .18 cents an hour increase, and all that time paying
    millions of dollars of Union dues.  Unions
    should give up the right to fight for higher wages because with the freedom
    dividend the bargaining for better wages will be at the ballet box.  The government destroyed Unions so now they
    will have to solve that missing gap on our economy.  Union leadership is lost and they need the
    government to renegotiate with the Unions to grantee their future.  We need society’s voice in our capitalist

    There has
    always been a problem with stealing of intellectual property. They could
    control that by making everything here. 
    When you make your products in China what do you except of course they
    can easily steal your ideas.  As far as I
    remember there was four Trillion dollars waiting to come back into this country
    but they didn’t want to pay the Taxes on it. A lot of money was made before the
    tariffs. Technology will solve all of this and will truly make American great
    again. Vote for Andrew Yang!

  5. Joe biden really???? How?? He has half the followers on IG than bernie!! BERNIE IS CLEARLY winning!!! 3.5 million followers bro!

  6. If these three were the only ones left, I would probably have my mind made up by now….

    I think I already do 😷

  7. I support Bernie because of his progressive, ‘socialist’ policies regarding health care, workers rights and issues of social justice. I hope he gets the nomination but, unfortunately, my faith is limited. I wish that, even he doesn’t win the nomination, he will change the party and, as time comes, will find a prodigy who will continue on his message and legacy. I believe in a Democratic Party which is truly bold, which doesn’t pander to Republicans, and who will stand for the working man. I believe this can happen in my lifetime.

    Sanders 2020!

  8. I'm curious to know, what does the general support for Biden look like around you guys? I literally dont know a single person who supports him, and I talk politics with a lot of people.

  9. The Super Joe says clear the tracks 🚇 you buffoons. I’m taking this campaign trail by storm. And your dark horse 🐴 dreams are just a foot note 📝 in his express trip to the White Household. The only question is who’s second banana 🍌.

  10. All politician's should be like Pinocchio 🤥🤥🤥

  11. Buying guns in the street is as easy as buying candy from the store, try all you want to stop the travesties they will just find another way to get the guns and cause harm, we need to actually figure out the root causes of what is causing these travesties…

  12. Those 3 will not win, ANDREW YANG WILL WIN! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸. These polls are bullshit

  13. The Democratic 2019 Debates starts tomorrow. I’ve been watching the news about how Biden is leading and he is most likely to beat Trump. I like Biden; however, I have more support for Elizabeth Warren. She has a vision for President that are much closer to my values. Sanders would be my 2nd choice, then Biden. I like Biden, but too me, he is a little too moderate for this Trump climate. He wants to try and work with Republicans, when they have no room for compromise. Another reason, Biden is my 3rd choice, is because I’m very concerned about his health, after serving 8 tough years as Vice President. At the beginning of the 8 years President Obama had Black hair; however, by the end of his 1st term as president, Obama’s hair turned solid gray. Being President & Vice President can be very stressful and lots of hard work & Responsibility. That can take a major toll on anyone, especially someone of Biden’s age. Trump will never turn gray because he doesn’t do any hard work as president. Anyway, when I look at Biden, I see the results of the 8 years as VP. 4 more years of that type of stress can be dangerous & deadly to his health. I think we are seeing some signs of Biden’s results of the stress over the last 8 years as VP. I think Elizabeth Warren would be more highly suited to serve 2 terms as president for 2020 – 2028, compared to Biden.

  14. Egh where all fucked, they all want “gun laws.” Fucking idiots ( Edit) take my guns I’ll 3D print one 😉

  15. I see ABC has managed to find more flattering photos of Bernie. In your promos for the debate, ABC was showing very flattering photos of Biden and Warren. The photo of Bernie was not. So glad I do not have to send you my binder of Bernie photos. Here are some questions for your debate. How did the main stream media help to elect Trump and What should the role of media be in elections?

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