The administration is promoting new booster guidance that has spurred some confusion among Americans on when to get a third dose.


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Biden receives COVID Pfizer booster shot at White House”
  1. This is Fake News he is not at The White House this is at a studio across the street those are fake windows and I’m sure the booster shot is fake also… can you hear the chants at all the stadiums and concerts “F**k Joe Biden” I guess he can say he is unifying the country

  2. FAKE Booster.This Vac is an intramuscular injection. Meaning it goes only in the muscle.To do that,the syringe must be aspirated. Pulled back to see if there is blood, if no blood then inject the vac. They never did that here 😲. This would never happen to a President. It’s not the vaccine he got. FAKE BOOSTER

  3. Not the Whitehouse. #ArrestBiden for his illegal Ukraine phone call with Prez Porshanko! Treason by China Joe! Nevada Gov Sisolak laundered cash through the Aladdin casino dice pit and other joints and no statue of limitations for his tax evasion! I worked 117 hours at Desert Breeze polling place in Vegas and discovered we had Dominion employees from Cal embedded in our booth wearing our election board shirts advising voters. I found out William Gonzalez was from Fresno. Frayd all over.

  4. Biden is the new Hitler 100% if you don’t believe now you soon will the vaccine is a joke there are plenty of vaccines out in this world that have never ever been mandatory now all of a sudden it’s mandatory think about it people just think about it mandatory there’s a reason and it’s not to save your life I got Covid 30 days ago I was sick for one week symptoms loss of smell loss of taste very sleepy just like the flu now I’m up and feeling great I do not wear a mask I will not wear a mask I will not take the shot my company has threaten me now to take the vaccine I handed them my lawyers card and I haven’t heard anymore since thenNone of the vaccines have been passed by law it is not mandatory it is your company that is doing it you could sue your company if they force you to take the shot the media is not going to tell you this I’m telling you this because I care I’m 100% patriot always will be Biden and Harris must go they are destroying us one shot at a time if you don’t believe you soon will believe Mark my words the storm is coming

  5. They won’t maybe lose their jobs. They have walked out. They won’t be back. There are clinics popping up all over that do not want workers who have been vaxed.

  6. It is my twenty years experience, so take this thing seriously. The doctors will never recommend you this thing because they don't know this thing. It is not the knowledge from books but a knowledge from the long experience of practical. (why mostly rich people die with covid 19 why death ratio is lesser in poor country) Make your diet very very strict for some days if you get affected with covid 19 and you needn't to be frightened of any type covid 19 virus or it's variants. Read this phrase throughly it is my twenty years experience of the hell of pneumonia (when the doctors become helpless and the all medicines are worthless. What would you do then. The medicines are not capable to treat the primordial pneumonia. How they can treat this dreadful covid 19 caused pneumonia , there is only one thing, it is your body who has to fight with covid 19 or covid 21, so be prepared for that. And I make you sure on it that a human body has the capability to kill this virus, no matter how many forms does it change itself. Let's get ready to do so. ) I have lived the hell of pneumonia and inflammation so far. And the doctors prescribed me only things those were, antibiotic. They prescribed me more strong antibiotics when the first one stopped working . When all the antibiotics stopped working I had no way but controlling my eating habits to control the severe inflammation and excessive mucus problems . Because ayurveda described this thing. It is a natural thing to treat pneumonia and inflammation with no side effects.
    All the friuts, dry fruits, most of the grains [except wheat, gram or cheakpe] , all the lentils (except pigeon food or masoor dal) [ pigeon food means masoor dal not tuwar dal so don't be confused and avoid tuwar dal because it is inflammatory too] and all the vegetables(except green leaves ) and all types of vegetables oil(except mustard oil ) act like poison for a very sensitive pneumonia patient or a covid 19 affected patient(only in some cases because some patients' body act overwhelmingly on covid 19 virus ) because these things are most inflammatory and the main causes to make humans body inflamed . So avoid these things for some days if you get affected with covid 19.
    Covid 19 may affect you and you can face all types of it's symptoms , but it never be fatal for you if you follow these natural tips for some days after being getting affected. If you have a covid 19 positive test, control your eating habits for some days and take only all types of meaty foods( meat and eggs ) and you can use mustard oil or pure butter clarified to cook them otherwise eat them grilled or boiled. You can also have all types of pure dairy products(which are made from pure animal milk ) , white sugar, sea salt, red chili powder,all types of green leaves like spinach and lettuce,tea, coriander powder or leaves, , turmeric, products that made from pure wheat, masoor dal(pigeon food),Gram(checkpeae ), Mustard oil. Avoid all types of vegetables, Either it is a green vegetable or a root (besides green leaves) and avoid cabbage and cauliflower . It is a very strict diet plan but with this diet you can achieve zero inflammation within 10 to 15 days. To meet your daily needs of vitamin c you can take a half of lemon(lemon acts differently when it is consumed with different foods, with the suggested foods it never be a cause for inflammation ) per day. If you follow this tip for some days, covid 19 or it's variants never never be fatal for you in any case .
    Note – A human body does take 15 days to produce antibodies and it is the natural way to avoid the over inflammation. It is my twenty years experience over pneumonia and inflammation. it's been two years I won't face neither pneumonia nor inflammation. I have been surviving on a very simple and a very strict diet.
    To watch how inflammation kills the patient, click on the following link.
    To know vaccine afficacy on covid 21. Click on the following link
    To know how did i come to know to this thing please read, MY STORY, by clicking on the following link.
    And to know how you can wash your nose with hot water to kill the virus from nose. Click on the following link.…..

  7. Dr osaba cure all kinds of diseases such as HIV, HERPES virus, CANCER, DIABETES, FIBROID , HPV, STD, you can reach out to Dr osaba on his YouTube channel

  8. Most times having your own source of income is really a blessing in disguise you won't have to care about this forsaken governmet. They wouldn't make provision for jobs all the care about is themselves honestly the easiest way to earn in this tremendous economy is through Crypto. but many don't believe in this yet and I feel so sorry for them.

  9. That black guy is such a sell out. FDA said booster was not necessary so no he’s not following “the science”. & old Joe can get it because he’s already half dead anyways Lmaoo. When nurses are like I’m not taking this vaccine, you know this is all a scam.

  10. ☝️🤬BS🤬☝️ Pfuck their BS mandate🖕 ☠💉☠

  11. #Covid_vaccine has the structure of HIV same as covid 19 virus to deceive your immunity system to create T-Cell perish together with the virus(just like overclocking immunity system temporarily), but unable to deceive the new covid 19 variant, the virus will permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to duplicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from covid infection or fully vaccinated.

    Covid vaccine is a resistance of covid virus to create new variant, it only able to hide the symptoms after get infected, at the same time to enhance your immunity system to against the virus temporarily like 'MURPHY', "against the virus not eliminated", currently the opportunity to the death of having vaccine injection is less due to it's ineffectiveness since vaccine maker has been modified it to be safe. Vaccine manufacturer can be sued now after FDA fully approve those vaccine, this is great liberty status evolution. A lot of people death or having long term adverse reaction in vaccination before, and the government still keep hiding the truth.&#6

  12. These right wing/conservative conspiracy comments here are such a joke. Good for Biden to get that booster shot. 👍

  13. BIDEN GOT THE JAB WITH A MOVIE CROPPED NEEDLE. All of those wealthy people used FAKED NEEDLES so as to get the general public to jab themselves. It's working pretty good and not working at the same time.

  14. Former President Obama tells Robin Roberts in an exclusive interview he believes the infrastructure bill is something “America desperately needs."

  15. Congratulations to everyone who come in every single seconds 💙When life gives 100 reasons to cry 😢 ShOw liFe 1000 reasons to smiling 😃

  16. Waiting for kind a hearted ♥❤❤ who can actually support me and understand my problem 😭…,

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