President Biden delivered remarks on the American Rescue Plan and how it can provide relief to those impacted by Covid-19 “quickly, equitably and efficiently.” The president warned that “the devil is in the details,” but assured the bill will “generate economic growth for the entire nation.”
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#Biden #CovidRelief #NBCNews
Biden Promises Covid Relief Will ‘Generate Economic Growth For The Entire Nation’ | NBC News NOW
The rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer the middle class is dissappear
Biden should first start to grow a brain
I wonder if I can start earning online from
bitcoin/forex. It's just the most trending
now and since lockdown everything in
business have changed
My gosh this guy is a joke! When will he talk to the people rather then read a speech or his notes?
It's still a slim bill. 1400.00 is nothing and tax credits to those with kids does no good if they made 0.00 in 2020 as they are not direct payments. A good bill would be 2,000/mo for individuals in severe poverty and unemployment for those already unemployed before co-vid under FPUAC and Cares Act. Not garnishments by private debt collectors. Immediate free housing, raise in food stamps, free shoes each yr under medicaid not restricted to braces and diabetics, universal healthcare, free college and board, toiletries, laundry and food, 31.00/hr min wage now, at 33 hrs/wk with multi yrly paid vacations and multi family, sick leave/yr with cooperatives for all and other things, etc etc etc. Meanwhile, we've got McCarthy quoting Margaret Thatcher and Corporate Dems who are not far from it. Solar power now! Not nuclear. Stay away from Astrazenica Green New Deal, Star Trek NOW. In 2050 it will be way to late.
The United States of America
Planet Earth
Every other news outlet in the world is covering the vaccine recalls but the USA. Do a search and see what you see. Why is the US suppressing this information. Because the media IS biased, and they are liars! Can be the only reason I can think of. Otherwise they would be upfront and honest. You would have to a sheep to follow this crowd. Get the vaccine because I said it was safe. Sounds more like communism or Nazi Germany to me. I make my own choices based on common sense, which I thought we all had, but I can see that is not true. That is the only way someone would blindly take something they know nothing about. Vaccines have all sorts of side effects. Come back to me when you have serious research to back up your claims of how safe it is. Wait, that would be impossible, as there was nowhere near enough time to test it. Give it to those in need and leave the rest of us alone! Stop treating us like there is something wrong because we were questioning what you are trying to feed us!
The reason we won't
blindly get a vaccine no one knows anything about as there is now way
the could as there was not enough time to put the vaccine through
trials. Troll around YouTube a while and you will now see disclaimers
from your "honest" government telling you this is totally safe. Now you
want Trump to tell people it's safe, you all are a joke! Why are all
these countries pulling it if it's totally safe? Why can't you sue them
if you die from it? If it's totally safe, they should backup their
claim. I don't follow blindly, like so many others. Europe is smart,
they see an issue and they call it out. This administration wants to
spew lies and wonder why those smart enough to see through it and
following the rest of the minions. I have proof for everything I post.
If someone wants to dispute me with their research, I would be happy to
listen. But there is nothing, just like from all the liars spreading
*(&&#&#& on this site. I call them out, ask for proof
and nothing. Typical, all talk and no proof. NO PROOF = LIES!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't be fooled by stimulus drawn from our own future income that we must pay. They are cooking us on our own oil. Joe Biden IS NOT OUR PRESIDENT.
He was installed through 4 years of massive Fake Media News, False information, Biased reports, Anonymous allegation, questionable Main Voting with no reliable voter identification system.
NO to Joe Biden. No Leftist Media and Liberal imposition on USA.
All True Americans who love America from all colors and background must UNITE AND
Please send, money, for rent
This is way your ratings have tanked – TRUMP2024 (WITHOUT CHEATING)
Lies Lies Lies – what a joke of a man – cheated to get in and acting like he can handle it – Don't forget the tell us only 8% is going to the CCP-Virus help and it will cost every American Tax paying couple 69,000.00 and every tax paying person 17,000.00 each – Real smart bozo real smart – don't worry patriots – 2022 and 2024 will tell the real story of who really won – and we will do this with out the Treasonous RINO's and Socialist DEMS cheating again.
"The growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase…"
"The number of employed Americans fell by 3 million during Trump's time in office…"
Dementia Joe: Now we can pay it back with increased fuel prices and increased costs of everything else.
You right about the devil involved
Good job reading the prompter screen Joe, it sounded genuine, but what you said was all lies!
Economic growth? Doubt it. My plan, along with just about everyone I know, is to stick it in the bank and not touch it until a dire situation arises.
Just popped by to see what the deep state is promulgating, and give all vids a thumbs down.
I want to know when you’re going to be doing a news conference President Biden. Are you capable of doing a news conference President Biden without getting an attitude? Your $2 trillion stimulus package has so much pork in there that a small percentage of that $2 trillion is going to be going to the American people that need it the most. The rest of the money is going to go to bailing out democratically run states that have missed managed their finances for years . When are you going to do something about the chaos at the southern border. I have friends who live in Texas . Yes there are people crossing the border from Iran Syria and other Middle Eastern countries. 60% of the people coming from central America have Covid and other diseases that they are going to be bringing in here and affecting innocent Americans because of your open borders policies. Why don’t you finish building the wall at the southern border so our borders are sealed. There are so many Americans out of work right now and you’re just opening the floodgates up and letting all these people walk into our country. I believe in taking care of our people at home first then you can bring the appropriate amount of immigrants into our country not just opening the floodgates up and letting people come in here from all over the world and steal American jobs from hard-working Americans that are out of work right now and going hungry President Biden. Have you went to the gas station lately gasoline is approaching three dollars a gallon on the East Coast and our grocery bills are going up every week. America was Energy independent during the Trump administration and you basically are destroying our domestic energy industry by your policies. Take this into consideration with this recent bail out we are heading for hyper inflation next year. That means higher interest rates. We’re heading for a stagnant economy similar to the Obama years. President Donald Trump was the greatest thing that happened to America because he sealed the borders and he was a businessman and he had one of the strongest economies that America has ever seen. You mark my words next year is going to be a difficult year for the United States of America.
most of down syndrome in your state must have bank accounts of money needs there job otherwise we will be poor not given money to down syndrome there company workers needs there kids to learn to thrive do not harm down syndrome kids like us to all the kids do not learn about politics
this will not happen to all people of down syndrome has there bank accounts of childcare for any down syndrome has those account in the bank is still on
Joe Biden is full of sh!t 7 million job for mexicans and they get free medicare and housing boy get the rope
Joe Biden left our WH Friday around 3 PM to go back to his home in Delaware and take another weekend off. I never thought I'd say this but I would so much like it if he was at least able to go golfing like Obama or Trump did! I seriously don't think he's mentally or physically able to function. Maybe shuffleboard at the least?? Something, ANYTHING!!
We got rid of trump but now have trump Republicans.
most people do make K as their income.. get real
Any update on Marvin Hagler? He took the COVID vaccine 24 hours before his death….
Devils in the details wtf ?
Keep in mind people, the Federal government has no money to give… they can only REDISTRIBUTE the money they've first stolen from a working tax payer
🇺🇸USA , 🇺🇸thank YOU🤑 ,,for the $5,600💲💰 we're going to go on a TRIP 🛳🚢🛩⛵,,to HAWAII 😇thank YOU😇 ,,,very MUCH🤑 ,,for all the FREEðŸ˜ÂÂÂÂ😛😠,,MONEY💲💰💰 ,,,that will never be paid back remembe🇺🇸r USA 🇺🇸,,,owes 20 TRILLION ,,DOLLARS💲💰 ,,thank YOU 🇺🇸,,,for the Monopoly MONEY ,,💰💲,I will have a good TIME🕜🕑🕠,,in KAUAI ,,ðŸÂ„â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂ⛳ðŸÂÂÂÂŒï¸ÂÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂÂ,THANK ,,YOU ,🇺🇸,President🇺🇸 Trump,,,,JOE,,👹👹👹, blah blah blah may God have mercy on your soul Joe👹👹👹
Great job Joe, finally a president who has a clue.
Dirty Biden should be resigned from President because he has here llp and stummerlng, is disqualified as a politician, we can't understand his intention, let alone Aoerican President.
He should have ashamed of himself.
Wow 5.6k 🤣
🤣does he actually know what was agreed upon in the bill….I think he meant to say America will be stimulating other country’s economies.
# CarteL Biden! I'm confused about the $5,000. Can someone explain.
$1400.. . Most will go to China in the form of expenditure in new technology like iPhone, Samsung, . Etc $1400 per person won't save America Joe. You need to give tax relief to small businesses to employ more people. You need to stop illegal immigrants Joe! Keep building that wall!!
Covid-19 relief : Illegal aliens $ 1400.0/person. Retired US citizens husband and wife $ 1200.0 all together! Thank You Joe!!
Covid-19 relief : Illegal aliens $ 1400.0/person. Retired US citizens husband and wife $ 1200.0 all together! Thank You Joe!!
Covid-19 relief : Illegal aliens $ 1400.0/person. Retired US citizens husband and wife $ 1200.0 all together! Thank You Joe!!
Seven million new jobs? Where – in China. Cut child poverty i half? How- by building a bridge to Canada from NY, or building a subway in Silicon Valley? Why isnt the MSM calling him out on these lies? Oops, i forgot, they're in on the scam. 9% goes to actual covid relief tbe rest iz bailouts for Dem states and cities that have mismanaged finances for years, and for nations overseas, some of whom are our sworn enemies. Wtf?
Devils in the de- tails . He couldn’t have said it better
This man is clearly living in a delusional world.
Chid poverty should be ELIMINATED! What a FN MORON.
Anthony Fauci Admits Covid Shot is New Technology Being Tested on Humans in Live Time
This guy is a joke,the devils in the details. Really,you can do better than that Biden,i see no unity from you.
And the illusion continues. ABC cuts out the part where a lone reporter asks a prescreened question at the end of the briefing. I guess it was too unbelievable even for ABC to air.