Biden projected to win Michigan Democratic primary

Biden projected to win Michigan Democratic primary

Former Vice President Joe Biden is projected to win the Democratic primary in the state of Michigan based on analysis by ABC News.


#JoeBiden #Michigan #DemocraticPrimary #ABCNews #ProjectedWinner #2020Election #DemocraticParty #FormerVicePresident #Politics


29 thoughts on “Biden projected to win Michigan Democratic primary

  1. He’s smiling because he knows he has dominion on his side

  2. Is it opposite day?😅

  3. I can't believe how much they lie and believe it. Can't seem to remember 2016..Even though my vote doesn't really count here in California I'm still voting for Trump.

  4. If Biden become president it would be disastrous for America…. I’m embarrassed of Biden president of America.(IDT) unknown who cares America USA

  5. Biden is winning huge because of how easy it is to vote early now. States made is substantially easier to absentee vote and to vote early.
    Older people are simply more reliable voters. Given the opportunity to vote early/absentee, they could be relied upon to vote. Younger people had the same opportunity to vote early/absentee but they didn't take it.
    More people that ever before voted in the current primaries, and Biden is winning.

  6. Biden is, without any doubt, the only one who can beat Trump. He is the only one who is building a coalition of blacks, urban and suburban white working class, and college-educated white women. It's the coalition which was instrumental for Dems taking back control of the House during the midterm elections by flipping districts which voted for Trump in 2016. Bernie can't build a coalition bigger than Latinos and young people (who don't even bother to go out and vote).

  7. Bernie bros are now forced to vote for a candidate other than sanders. And if they dont, theyre hypocrites babbling about revolution then throwing a tantrum when they dont get what they want. Either way, it's entertaining to see them squirm.

  8. Sanders had won the Democratic primary in Michigan thanks to the working class, to whites who did not have a university degree, to the Independents. Tonight he lost all these voters and Sanders is even close behind in the counties which has a state university. So Sanders' argument that "I can win the Rust Belt states" crumbles. Sanders is an overestimated candidate for 4 years, the working class who voted for him during the primary season we mainly vote against Hillary Clinton. It was confirmed in November 2016 when Hillary Clinton had lost Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin because a few thousand working class voters voted trump or stayed at home.

  9. It’s clear, without an African American woman as VP, there is zero chance of winning. It would be HRC 2.0

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