Biden prepares for summit with Putin

Biden prepares for summit with Putin

President Joe Biden is expected to arrive in Brussels tonight ahead of tomorrows NATO meetings.


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37 thoughts on “Biden prepares for summit with Putin

  1. Joe Frauden 🤡 illegitimate PRES🇺🇸

  2. Joe ‘Jim Crow’ Biden is a complete clown. He’s got half a foot in the grave. His brain is mush.

  3. Why isn’t our media reporting Japan releases million tonnes of radioactive nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean? Within two years, it will eventually approach the west coast of the US,
    a German study found.
    Is it because Japan is a Western ally, hence Japan can get away with it?

    “China’s rise is KILLING the world economy” – Now that’s NEWS!

  4. From G7 to the NATO it’s all talk about China, China and China.
    Isn't the G7 a meet-up of self-appointed good guys to talk about democracy
    and believe they still can decide the fate of the world?

    Is the G7 now starting feeling paranoid
    that China’s economy will become bigger than all G7 countries combined very soon?
    Isn’t the US trying to stop that train but it cannot be stopped?

  5. G7 to launch a 'democratic' alternative to China's Belt and Road Initiative.
    By building a ‘Parallel Road' to China's Belt and Road – following into China’s footstep?
    What’s the POINT?

  6. What country claims to have the best national security?
    But playing the victim card from time to time and pulling the “Russia/China-bashing card” out of thin air, whenever it comes in handy.

    This is how absurd the US position is.

    But we’re expected to believe that they’re constantly living in fears being attacked or being taken advantage by other countries?
    Their motto is " Bring me the man, I'll find you the crime."

  7. I hope Putin tells him put on your notes down and talk to me like a man. Then says, " hey you want to go back behind the gym and go a few rounds." The funniest thing would be is if he said can you get the real president in here because we know that there's no way you're the President of the United States. I hope Putin straight-up makes this guy look a clown on national TV! Biden's the biggest phony I've ever seen real tough guy behind the TV but face-to-face is nothing.

  8. Biden prepares for Biden 😴😴😴🤣

  9. Usa 🇺🇸 👹

  10. This president is a coward. Must have a very short list of who to exactly call on for questions, he is afraid to call on someone not on his list for he won't have their question in front of him with pre written remarks.
    I am embarrassed every time this moron opens his mouth.

  11. Putin/Russia has a lot of spy gadgetry. He needs to film the entire meeting unknown to Biden's staff and release it to the world public so we know how Joe did or if he could even speak coherently with or without a teleprompter…

  12. Jill Biden is the real president right now. She's the one preparing and answering the media's questions. Joe admitted publicly that he will get in trouble with his staff if he answers unsolicited press questions. He is hiding and Jill is in the spotlight. WAKE UP AMERICA!

  13. Biden in an idiot. President Joe Biden's gaffes and difficulty speaking publicly did not get missed by the media during his G7 summit, including bumbling in his final remarks, mistaking Libya for Syria, getting "waved off" and corrected by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and failing to show customary respect for the queen of England. Biden mixed up Libya when he meant to say Syria at least three times in discussing "economic assistance," which he corrected to say "food assistance," and even aides had to explain away as mere slips of the tongue.

  14. Biden is the most handsome and elegant man I have seen in my life with 70 years and he is better than young men waooo ilove you my platonic love 😻

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