Biden is projected to win Missouri primary

Biden is projected to win Missouri primary

Vice President Joe Biden is projected to win the Missouri primary based on an analysis of polling data by ABC News.


#JoeBiden #Missouri #DemocraticPrimary #Voting #ABCNews #ABCNewsLive #Polls #2020Elections #ProjectedWinner #Elections #FormerVicePresident #2020


36 thoughts on “Biden is projected to win Missouri primary

  1. 💎💎 as expected

    Good news😍☝☝☝

  3. So many Democrats running and the only two left are the worst, Democrats don't learn, and if it's not enough of Bernie and Joe, who will face Trump,? Joe jeje😀 it's a joke, we stayed with the most corrupt, weird and hardly put two sentences together, super Joe, well Trump just have fun with Joe don't be too hard on him

  4. Why are all of the news channels showing only the Democrat numbers and not the Republican numbers? I want to see how many voters voted for Trump in each state.

  5. #bernieorbust I’m voting for trump if biden wins.

  6. I voted for Biden in Missouri around noon.

    In November I’ll be first in line to vote for Trump

  7. Is Nate Silver struggling with a disease to cause his hair to look 👀 like that ???!!!
    And if so, may God be by his side ✌️

  8. Joe wins Mississippi , Missouri and Michigan!

  9. Here come the Bernie bros..pissed by facts! MSM crippled Bernie but thats politics. Biden was given this win and Bernie FAILED to overcome it.

  10. …… Welp,,,, there's alot of people not going to vote this election cuz they fixed old creepy Joe to win…. I don't know ANYONE out of ALL the dems I know, including myself, that want Joe in the white house…., 😔sad but true.


  12. Damn Bernie might as well drop out tonight! 😂

  13. Biden has no agenda, he's only running and fooling African Americans under the shadow of Barack Obama 🤔

  14. How can these so called African Americans be so sick 🙄

  15. Trump just automatically got re-elected, SMH 🤔

  16. Biden is funded by the health insurance companies. Now They’re up 48 billion in profit, While 50,000 people a year go bankrupt from health issues. Now do you understand why Biden and the neoliberals pushing him, don’t want Medicare for All!??,,

  17. I’m Joe Biden and I forgot this message

  18. I don’t trust anyone with hair like that.

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