Biden fist bumps Saudis crown prince

Biden fist bumps Saudis crown prince

President Joe Biden greeted Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with a fist bump after arriving in Saudi Arabia.


39 thoughts on “Biden fist bumps Saudis crown prince

  1. Why isn’t the news picking apart Brandon’s time in Saudi Arabia…

  2. 46k views and 256 likes!!!! Effin pathetic!!!! 😂😂😂

  3. Why it’s how you crawl on your knees and greet a Pariah. Doofus joe just trying to help America.

  4. Biden: 🖕

    Biden 2 seconds later: 🤜🤛

  5. The Saudis are helping Joe around, how they're keeping straight faces is remarkable 👌

  6. Well at least he didn't sword dance or worship an orb. Still ain't got that outta my head. Give Buden a break. It's automatic these days. I'm sure it wasn't a Kumbaya moment. Have you seen BMW's ( whatever) response to Biden bringing up Khashoggi ? He got the message. Won't change his behavior. Wanna do that quit buying Saudi oil.

  7. Never trust George Stephanopoulos again. Watch him interview Obama and witness his attempt to steer Obama against his declaration of faith. George clearly thought Obama shouldn't say he was a Muslim. "Don't you mean your Christian faith". George was willing to decieve Americans. I have zero faith in George after watching 👀 that video. That video is evidence that George Stephanopoulos is a dirt bag.

  8. The president traveled 10,000 miles to beg for oil when he could have gone only 1,000 miles to Oklahoma or Texas for oil and restored the tens of thousands of jobs he killed on day one when he declared war on fossil fuels – and shut down new drilling on federal land, the Keystone pipeline, and in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR)!

  9. People get real! What do you expect Biden to do? Send bombers on Saudi Arabia? Send a drone to blow up the Prince? Or, put the Prince in Jail? They got the USA by the balls. There's only one way: get rid of the Blood Oil and go for the renewable energies. You all see how you'll put all those terrorists on their knees. Wake -up and get real!

  10. Why it was there?

    Because you don’t believe in the sword in the stone

    It was on top of a bush

  11. Oh yeah think I’m bluffing?


  12. See why it’s like that

    I have the golden plates

    Now I’m in control

  13. So I’m
    Not Egyptian

    Oh yeah

    Plays dark magician

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