Biden delivers remarks on mask and vaccine policies for federal workers

Biden delivers remarks on mask and vaccine policies for federal workers

President Joe Biden also discussed the seriousness of the delta variant, as well as the importance of getting vaccinated.

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#PresidentBiden #Vaccine #COVID19


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45 thoughts on “Biden delivers remarks on mask and vaccine policies for federal workers

  1. Pray God’s blessings instead of vaccinations 💉 Read Bible Praise God Almighty instead of vaccinations o

  2. well for a woman to abort a baby because she is allowed to because its her body her right is bullshit too because you give the father no rights to that child even though he played 50 percent of bringing that child into this world yet you still push your case with this vaccine and don't care about our rights our body our right u push this law to make it to where people cant work without a shot this country is gonna go down in a ball of flame real fast

  3. this man supposedly won the election with the most votes in history of any presidential incumbent yet in one video has 231 likes and 613 dislikes can anyone smell the bullshit your a fucking sham and everyone with a fucking free thinking brain cell who can process true information from misinformation can see your election was fraudulent.

  4. Cloth masks, by NIH admission, are minimally effective and can even increase the spread of bacterial infections. So why this continued narrative? Biden mandating masks for Federal employees is an abuse of his position.

  5. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡🎥😡😡😡😡🎥🎥😡😡🎥🎥😡

  6. Over 1 million illegals have crossed the Border, no papers, no vaccines, no mask, but if your American, get your shot put your mask on and show your Papers. WAKEUP PEOPLE

  7. Please dont dodge the question but Why arent you talking about why the Capital Police didnt use deadly force on the insurrectionist/rioters/ terriost??? I mean they were clearly in fear of their safety…. Clearly being assulted…. Clearly didn’t think they were gonna make it home to their families…. They were clearly sprayed with bear mace… clearly beat with flag ploes… clearly their weapons that they never pulled out were trying to be taken by these terriost….. the US government was definitely under attack……under what circumstances would they use their issued firearms???? I mean our government was under attack🤔🤔…. Please explain to the American people why??? They(police)have killed sooo many Unarmed African Americans who didn’t pose a fraction of a threat as these terriost did…. The police have been able to draft these fictional narratives of why they killed these unarmed non threatening African Americans and have gotten away with it…..but when faced with a real narrative…. They dont even pull their weapons out??…..Media… please explain this to the American people….. and if you dont know…. Then why arent you asking the question??? The African American People want to know🤔🤔 Is our inquiry not worth your investigation???……🤔🤔💯💯………

  8. Combine laziness, undereducation, subjective bias, and fear, and you get overreactions that do us more harm than good. COVID is real. It's very dangerous, but only to certain profiles. Over 85? Pretty much totally ignorant if you don't get vaccinated. 65-75? Pretty darn good idea that you get vaccinated. Pre-existing conditions and over 50? Probably a good idea to risk exposure to a new vaccine that's been minimally tested and get vaccinated. All others? Purely optional, and in many cases not worth the risk to take a vaccine that uses a technology that's never been seen on a mass distribution scale.

    Let's not forget that the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting COVID. In fact, I'm sitting at home now because one of our employee's girlfriend started showing symptoms last Thursday night, and she's since tested positive to COVID. BTW, both she and the co-worker have been vaccinated. What the vaccine does is improve you fighting that virus. That's it. Nothing more. And, let's not confuse what the masks are for. They're not for keeping you safe. They're for reducing your transmission of the virus, if you're infected. So, after we all get sent home and I went to a Walgreens to get a test kit, I was wearing a mask.

    The whole, "you don't have to wear a mask if you're vaccinated" is stupid. I don't like wearing a mask. And, I'd rather take my chances and not wear one. But, the reality is that even if you're vaccinated, you can get COVID and you most certainly can be contagious, so you wearing a mask is as important as it is for those who aren't vaccinated.

    For a good portion of the population, it's a bad flu that's very contagious. Doesn't mean those people will die. Doesn't mean they're guaranteed to end up in the hospital. And, let's remember, for some of the population, this virus is extremely dangerous. So, whether you're vaccinated or not, don't put those people at risk.

  9. So lets cut through it, lets talk facts, too much misinformation and then he says that vaccinated people dont need to wear masks. That is misinformation right there. sine day one the CDC has siad the same thing. Masks do not protect the person wearing them since they do not cover the eyes. Also, if you are vaccinated your body is precharged with a healthy amount of appropriate antibodies to fight it off so you never show symptoms but you will test positive and thus you are asympytomatic. all vacinated people can get and transmit covid 19, they just dont show symptoms or those of a mild cold. When I see this poor old fool standing out on the lawn wearing a mask I am embarrassed for every single United States Tax payer……

  10. Since I'm not permitted to comment on joes WH Facebook page I'll enlighten you on joes roads and bridges understructure bill. ( Key,) 97% of our roads and bridges are maintained by the states they pass thru. Of the 97% only 24% are permitted under federal law to be eligible for federal $$$. The 3% are federal highways going thru national parks and Indian reservations.

  11. This administration's highest support has come from covid-related issues, and they've completely run that train off the rails now with convoluted messaging and confusion.

  12. Hey, Joe
    Where you gonna run to now? Where you gonna run to?
    Hey Joe, I said
    Where you gonna run to now? Where you, where you gonna go?
    Well, dig
    I'm goin' way down south
    Way down to Mexico way
    I'm goin' way down south
    Way down where I can be free
    Ain't no one gonna find me
    Ain't no hangman gonna
    He ain't gonna put a rope around me
    You better believe right now
    I gotta go now
    Hey, Joe
    You better run on down
    Goodbye, everybody, ow
    Hey, hey, Joe

  13. DATME:







    #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑)


    #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

  14. The devil's shadow is in the American sky, stay away from the Democrats, go to the light, the devil's workshop is in China, but the devil's children were spread in America

  15. I hate him. F Biden! Stop forcing vaccines on people that don’t want it. That one shot is the mark of the beast.

  16. Your decision to sin affects other people’s lives more than Covid. So start preaching against the deadly effects of sinning against your neighbors.

  17. President Biden, we do not care about spreading it to those who are unvaccinated. They made their choice. They can deal with the consequences of their decision. We should not have to change our lives for everyone who will never be convinced to get the vaccine.

    company cannot mandate an employee to take an experimental drug, they
    would have to do the following to justify their decision, which then can
    be challenged:1. A risk
    assessment under the Management of Health and Safety at Works Act 1999,
    as to why they want to make it mandatory for employee to take an
    experimental vaccine that is on trial until 2023.2.
    A letter from the company confirming they accept liability for any
    medical condition you get because they have insisted you have the
    experimental vaccine, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Section 23.
    A letter from the manager implementing the policy confirming they
    accept liability for any medical condition you get because they have
    insisted you have the experimental vaccine, Health and Safety at Work
    Act 1974 Section 74. A
    copy of the companies liability insurance showing cover for employee
    taking the experimental vaccine are covered for any adverse medical
    effects.5. You confirm
    that you are not averse to vaccines, however you will wait until the
    trials of this drug are over after 2023 when you will be in a better
    position to make an informed decision…

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