Biden confronted with Supreme Court litmus test comments | ABC News

Biden confronted with Supreme Court litmus test comments | ABC News

When asked about his 2012 comments on Supreme Court picks, Joe Biden said the Obama administration wasn’t going to nominate anyone who didn’t believe enumerated rights existed in the constitution.

Democratic Debate in New Hampshire l ABC News l February 7, 2020

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33 thoughts on “Biden confronted with Supreme Court litmus test comments | ABC News

  1. So I just heard Biden say that is not enough to win the presidency but democrats also need to win the Senate…well why doesn't someone pass him the magic wand so he doesn't need to work.

  2. This was the guy hyped to easily beat President Trump! The more light and coverage Biden gets the further he drops. Was the Iowa debacle a coverup or scheme to hold back Bernie? We will never know? The Dems and Media were fools for the impeachment long shot that propelled Trump and killed Biden. Tired of losing?

  3. 🇺🇸T🇺🇸R🇺🇸U🇺🇸M🇺🇸P🇺🇸 2Q2Q+
    Sleepy creepy babbling uncle lunch box Joe. 2🍅

  4. In my first 100 days I'm signing an executive order moving men and women who are currently in job corps to the U. S. Military. Release non violent first time offenders with victimless crimes to job corps. Donate today. Cash app $GoodKarmaNow

  5. Where’s Hunter?
    Trump 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 he’s so far ahead of all of you put together!! Ohhh 😲

  6. They (commy party)that they (fake news ABC)gave them to Spew idiotic answers to questions Americans don't care about .I mean Americans that get out of bed and don't work for the government .

  7. Corporate media (subsidiaries of the military industrial complex, big pharma and oil/coal fossil fuel industries; just google their owners, for God's sake) couldn't sell us Biden, so now they're trying to sell us their "second best chance" mainstream centrist candidates: 1) Buttagieg, who is now owned by the billion dollar donors; no coincidence that Blue Cross/Blue Shield is his biggest donor and he "believes" that Medicare for All should be "M4All if you want it"… which, of course, will make it unaffordable and keep insurance corporation middle men in the game long enough for Republicans to chip away at it till it's gone. 2) Klobuchar, who is and always has been Republican Lite, who never passed a single bill that didn't have corporate backing and was also 100% "safe" for her according to some poll. I'm from Minnesota and she sure never lifted a finger for me or any other working class person in the entire time she's been in congress. SURE she's "electable"–because she stands for nothing in particular and never offended anyone rich enough to fund her campaigns. Go ahead and elect her–you'll get more of the same we've been getting for 50 years. Compromise–for Biden/Buttagieg and Klobuchar means compromise towards the right. If you're already a millionaire, you'll love her. If not, well, you can keep waiting for that Trickle Down you've been promised for half a century.

    Now, watch and listen to these pundits; they'll tell you who is "electable"–because they said so. Chris Christy, corrupt New Jersey Governor (so corrupt he can't even get elected in New Jersey anymore–so now he's a pundit for corporate media. AND for the Democratic debates. LOL, because if you aren't laughing it means you have a brain and feel like crying over all the lies and corruption you've been force-fed.

    Okay, now tell me this; what have you heard about the top progressive candidates (the ones who are actual progressives, not the ones like Biden and Buttagieg, who called them progressive for the debates–or whenever it's convenient to pique the interest of actual Democrats? Nothing. It's a good thing we actually got to hear what Sanders and Warren and Steier have to tell us–because according to the pundits they don't really exist. Warren is "fading". Nary a word about Sanders, except that he's a "Democratic Socialist"–although none of us really care about the label, as we've heard what Sanders has actually done and what he plans to do for THE PEOPLE, which is hardly "radical" or "revolutionary" or anything like "he wants to blow things up" (unless you're a pundit or centrist candidate taking potshots): no, what he is that drives them nuts is he's incorruptible. And that's what corporate wants; corrupt will maintain the status quo… and these elite love that.

    By the way, no Democrat has anything against rich people. Tom Steier was great and I'd vote for him and his progressive agenda in a heartbeat and so would plenty of Democrats. They don't talk about him, either, because he's also anticorruption.

    Wake up, America. Vote for what you want. Look at their platforms and vote for WHAT you want. THAT's how you win the election, that's how you beat Donald Trump and his corrupt henchmen. That's how you get what you want and need… no matter what these jackasses tell you. Don't fall for the con this time. You CAN get what you really want. If you vote for who they tell you is electable and can beat Donald Trump, we'll lose, for sure. Because Trump's voters still THINK they voted for what and who they want; they haven't even figured out, yet, that they voted for a con–and some of them are thrilled they got a racist who will jail women for wanting to control their own bodies and someone who will bring on Armageddon sooner so they can rapture up. Jesus. Wake up!

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