Former Vice President Joe Biden attacked President Trump’s handling of civil unrest sparked by police violence in a speech Monday afternoon during his first in-person campaign trip in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Biden condemns violence in cities, says Trump adds fuel to every fire

Because, Harris urging them to “Keep it up.†Didn’t mean anything.
How do we stay safe in Democrat run cities? That is where the violence and chaos is at its worst. The Highest taxes but schools and Infrastructures are failing, where is the money going. If you just want money find another job, you are put in office to work for the American people. Democrats need to start working for all-American people, no more excuses.
Joe "corrupt" Biden failed to condemn black lives matters, an antifa by name. Both of those traitorous organizations have been labeled domestic terrorist militias.
Instead Joe Biden attacks the president of the United States of America. The American people see you Joe Biden, and raise you the Constitution of the United States of America. Make America great again in 2020!
How long did it take the special interests to force Biden to change the tune since the poles tanked?
That’s the stupidest video title I’ve ever seen, Biden incites the violence , adds fuel to the fire by. Refusing to acknowledge the violence , now he wants to condemn it? Biden is the problem. We keep hearing this gasoline on the fire talking point , but Biden is the one doing it.. we can’t let that idiot trash the country again…
Wow Old Man …..your Monday Morning Quarterback game is Tight! Idiot!!!
Trump 2020
You morons started the fire.
haha so Biden's campaign is like Clinton's campaign – Trump this Trumps that, well but Democrats ware telling everyone – peaceful protesters and summer of love
Everything that happens under the Orange buffoons watch, he blames it on the democrats.
He (Trump) is the real problem.
This hack can't go one day without making a fool of himself. So Antifa is a GOP group? BLM violence is GOP sponsored? Violence in Chicago, Seattle, and Portland is because of GOP Mayors? This clown has to be THE most idiotic fool of a Presidential candidate in my life time.
why aren't people seeing that each side is just as corrupt and be willing and does throw everything bad possible or fake on the other?! It's all a dirty fight for presidency.
trump prevented the democrats from taking over and destroying us, they will do anything to regain it.
the toxic presence is biden
Benghazi will never die Obama! Lying murdering bastards! War is coming Aghori!
#Trump2020 and 🇺🇸ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ..Jump on the Trump Train in #KAGA2020
Wow what a 200 IQ accusation Sleepy Joe… Trump is literally offering assistance that's being actively denied to try and get this stuff under control, and you and your party are quite LITERALLY doing nothing to even attempt to stop any of the violence in the streets… You have to have a single digit IQ to not realize this lol.
We know you're slow Joe but three months after the fact? Pretty pathetic
Trump 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Shut up Joe.
after reading the comments, are there any Biden supporters? lol
It is crystal clear, “They hate us cause the ain’t us.†Biden losing badly.
Trump 2020
Some of y’all may not like biden, but did he lie tho?? Burning down buildings and setting things on fire doesn’t necessarily bring us justice. Yes we get the attention that we’ve been asking for years, but that doesn’t change anything.
If rioting, looting and setting fires isn't protesting lawfully; why is Biden's campaign donating funds to pay the bail of rioters? Why does "top cop" Kamala Harris encourage this lawlessness?
"We have to stop this horrible left wing ideology. It's weakness" says the president who is scared to even bring up Russian bounties on our soldiers to Putin, says the president who lets the president of Turkey tell him to remove troops and let Turkey invade and ISIS re-form.
Lawlessness should be prosecuted! Applies as much to Donald Trump and William Barr as to vandals and rioters.
Biden/Harris in 2020,help make china great again!🇨🇳 ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂ
ABC, et al, have yet another tactic to prop up JB’s viability for president, saying DHS hid an intelligence bulletin in July of a RUSSIAN ATTACK on Biden’s mental health. “The Long Arm†of RUSSIA, moving Joe’s mouth causing us to hear incoherent things THEY made him say…😑 Will y’all give it a rest, already?! 🤣🤣🤣
So Biden need to go to jail?
True. Trump incites violence then claims to try to stop it.
These (fake) people talking bad about Biden are probably just "Russian Bots"….be aware and careful this time everyone
Toooo late. Goodbye Joe. Nice not knowing you.
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Biden is losing my respect
Biden: we are not stupid like you and your satanic henchmen like to believe You and the left ABSOLUTELY loved the anarchy and destruction. You had an opportunity to condemn and do want you had to to stop it. But you didn’t. And now we are supposed to believe you and that Harris woman and your leftist mob are anti violence?? Huh??!! WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID LIKE YOU AND THE MEDIA LIKE TO BELIEVE
ABC the extension of the Democrat party. I know who has been pushing for rioting ABC you can't brainwash me.
Learn to pronounce
a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.
"Saturday's rally had the support of Antifa, whose sworn enemy is the far right"
Definitions from Oxford Languages