Biden calls out ‘MAGA Republicans’ as he talks police funding, crime prevention

Biden calls out ‘MAGA Republicans’ as he talks police funding, crime prevention

President Joe Biden referenced Jan. 6 and the Mar-a-Lago search as he spoke in Pennsylvania.


#abcnews #biden


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31 thoughts on “Biden calls out ‘MAGA Republicans’ as he talks police funding, crime prevention

  1. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”
    ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3:1-4, 13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  2. Did he forget when Chuck Schumer threatened conservative judges on the Supreme Court saying they had sown the wind and they would reap the whirlwind..and that they wouldn't know what hit them? Guess he missed that one, because he sure never condemned Schumer for his inflammatory words. Selective much?

  3. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and his husband Michael, Schumer, and any and all liberal scum bags should be tried and charged with treason under US code title 18, which states the penalty is death or not less than 5 years. I’m cheering for the first penalty honestly. Oxygen thieving low lives.

  4. Biden and Democrats will do anything to destroy America that will make Americans poorer and they will have no money left to spend. then bien will claim to have stopped the inflation he caused.

  5. I don’t recall Biden condemning the antifa thugs throwing frozen water bottles at the police, or the ones trying to burn down the police station, what about the ones that took over portions of Portland? Or the ones blocking highways and trying to light horses inside a trailer on fire. The ones looting and burning down entire neighborhoods for almost a full year!?? Nope! Those are all law abiding patriots! They get a free pass, Brandon is a Clown!

  6. Hey, I have an idea: Stop your open border, and stop your "let extremists in" bill. You you think the crime would have gone down if you hadn't opened the borders and allowed extremists to enter??? No, that's not it – it's all those MAGA terrorists who have been here for decades – and no high crime. Yeah, that's it. The black cop in the back – shame on him for supporting "defund himself" and Biden's policies. He is just as hypocritical as B-b-Biden. The very party who opposes "bullying" – is bullying. The very party who says ‘transparency and honesty – said (whispered) “If you get the vaccine, you won’t get the virus!!!!” – and then when Biden did get the virus (after taking 5 shots!), he did not apologize that he had lied, and that Fauchi lied, too. The very party who touts "Uniting" – is dividing. The very people who profess "climate crisis" – are flying their private jets and using 82 times in a day – that the rest of us use all year. The very people saying "get rid of guns" – have [armed] bodyguards … I would go on, but it gets kinda mean. It's called "hypocrisy", and although the USA (actually, the "DSA"!) has officially become a "banana republic", this is absolute "loony tunes". And even more sad – are those many Biden supporters – who think he's saving America. I deal with many of them per day. But yes, they hate Trump (after saying "hate is bad"); they are phobic of Trump (after saying "phobias are bad"); they won't tolerate Trump (after saying "intolerance is bad"); they want Trump to "pay for his crimes" (after letting Biden get away with Treason (the Afghan botch, and giving our oil to China). And they will defend it – making them the Treasonist.)

  7. Honestly at this point open fire on atf FBI all of them. The president pretty much said 74 million of you need to be rounded up. 90 k new IRS agents are only coming to republican homes.

  8. Who pays…..YOU DO!

    Biden’s reckless spending, recession, attack on our energy sector, and surrender of our southern border.

    Inflation and fuel at a 40 year high. Never underestimate Biden’s ability to F things up!!!

  9. PHILADELPHIA, PA — In a speech tonight, Joe Biden condemned fascism and extremism while also debuting a delightful little mustachioed look.

    Reporters oohed and aahed over his fashionable new facial hair look as the president ranted about people he disagrees with needing to be condemned as terrorists in order to fight fascism.

    "It's a good look for him," said an Entertainment Tonight reporter on the red carpet. "I know they say don't wear that kind of mustache before Labor Day, but I really think he pulls that off. It's kind of a classic look – vaguely European, perhaps 1930s or '40s Germanic, maybe? – really inspired."

    "The one who owns the youth gains the future!" shouted Biden, pounding on his towering lectern as he stood before giant banners lit up in blood red. "To conquer a nation, you must first disarm its citizens!" He got really worked up here, screaming and holding his arm at a 45-degree angle to the sky. Finally, he concluded his speech by defending democracy and condemning fascism with the powerful line, "We must employ the final solution to exterminate those vermin who would oppose our glorious third Republic!"

    Those gathered cheered with thunderous applause.

  10. Being a patriot is about believing in the values our country was founded upon, a true patriot will overthrow a tyranical government, not blindly follow one. Being against a government can often be the most patriotic thing you can do.

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