During a press conference, President Biden called on Burmese military to immediately release the Democratic political leaders and activists being detained. He also announced an executive order to sanction military leaders who direct the coup.
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#PresidentBiden #Myanmar #NBCNews
Biden Announces Executive Order To Sanction Military Leaders Who Directed Coup In Myanmar | NBC News
Lies, Lies, Lies. Yay President Trump for doing a great job as President for the United States of America .
Llo.,3D,12. 17,ä¸ÂÂÂ^,è‡ÂÂÂè‡ÂÂÂ豆è…ÂÂÂ,綜åˆ湯,ä¸ÂÂÂ,10 yes,G20,D16m,))**,K^L,E^,D^,P^L,K^…,…,………………..
When I say flush. Slow Joey you go away. Your drained joe
And this guy is actually our president ? Not legally tjhis election was stolen.
Joe Biden is jealous of Donald Trump. Even if Trump's policies he erased everything, but until whenever he will not be able to compete with D. Trump's popularity. In the end he will be stressed and paranoid.
1.51 subliminal
You can tell he's reading of a teleprompter
Hey Stuttering Joe!!!! Do something worthwhile here in our country, ya twit
Babbling dummy fake president.
NOT MY PRESIDENT STOLEN ELECTION! Trump is and always will be the best president!
Commander in Chief Biden
As one of America's former sworn dutiful federal servants of the United States constitution, I stand by all your words domestic and foreign. 👠Good job, President. 🦅🇺🇲📄
Trump 2024 You have 4 Years maybe ðŸ¤â€ÂÂðŸ¤â€â€Â
I need to be government
To night Myanmar going to bad please help
President is 100% right.
Go back to the nursing home China joe you pooped your pants
More endless wars just like under Obama. The elites who fund both sides while people die are very pleased with puppet joe biden
The coup in Burma was made possible by biden overriding their election by threatening them the same way he did ukraine
Isn't that where McConnell wife emigrated from?
Great work army I wishes USA should follow to take down the sleepy joe stolen Presidency from President Trump
What’s your favorite ice cream?
#Save Myanmar
We do not like military coups because we cheated and we do not I want people to just take the country back please believe us we won Mike Liddell absolute proof !!!
Trump 410
Biden 128
Can he not speak without a teleprompter? Pathetic.
No one listens to you because you are a cheater and stealer 😂 😂 😂
He can't run this country he has no business sticking his nose in they
Screw Biden impeach
You are to funny😂😂 I think you need to go back to your basement for a long nap
Trump ⤠⤠⤠⤠â¤
American is going back to war, The 4 years Trump was president we never had a war but the hatful Demarcates LOVE WAR AND CHAOS
So America is stronger with this corpse as president hahahahaha. America wake up, you have been hijacked and are being destroyed from the inside !
Don't talk about some on e else to you look at yourself
ထá€ÂÂÂု့ပြင်á€ÂÂÂရုá€ÂÂÂ်á€â€ÂÂá€ÂÂÂုင်ငံမှမြá€â€ÂÂ်မာá€â€ÂÂá€ÂÂÂုင်ငံသားများကá€ÂÂÂုဖá€ÂÂÂá€â€ÂÂှá€ÂÂÂပ့်ရá€â€ÂÂ် ဆက်သွယ်ရေးá€â€ÂÂှင့်á€â€ÂÂည်းပညာဆá€ÂÂÂုင်ရာဉပဒေကá€ÂÂÂုရေးဆွဲပေးá€â€ÂÂေသည်
ယá€ÂÂÂုမြá€â€ÂÂ်မာ့á€â€ÂÂá€ÂÂÂုင်ငံရေးအá€ÂÂÂြေá€â€ÂÂေသည် စစ်á€ÂÂÂပ်ကပုá€â€ÂÂ်ကá€â€ÂÂ်မှုအá€ÂÂÂြေá€â€ÂÂေမျá€ÂÂÂုးထပ်ပá€ÂÂÂုသည် á€ÂÂÂရုá€ÂÂÂ်á€â€ÂÂá€ÂÂÂုင်ငံမှမြá€â€ÂÂ်မာá€â€ÂÂá€ÂÂÂုင်ငံကá€ÂÂÂုသá€ÂÂÂမ်းပá€ÂÂÂုက်ထားá€ÂÂÂြင်းသာဖြစ်သည်
ဒါကြောင့်မြá€â€ÂÂ်မာစစ်á€ÂÂÂပ်á€ÂÂÂေါင်းဆောင်á€ÂÂÂွေကá€ÂÂÂုသာမက အာရှá€ÂÂÂá€ÂÂÂုက်မှာá€â€ÂÂယ်á€ÂÂÂျဲ့á€â€ÂÂေá€ÂÂÂဲ့ á€ÂÂÂရုá€ÂÂÂ်ကွá€â€ÂÂ်မြူá€â€ÂÂစ်ပါá€ÂÂÂီကá€ÂÂÂုပါ စစ်ရေးအရ အရေးယူရမှာပါ
လူသားအá€ÂÂÂွင့်အရေးကá€ÂÂÂုá€ÂÂÂျá€ÂÂÂုးဖျက်á€ÂÂÂဲ့စစ်အာá€ÂÂÂာရှင်စá€â€ÂÂစ်á€â€ÂÂှင့်ကွá€â€ÂÂ်မြူá€â€ÂÂစ်á€ÂÂÂွေရဲ့ကျူးကျော်အá€â€ÂÂá€ÂÂÂုင်ကျင့်မှုá€ÂÂÂွေကá€ÂÂÂုá€ÂÂÂá€ÂÂÂုက်ထုá€ÂÂÂ်ဖá€ÂÂÂု့ ကမ္ဘာ​သူကမ္ဘာသားအားလုံးအá€ÂÂÂွက်လá€ÂÂÂုအရေးကြီးဆုံးအá€ÂÂÂျá€ÂÂÂá€â€ÂÂ်ဖြစ်á€â€ÂÂေပါပြီး
   9.2.2021 Five Chinese planes land in Myanmar and provide weapons and technical assistance to repress the Burmese people.
China is also drafting a telecommunications and technology law to crack down on Burmese citizens
The current political situation in Burma is more than a military coup
China has just taken over Burma
What we are talking about now is the real situation
Therefore, military action must be taken not only against the leaders of the Burmese military but also on the Chinese Communist Party, which is expanding in Asia
This is the most important time for all the people of the world to fight against the military dictatorship and communist aggression that violates human rights.
å› æ¤,ä¸ÂÂÂ仅必须对缅çâ€Â¸军方领导人采å–军事行动,而ä¸â€ÂÂ还必须对在亚洲扩张的ä¸ÂÂÂ国共产党采å–军事行动。这是与侵犯世界上所有人的人æƒ的军事独è£ÂÂÂ和共产主义作æ–â€â€Â争的最é‡ÂÂÂè¦ÂÂÂæâ€â€Â¶åˆ»ã€‚
Burma? Obiden has no clue
..now, Mr. Biden IS TALKING…thank you, Sir..!!.. a good LEADER must be able to STAND ALONE when he NEEDS TO…
Joe do not interfere to a sovereign nation
The world is watching us, wondering if America is going to fall to communism by Dominion and CNN,NBC,ABC etc..
Call on Burma!?!? They don’t give a Fvck what you say Dumb Dumb Biden
There's no freekin way 80+ million people voted for this B.S.
Thank you, President Biden! Keep up the good work!
Creepy Joe Biden
His coughing seems so intentional. Who you signaling creepy joe?
Bernie sanders should be president I’m sorry.
And for Vice President? Killer Mike.
The best Mike there ever was for Vice President