Biden and Sanders take on Trump for his handling of COVID-19 response

Biden and Sanders take on Trump for his handling of COVID-19 response

Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders will face off on mini Super Tuesday with the hopes of winning the Michigan primary.


23 thoughts on “Biden and Sanders take on Trump for his handling of COVID-19 response

  1. La prière funéraire est une prière sans redemeas ni prostration; leurs subsistances sont avares et un. Il y a quatre chants de fierté dans les prières funéraires. C’est vacant de dire bonjour. Leur circoncision, d’autre part, est de louer Dieu et d’apporter des salutations et des salutations à Rashid (pbugs), et de prier à la fois les morts et les musulmans.

    Afin d’accomplir des prières funéraires, la connexion pure et les intentions sont faites contre les funérailles et vers la qibla (prière pour Allâh, prière pour le meyit, personne privée (ou personne hâtun). L’imam et la congrégation en prennent un et attachent leurs mains. Après un seul, l’imam et la congrégation ont lula prière « Subhaneke »avec l’expression « et celle senaüke ». Puis l’imam prend un seul sans lever la main, et la congrégation prend un seul d’entre eux, et ils disent tous les prières « Salli » et « Barik ». Ils reparlent une seule prière de la même manière, et ceux qui ne connaissent pas la prière funéraire (Tirmizi, Cenaiz, 38), et ceux qui ne savent pas, lisentla « sourate fatiha » ou uneautre prière avec l’intention de la prière (Tirmizi, Cenaiz. 39/1026). Puis, de la même manière, un single est pris puis salué à droite et à gauche. Ainsi, la prière est terminée.

    Lecture: Allâhümmağfir lihayyinâ et meyyitinâ et le prophète et gâibinâ et kebîrinâ et la santé et zekerinâ et ünsânâ.

    Allâhümme men ahyeytehû minnâ feahyihî 'ale’l-Islami and men teveffeytehû minnâ feteveffehû 'ale’l-imani and hussa hâze’l-me bi’r-ravhi ve’r-râhati ve’r-rahmeti ve’l-forgiveti ve’r-rıdvân.

    Allâhümme dans l’univers muhsinen fezid fî ihsânihî et dans l’univers musîen vetecâvez anhü (femme funéraire " dans l’univers muhsineten fezid fî ihsânihâ et en kânet müsîeten mü fetecâvez anhâ minha et lakkıhe’l-emne ») et lakkıhi’l-emne ve’l-büşrâ ve’l-kerâmete ve’z-zülfâ birahmetike yâ erhamerrâhimîn.

    Ça veut dire: « Mon Dieu! Pardonnez-nous nos vivants, nos morts, ceux qui sont prêts et prêts, nos grands et nos petits, nos hommes et nos femmes.

    Oh mon dieu! Gardez ce que vous nous avez fait traverser pour l’Islam. Tuez ceux qui nous tuent dans la foi. En particulier, rendre ce mort facile, le confort et le pardon, et être heureux avec lui.

    Ô Dieu, le plus miséricordieux des miséricordieux ! Donnez-lui la confiance, les bonnes nouvelles, les bonnes actes et la proximité.

    Pendant les prières funéraires, des conditions telles que la servitude, se tournant vers qibla, setr-i avret et l’intention sont observées. Les funérailles à prier doivent être musulmanes, lavées et enveloppées, devant la congrégation, avec tout ou plus de la moitié de son corps, soit au moins la moitié de sa tête. L’enfant qui est né et est mort vivant est lavé et les prières funéraires sont exécutées (Fetava-u Hindiye, I, 159).

    Comment faire des prières funéraires par contumace?

    Il est retourné à la qibla, ligoté pur, et prié comme il a été exécuté à l’enterrement prêt à l’homme.

    Exécution des prières funéraires

  2. Sanders can definitely talk in a live setting. Biden is better off “scientifically” not doing it. He never dew a crowd and whatever his problem is it sure looks like dementia to me. I know firsthand about dementia. I saw a vid that Biden did very well. I believe that it was pretapted and definitely edited. He didn’t slip any time like he did in the primaries. I’m not a democrat but listened to all the debates. His problem is so obvious. If he can’t tell the difference between his wife and sister can he really be a president of the USA? I have always voted for the person that I thought was most capable putting aside the political parties. It’s very hard to do these days. What’s up with all the just vote against them. Did it start when Pelosi became a leader of the Democratic party in the House? She did urge all Democrats to oppose anything that the Republicans tried to pass. I don’t understand the total opposition on either side. Why can’t they work together. It’s good to have opposing opinions but not at the expense of total rejection of the other party. I wonder what the founding fathers would have to say on the subject

  3. Biden and Bernie are hacks! What proof do they have that Trump was going to go forward without the consent of the doctor's? Every day he has an hour-long coronavirus task force meeting and every day he allows a task force put together by him and Mike Pence to go up and talk about the coronavirus. He said we were going to try to come out by Easter and now he pushed back to April 30th based off of the doctors recommendations. So where are they getting this?

  4. The Coronavirus isn’t really that bad! It’s only deadly to the elderly with pre-existing conditions/joe Biden, Bernie sanders, these events are perfectly safe, it’s just as excuse for not having “Large crowds in one spot. Wanna see a large crowd… go to a Trump rally.

  5. The community or Latin American as the North American should know that Mr. Joe Biden is better not only because he has experience and the sensitivity of knowledge of his country and communities and believes in an inclusive democratic policy, but it must also be seen that in a country where peace is evident as the economy, it is not possible to set aside what a Bernie Sanders is for his country and the very economies of countries that have worked together economically with the United States, Sanders could be very harmful and permissive to the let countries like Mexico make a communist policy and bring to their borders all kinds of racial and terrorist conflicts just for believing and making believe that socialist and communist policies are fine; While there are things that look alike in politics in the U.S. itself. as socialists, they are purely identified and controlled models, but without becoming more, there is only one economic form or community identification, but let us not forget that the U.S. North America has gone to and founded on its capitalist economy and that it is not perfect but they respect freedom and do not hesitate to make that freedom be respected for all without confusing the masses with socially dominant political ideas of change incurred into a perverse state of government and authoritarian as they have been seen today and throughout history, USA today it is what a power is for respecting freedom and a capitalist economy and a commercial alliance.

  6. Yesterday Looked like 45i* was with McConnell and was served his pink slip, now 45i* is weighing in on ALABAMA senate race bc petty retribution. Will this work? Will Sessions get his senate seat back? Will Jeb drive away with absentee ballots in his truck in Florida? Whoa! Where were Bernies youth vote? I'm serious, what happened in Idaho!?

  7. Trump's team will use the clips of everyone of the sellout democrats, now endorsing Biden, speaking about his mental capacity and how he isn't fit to be president when they had the debates! They all called it into question just a few months ago on tv but now they say he's the best to beat trump?! 🤣 The commercials will write themselves and we will end up with trump another 4 years. This country has not learned a damn thing in the past 3 years!🤦‍♀️

  8. We need Bernie Sanders or Biden to win it all (preferably Sanders) . We need more government control, higher taxes and bring back the mandate. I'm tired of the middle class people making more money. We need to put a stop to this!

  9. Democrats unwillingness to vet Joe Biden leaves the door wide open for Trump to do it. Not gonna be pretty when he pulls out all of Joe's nasty record and can plausibly claim his record is better for both black and working class folks. Bernie is the right candidate. Nothing but a good record to stand on.

  10. Drooling Joe – The Strongest Democratic Party Candidateâ„¢

    Biden can barely keep his teeth in his mouth. Yea, he's the right guy to stand up to President Trump.

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