Bestselling author Sheryl Sandberg discusses how her book can help during the pandemic

Bestselling author Sheryl Sandberg discusses how her book can help during the pandemic

Sandberg discusses her 2017 bestseller Option B: facing adversity, building resilience, and finding joy and how its relevant during the coronavirus pandemic.

#Pandemic #SherylSandberg


25 thoughts on “Bestselling author Sheryl Sandberg discusses how her book can help during the pandemic

  1. This B can go to hell. She’s terrible.

  2. Devestating!!!😞💔

  3. the last thing I want to do is read a book..we outta school 💀

  4. What did she say?😳 Sorry, I got distracted by the comments. Haha! 😅

  5. Good advice. I had a nasty car wreck which put me out , literally, almost killed me. For a long time I went through some type of guilt….we all walked away from the crash. Like a survivor's guilt. It took over 2 years to stop feeling sorry for myself, and yes, there r people worse off than me. I'm messed up for life, but I was saved for a purpose

  6. Really? Sandberg is one of the people who helped destroy the world. She alone took Googles dataslavery economic logic to Facebook and now they too whore out everyones data to enrich themselves. Now the Surveillance Capitalist class are trying to exploit this crisis to API into our lives more. When we eat the rich, Sandberg will be one of the first for sure.

  7. Take care sheyl sandberg 😘💓💪🏠🐻

  8. Oh look! Someone’s trying to get me to buy something!

  9. Let me give some accurate information do United States funded and paid for the study of the coronavirus in Wuhan. According to Melinda Gates the virus is spreaded in the United States first.white supremacist have been shot and killed for trying to blow up hospitals. African American pastors was targeted by white supremacist if you leave your house be aware they're watching and following

  10. It's all so sad how bad these rich people's got it I feel so sorry for her😥

  11. Commander…, how do we live on when 50% of our POPULATIONS “in this world” of and for the UNITED NATIONS [International Mafia] / * of FREE MASON Internationalist MEMBERS ONLY Lodges are {all possessed} [{**}] and subservient to this W.H.O. – I.M.F. – W.T.O. Global Citizens of the Pope on Dopes Synagogue of S.A.T.A.N. from the book of REVELATION that proves MUD FLOODS “are done” +=+ by these 5G Microwave Machination Mechnizations??? The most important thing we the people “of and for” [{*}] OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition need to do is share information using old {Cassette Decks} where we can make Messages and Reports to our People as the Teachers and Leaders of our “Communities” even you my loves on them 2 Continents left off the U.N. FLAGS [Flat Earth] World Domination Map!!! Once WE THE PEOPLE………, and Persons know whom we are…….., where we are…….., and what we are……, THEY LIVE can no longer put us the NONMASON Romantic “Dancing Warriors” under their Spells and SORCERY of Oppression for we will just NOT OBEY – Not Comply – Nor Submit!!!! I know “you know” how too kill anyone in “Secret” and too take their I.D. and Military to Police “Costumes” and REPLACE them as the COMMUNITY Leaders “no matter” where you live….., so gather in groups…., and do so… In all things…, WE THE TAX Paying “Citizens” must REMEDY any.., and all whom [do not uphold] their Oath of Office to our DOCUMENTS known as our “Corporation” Constitutions from the 50 STATE FOR AMERICA too the Lands of Europe., Asia, and Beyond!!! Never forget those in the Military and {Police Departments} are ALSO Citizens, but they are doing SEDITION, and TREASON, so we “have no need” too pay or help them, or keep THEM alive any more “be they” Male or Female, 13 years of age and older` for if they want to serve their L.U.C.I.F.E.R. then it is “our duty” as CITIZENS that we serve Our J.E.S.U.S. too kill them all be it sneaking into “their houses” to hide outs, and even crash into them [HEAD ON] as Crazed {BERSERKER} Suicidal Maniacs for if these RED FLAG LAWS ever catch you and I and we “The Society of nonmason” Unorganized, and unarmed, and OUT NUMBERED……., then we will “be dead” before we can CUT THE POWER, and Wires to all this 5G “Eugenics” MUD FLOOD Tech!!! As for you young people 12 and 11 and even 10 years older.?.?.?.?.?, but NO YOUNGER………, you have “my permission’ too save the lives of as many as you can of we of Pak-Toe be we your “Ancient Protectors” too {WE ARE} your Fellow Brothers and Sisters Guardians!!! Fight Will, Fight Harsh, and Fight to live to fight another day!!! And Always say it: Death to The Racka!!!!!!!! We live for the one, we die for the one, we kill for the ONE Cause we are The ones!!!! Buddah~ Lucifer` Jesus~ The Trinity… [*}*{*]

    The Commander~


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