The presidential hopeful’s plan would include all private and graduate school loan debt.
#2020Candidates #BernieSanders #Debt #Politics #ABCNews
The presidential hopeful’s plan would include all private and graduate school loan debt.
#2020Candidates #BernieSanders #Debt #Politics #ABCNews
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So glad this Lunatic isnt in office
Communist ass sphincter says what.
If we also make everything basic human rights and free, then we are living in a paradise! Let's do it!
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Sounds good other countries have
Education is the best way to get far ahead of all our competitors. So why not make it free. It pays for itself merely by it's effect on on our economy and its development.
Demand colleges regulate and cap prices
That way they can’t keep raising costs which will raise our taxes
Will he pay me back for the 80,000 I paid in student loans over the last 15 years? If no, you get the same answer on my vote
Hmm… I think anyone who took a degree in graphic design deserves the pity of student debt forgiveness.. seriously. Anyone in the Graphic Design field who has struggled to get a job or at least make normal money can understand. (but yes, this is bias..)
I paid off all of my student loans/debt. Will I get refund? The answer is no. So the financially illiterate will get a bail out and reward, and the financially responsible will get nothing. I sacrificed TOO MUCH to pay off my debts. If you think student loan forgiveness is a good idea you are a loser in life. If you count down the days to get your W2 to get your tax refund, guess what, you're in the wrong tax bracket lol If you think $15 an hour minimum wage is a good idea, you're just as senile as this old delusional communist pig
Does this include graduate school and other advanced degrees? Law school has me over 200k in debt
Bruh I need some student loan debt relief..
I don’t know about YOU folks, but I vote for the person who promises to give me a new, sparkly bicycle with a handlebar basket and streamers……
So, will this be retroactive to those who worked hard and paid off their student loan debt? Will those folks get a reimbursement? And what about those who WANTED to go to college but found it to expensive so they went to work instead. Will THEY get a nice check from the IRS for the the money they WOULD have earned if they had gone to college?
See how these liberal, socialist handouts suddenly spiral out of control?
Yes that makes total sense…. NOT! You will flood the market with more degrees….Sure you’ll have free education but You will need to fight even more for a position then you do now. Why don’t they lower their salaries, our taxes before they bail out everybody and their mother.
About time someone tackled the insanity of higher cost education
Here’s the plan. You borrow all the money to go to school. (Like I did) You graduate. You do without for about ten years until you pay it all back. Then…. the government strokes you a check for the entire amount you spent. Thus, rewarding you for all your responsible behavior and hard work.
I like you Bernie but I don't believe in erasing student loan debt. It's unfair to the people who has already pay off their student loans and the people didn't attended college. UNLESS YOU MAKE COLLEGE FREE FOR ALL!
I owed 50,000 student loan but I dot agree w/this I care about this country
So, let's not work for anything, right? Government will just bail us out. Hmmmm, people will do anything to get votes. So, does that mean I get a refund on the college courses that I did complete?
Who is gonna pay for that ?
How is this gonna pass though?
Fuck this old man has lost it
Ha ha ha! Yeah right! Good lie Bernout!
Bernie's my guy
As someone who struggles to pay my bills by going to work and making decisions that limit my desires so I can live within my means, screw it. I want the poor to pay for my mortgage by taking welfare and applying it to my bills. We can go without infrastructure spending so I can get my credit cards down to zero. Everybody else can help me with my bills it’s only fair.
Give shit out for free seems to be the watchword… Ya know… Without thinking about the consequences.
For all you that want to vote for Bernie just to get rid of your loan debt remember nothing's for free and it'll be passed on to you when you get a good job in form of a big fat juicy tax, but don't worry I think ramen noodles are still pretty cheap! Hahaha
Why does the American people have to pay for other's financial mistakes? What about the people who slowly saved money and paid their way without loans? Will we be reimbursed too?
Dems again using band-aid solutions. Obama bailed out wall street with tax payer dollars. He created the student loan guarantees giving high school teenage grads free rein for money to college. Despite it being a burden to them for decades, did the teenager know what he /she was getting into? As a society we have a large population of young people drowning in debt. Debt many will default on. Sanders has a viable solution, but what the hell is he teaching the debtors? These graduates will be primed to take on humongous debt irresponsibly. Instead of forgiving debt, an amnesty that incentives regular pay back over a much smaller period. Then the balance to be paid by wall street. Unsure of how to handle the non-participants that think default is the way to go?
Hey asswipe, do I get a refund? If you paid for your college education, you should be incensed by this crap and DEMAND a refund if this Socialist, Nazi gets elected President
I remember when this man was beaten, chained, and arrested for fighting for Civil Rights and marching with the Rev., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was a young college student who also organized sit-ins at his college too. No one talks about the plethora of white kids who participated in those sit-ins.