A new Des Moines Register poll shows Bernie Sanders in the lead but with three weeks before the caucuses the tight race is still up for grabs. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2TvFJpF
#ABCNews #Iowa #Bernie2020 #BernieSanders #DemDebate #Politics
A new Des Moines Register poll shows Bernie Sanders in the lead but with three weeks before the caucuses the tight race is still up for grabs. READ MORE: https://abcn.ws/2TvFJpF
#ABCNews #Iowa #Bernie2020 #BernieSanders #DemDebate #Politics
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The media is scared of Bernie sanders, that’s a good thing Bernie sanders 2020.
Everyone vote ðŸâ€â€Â³ every adult whom is legal age must do there part to vote
Not sure what’s worse, one of these old swamp demon-rats (Warren or Biden) or a catastrophic aging socialist like Bernie. What a lousy set of choices for 2020. I don’t think I have a choice but to vote Republican for the first time. My friends and family will call me a racist even though I voted for Obama twice. But there is no way I’m going to vote for these clowns on the left.
I'm a Bernie volunteer and we do not talk about the other candidate, just Bernie and his plan for America. Seriously, the voter calling script is very courteous and doesn't talk about the other candidates. If you want to help Bernie, please volunteer, it's easy and fun!
Even if you agree with Warren's policies 100%, you have to admit that her political instincts are absolutely terrible. Her dubious claim of Native American ancestry would have passed into memory, but she she tore off the scab with her ridiculous DNA test. And of course her decision to go on the offence against Bernie has backfired spectacularly. Trump may be an idiot, but his schoolyard bully instincts are sharp, and Warren would make such a ridiculously easy target. Whereas Bernie is one of the very few politicians active today who genuinely does not give a single fuck. Trump could insult him to his face and Bernie will ignore it and keep pressing the issues, because that's who he is.
Great news for trump
Warren and Clinton are the reason he picked up. Twisting people's words and bad mouthing like 12 year old girls after school ruined it for a female this year.
Thank you ABC News for using the #Bernie2020 and #BernieSanders to help us get the word out for our cause!
33 developed countries in the world. 32 of 33 have universal healthcare and college subsidy. Guess the 1 out of 33 that doesnt? yes that's right our own crippling country of 20 trillion GDP has its population fending for itself, paying 100k+ dollars per head for basic HUMAN RIGHTS. Change this. vote Bernie 2020
#Bernie2020 #ilikebernie !!!!!
lol yall scared
Bernie all the way !!
Sanders will be 79 Biden will be 78, Liz will be 71, others are not qualified for people's president. Yang is the only one can help and cares for Americans.
If the democrats don’t succeed in sabotaging him Bernie will win. We need REAL change in this country and the people outside of the beltway know it.
If we want to beat trump, Bernie is the only choice
Nominate Bernie and I will vote, nominate Biden and no I don’t.
Warren really hasn't learned that playing the victim card is not a good move
Georgia for Bernie, I’m fucking sick of seeing trump signs at every turn where I live.
I wish pete would drop out but his supporters prob will go to biden lol
Feel the Bern #bernie2020
Oh Gawd, drop out lyin Liz! Go Bernie!
She is a nomine of the elite. Bernie is an angel and would never say such thing, But all of us his followers are not as good as him and will preach the true about the other candidates, most of them corporate puppets and right wing policies.