Bernie Sanders projected to win New Hampshire Democratic primary

Bernie Sanders projected to win New Hampshire Democratic primary

Pete Buttigieg is projected to finish second, while Sen. Amy Klobuchar is expected to finish third.


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42 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders projected to win New Hampshire Democratic primary

  1. We ❤️❤️❤️ you President Bernie Sanders ❤️❤️❤️.

  2. Oohhh so bring 3 different people whom are "Advisors with credibility" to say that
    the party isnt behind bernie and also didnt show up to vote for BERNIE.

    Progressive unbiased Media:


  3. How SANDERS could become a democrat candidate, if hes a COMMUNIST?? He likes dictators like Hugu Chaves, Pinochet, he likes USSR, he was there, how it even possible COMMUNIST = DEMOCRAT????? WTF. Thats why he brought a FULL chaous into the DNC)))
    While Democrats fighting each other, he constantly getting hes portion of votes and delegates. Dump people)))

  4. It is a terrible shame to see any American voting for a So finalist. Please people, before you cross the line to Socialism, take a look at all of the Socialist countries to see how they are doing before you vote for something g is going to give e anyone e everything for free! Who do you think will be paying for all the "FREE" stuff?

  5. This is rigged for Bernie! It's obvious! The only person everyone wants is Mike Bloomberg! He is THE BEST CHOICE 2020!

    This comment paid for by Mike Bloombergâ„¢

  6. Woo hoo!
    🇺🇸❤️SANDERS 2020/#46❤️🇺🇸

  7. If Bernie gets to run against Trump you can bet a LOT of democrats will vote Trump. These are just states. Bernie would need blacks, Hispanics, democrats etc… Not happening. I will say I don't like the DNC railroading Bernie. If he wins let him run.

  8. A win is a win regardless by how many. You guys are really hitting hard on Bernie. You were really gunning for bitter Biden and now that he is out you need to latch on to your next host. Give Bernie a chance. He is the only one who can beat trump.

  9. Top 10 results in
    1 st Donald Trump Rep
    Distance 2nd
    2nd. Burnie Sanders Dem
    3rd. Pete Buttigieg. Dem
    4 th. Amy Klobuchar Dem
    5 th. Elizabeth Warren. Dem
    6 th. Joe Biden. Dem
    7 th. Bill Weld. Rep
    8 th. Tom Styner. Dem
    9 th. Tulsi Gabbard. Dem
    10 t. Andrew Yang. Dem
    Right in for Rep and Right in for Dem came in 11 place
    Then rest

  10. ‪Link 1 To CLD 5v5 ‬

    ‪Link 2 is For MW2 Rust Map Gameplay‬

    ‪Please leave a view and like help a bro out just tryna make it n help my parents so I can I prove them wrong in this YouTube Career that anyone can make it ⚡️💜‬

  11. MSNBC: Bernie wins popular vote in Iowa and New Hampshire but Buttigieg may end up with more delegates.
    Funny…I don't hear any of you crying about muh popular vote this time…

  12. Isn't Heidi Hiedcamp famous for losing her seat to a republican by trying to be republican lite?
    And I'm supposed to take her punditry seriously?
    Take the 👎🏾

  13. Pete and Amy has one thing in common, people of color are not fans and Pete’s black support is so haha

  14. Too bad, by choosing poser Liberal Bernie Dems are going to give impeached Trump 4 more years. Even I pkan, as a Dem, to vote trump over Sanders. Can't believe how stupid Dems are!

  15. "Three people are tied. There is no frontrunner". ????? ABC has delusional reporting. There i s a difference of over 10,000 votes.The American people are extremely tired of the media lying constantly. Stop it.

  16. The sheepeople that are voting for sanders. Pot heads and student loans. And "IF" he could be President, there is no way he can guarantee anything he is saying!

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