Bernie Sanders projected to win Nevada caucuses

Bernie Sanders projected to win Nevada caucuses

ABC News projects that Bernie Sanders will be the winner in the Nevada Democratic caucuses.


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22 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders projected to win Nevada caucuses

  1. "Reap what you sow" Definition: Spend 93% of your time dumping on the President …and what do you get?Bernie Sanders as the democratic nominee …Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism.

  2. "Rich beyond anyone's dreams' needs to be halted. Billionaires to Trillionaires has to stop. To keep this beloved Nation going, the people need to have an equal slice of the pie. If it continues that the 'dumbing down of America' goes on, then Capitalists will IMPORT workers. Ask Microsoft where they get some of their workforces. If families have to work TWO jobs each to make ends meet if seniors have to go back to work as cashiers at Walmart, Kohls, supermarkets, if all these hardships continue, we will see and feel the worst economy that will pour more unemployed on the streets. In neighborhoods across this nation, people are being evicted from their homes, losing jobs, sleeping behind abandon buildings. My community of over 5000 has been reported with 1500 homeless because of EVICTIONS. Women abuse, child abuse, joblessness. We people are donating to motels, food pantries, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity. Sanders/Warren needs to replace the REPUBLICAN SWAMP. It doesn't mean SOCIALISM when EVERYONE enjoys their fair share.

  3. I am glad Sen. Sanders has won Nevada. I'd like to see Sen. Warren take SECOND. She stays on top of the issues. She is not dedicated to crucifying the BILLIONAIRES. She is fighting to relieve them of their hidden tax dollars. BILLIONAIRES are not the issue. Bloomberg is not the issue. Buttigieg's plan to talk us to death is not the issue. VP Biden's relentless obsession with the 'BRASS RING' is not the issue. Sen. Warren stays on top of excusing college debt, prevent evictions of those who fall back on mortgage payments, not causing chaos with healthcare plans, SCIENCE for GREEN jobs, getting allies to invest in our manufacturing of products in the USA, etc. Folks, Capitalism was meant to SUPPORT a Democratic Socialist Republic. It was not meant that the Democratic Socialist Republic was to support CAPITALISM! That is the direction TODAY that our government has leaned towards. Capitalists are guilty of sending our precious jobs to South Korea, India, Mexico, Philippines, China, etc. They have ENSLAVED OTHER NATIONS with peanut wages. Then they turn around and SELL to we the people at higher costs. AVARICE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED. GREED NEEDS TO BE STOPPED. Vote for a SANDERS/WARREN ticket.

  4. They just covered the candidate who lost by double digits passionately instead of the winner!
    We only watch you to confirm how ridiculous, one sided and “fake news” you are along as major MSM, ABC!

  5. It's almost like every one under 45 lived through all the bullshit you get when Billionaires buy laws and tax brakes and now no one under 45 fucking has any thing.

  6. Maybe moving to the united states is not a good idea. I'm from a socialist country in the caribbean, awful place to raise kids. Please anyone but this man. Pete, Bloomberg, hell even Donald Trump

  7. Remember these reporters are tied to campaigns and see it as an opportunity to make connections in an eventual administration. That is one reason some of these reporters seem or are biased. If the campaign they follow is over, their career prospects also go down with it.

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