Bernie Sanders projected to win Colorado Democratic primary

Bernie Sanders projected to win Colorado Democratic primary

Voters picked the Vermont senator in Colorados first primary after switching from a caucus system used in previous election cycles.


#ABCNews #SuperTuesday #Primary #States #2020PresidentialElection #2020Candidates #Results #Polls #Politics


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50 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders projected to win Colorado Democratic primary

  1. 🍀 Irish Honey Badger -> ^ ^ Screw Bernie again DNC will be history ^ ^ 😠

  2. Only got half the voters in his state😂 people are done with listening to old man screaming at clouds

  3. Much as the Sanders phenomenon may seem like a 'new' thing on the American political landscape, according to Scripture 'there is nothing new under the sun.' The first Canadian election campaign which I can remember (in 1972) featured a candidate named David Lewis, who ran on the lovely slogan, 'CORPORATE WELFARE BUMS'———–a more colorful presentation of the same message. Yet in 50 years his party could never dislodge the Liberal/Conservative establishment, and the corporations remain as powerful as ever.

    During the 1890s there arose a Populist movement, partly in the grain belt of the USA, which opposed the power of BIG MONEY. William Jennings Bryan became its leader as it folded into the Democratic tent. But there is an interesting wrinkle in that history, because Mr. Bryant was not only a 'progressive' but also an EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN. This was the same man who gamely defended the authority of Scripture during the Scopes trial of 1925, against the dogmatic arguments of Darwinian evolutionism————–which after all, is a THEORY, not proven fact from beginning to end.

    Might I mention that in foreign policy, Bryan was an anti-imperialist? He did not seem to think that the USA should 'liberate' other nations and then keep them by force. If he was an old-fashioned 'progressive', I like that kind far better than the utopian brand of today!!

  4. Bernie you need to start to fight against Biden. The DNC has already turned on you. The media has…not seeing much of you on free TV. Don't make your campaign pointless again.


  6. We would the people pick a senile socialist? What’s wrong with you fools. Regardless, Trump will wipe the floor with any one of them

  7. I’m telling you dont vote for Bernie his math dose not check out all of his cost for his plans are 5 Times the national debt

  8. If you want to keep things the same vote for Biden or Trump, there's no difference… If I can't vote for Bernie Ill stay home for the first time in 18 years.

  9. It really doesn't matter who wins the nomination from a Demo party, as trump will take him/her down in the landslide victory. Personally, I'm cheering for Boris Ivanovich Sanderovsky to win. Just wanna see the debate Trump vs. "back in the USSR". It'll be the best show for many years to come!!!!

  10. ABC is an absolute joke!!!! 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼

  11. Yeah for Bernie, ABC, all the corporate media, and the DNC can simply SUCK IT! Screw the people and Bernie again, and Trump will have another term, and you can take it to the bank!

  12. Ive never met a Biden supporter and have never seen a Biden supporter online. Who are these elusive Bidenites? Where are they hiding?

    And why would Samoans vote for Bloomberg? How random is that?

  13. I just don't get WTF Elizabeth Warren was even still running I think she actually thinks the Super Delegates is gonna pick her as the nominee the way she talked on an interview earlier that's what she actually believes she still says she's the best pick to beat Donald Trump but in reality she screwed Bernie Sanders I wanted him to win cause america is Ready for a big change but I also like Biden so at least it won't be BLOOMBERG I hope!!! We actually have 2 good choices at the top of the ticket so vote blue America and save our country cause I want to see Trump and his cronies all behind Bars lol!!!

  14. I don’t understand how so many republicans flipped to vote democratic to just put someone with dementia in a political war.. even if it for the candidate they want to win by a landslide 😒 #Sick

  15. Bernie, u need to step aside because Biden is leading, and once Obama comes out and throw his support towards Biden, it's a wrap! BERNIE YOU ARE DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID TO HILLARY, WHICH IS TO SPLIT THE DEMOCRATIC VOTE THAT GAVE VICTORY TO CROOKED CONMAN TRUMP! Stop it already Bernie….your true character of selfishness to win and stubbornness is on display for the rational thinking people to see 🧐 BOW OUT GRACEFULLY, AND STOP LOOKING INDEPENDENT!!!

  16. Try this if you think voting is not rigged:
    Go on a site that shows the voting methods for each state.
    Then see who wins the ones with electronic voting that don't have paper trails.
    See who wins the states with paper trails. If they look complete opposite congrats to you for seeing how they rig the voting.

  17. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
    Bernie Beats Trump!
    Trump said So!

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